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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
* States of the [FxAccountManager].
enum AccountState {
case start
case notAuthenticated
case authenticationProblem
case authenticatedNoProfile
case authenticatedWithProfile
* Base class for [FxAccountManager] state machine events.
* Events aren't a simple enum class because we might want to pass data along with some of the events.
enum Event {
case initialize
case accountNotFound
case accountRestored
case changedPassword(newSessionToken: String)
case authenticated(authData: FxaAuthData)
case authenticationError /* (error: AuthException) */
case recoveredFromAuthenticationProblem
case fetchProfile(ignoreCache: Bool)
case fetchedProfile
case failedToFetchProfile
case logout
extension FxAccountManager {
// State transition matrix. Returns nil if there's no transition.
static func nextState(state: AccountState, event: Event) -> AccountState? {
switch state {
case .start:
switch event {
case .initialize: return .start
case .accountNotFound: return .notAuthenticated
case .accountRestored: return .authenticatedNoProfile
default: return nil
case .notAuthenticated:
switch event {
case .authenticated: return .authenticatedNoProfile
default: return nil
case .authenticatedNoProfile:
switch event {
case .authenticationError: return .authenticationProblem
case .fetchProfile: return .authenticatedNoProfile
case .fetchedProfile: return .authenticatedWithProfile
case .failedToFetchProfile: return .authenticatedNoProfile
case .changedPassword: return .authenticatedNoProfile
case .logout: return .notAuthenticated
default: return nil
case .authenticatedWithProfile:
switch event {
case .fetchProfile: return .authenticatedWithProfile
case .fetchedProfile: return .authenticatedWithProfile
case .authenticationError: return .authenticationProblem
case .changedPassword: return .authenticatedNoProfile
case .logout: return .notAuthenticated
default: return nil
case .authenticationProblem:
switch event {
case .recoveredFromAuthenticationProblem: return .authenticatedNoProfile
case .authenticated: return .authenticatedNoProfile
case .logout: return .notAuthenticated
default: return nil