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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
public extension Notification.Name {
static let accountLoggedOut = Notification.Name("accountLoggedOut")
static let accountAuthProblems = Notification.Name("accountAuthProblems")
static let accountAuthenticated = Notification.Name("accountAuthenticated")
static let accountProfileUpdate = Notification.Name("accountProfileUpdate")
// A place-holder for now removed migration support. This can be removed once
public enum MigrationResult {}
// swiftlint:disable type_body_length
open class FxAccountManager {
let accountStorage: KeyChainAccountStorage
let config: FxAConfig
var deviceConfig: DeviceConfig
let applicationScopes: [String]
var acct: PersistedFirefoxAccount?
var account: PersistedFirefoxAccount? {
get { return acct }
set {
acct = newValue
if let acc = acct {
constellation = makeDeviceConstellation(account: acc)
var state = AccountState.start
var profile: Profile?
var constellation: DeviceConstellation?
var latestOAuthStateParam: String?
/// Instantiate the account manager.
/// This class is intended to be long-lived within your app.
/// `keychainAccessGroup` is especially important if you are
/// using the manager in iOS App Extensions.
public required init(
config: FxAConfig,
deviceConfig: DeviceConfig,
applicationScopes: [String] = [OAuthScope.profile],
keychainAccessGroup: String? = nil
) {
self.config = config
self.deviceConfig = deviceConfig
self.applicationScopes = applicationScopes
accountStorage = KeyChainAccountStorage(keychainAccessGroup: keychainAccessGroup)
private lazy var statePersistenceCallback: FxAStatePersistenceCallback = .init(manager: self)
/// Starts the FxA account manager and advances the state machine.
/// It is required to call this method before doing anything else with the manager.
/// Note that as a result of this initialization, notifications such as `accountAuthenticated` might be
/// fired.
public func initialize(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
processEvent(event: .initialize) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(Result.success(())) }
/// Returns true the user is currently logged-in to an account, no matter if they need to reconnect or not.
public func hasAccount() -> Bool {
return state == .authenticatedWithProfile ||
state == .authenticatedNoProfile ||
state == .authenticationProblem
/// Resets the inner Persisted Account based on the persisted state
/// Callers can use this method to refresh the account manager to reflect
/// the latest persisted state.
/// It's possible for the account manager to go out sync with the persisted state
/// in case an extension (Notification Service for example) modifies the persisted state
public func resetPersistedAccount() {
account =
/// Returns true if the account needs re-authentication.
/// Your app should present the option to start a new OAuth flow.
public func accountNeedsReauth() -> Bool {
return state == .authenticationProblem
/// Set the user data before completing their authentication
public func setUserData(userData: UserData, completion: @escaping () -> Void) { {
self.account?.setUserData(userData: userData)
/// Begins a new authentication flow.
/// This function returns a URL string that the caller should open in a webview.
/// Once the user has confirmed the authorization grant, they will get redirected to `redirect_url`:
/// the caller must intercept that redirection, extract the `code` and `state` query parameters and call
/// `finishAuthentication(...)` to complete the flow.
public func beginAuthentication(
entrypoint: String,
scopes: [String] = [],
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<URL, Error>) -> Void
) {"beginAuthentication")
var scopes = scopes
if scopes.isEmpty {
scopes = applicationScopes
} {
let result = self.updatingLatestAuthState { account in
try account.beginOAuthFlow(
scopes: scopes,
entrypoint: entrypoint
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(result) }
/// Begins a new pairing flow.
/// The pairing URL corresponds to the URL shown by the other pairing party,
/// scanned by your app QR code reader.
/// This function returns a URL string that the caller should open in a webview.
/// Once the user has confirmed the authorization grant, they will get redirected to `redirect_url`:
/// the caller must intercept that redirection, extract the `code` and `state` query parameters and call
/// `finishAuthentication(...)` to complete the flow.
public func beginPairingAuthentication(
pairingUrl: String,
entrypoint: String,
scopes: [String] = [],
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<URL, Error>) -> Void
) {
var scopes = scopes
if scopes.isEmpty {
scopes = applicationScopes
} {
let result = self.updatingLatestAuthState { account in
try account.beginPairingFlow(
pairingUrl: pairingUrl,
scopes: scopes,
entrypoint: entrypoint
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(result) }
/// Run a "begin authentication" closure, extracting the returned `state` from the returned URL
/// and put it aside for later in `latestOAuthStateParam`.
/// Afterwards, in `finishAuthentication` we ensure that we are
/// finishing the correct (and same) authentication flow.
private func updatingLatestAuthState(_ beginFlowFn: (PersistedFirefoxAccount) throws -> URL) -> Result<URL, Error> {
do {
let url = try beginFlowFn(requireAccount())
let comps = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true)
latestOAuthStateParam = comps!.queryItems!.first(where: { $ == "state" })!.value
return .success(url)
} catch {
return .failure(error)
// A no-op place-holder for now removed support for migrating from a pre-rust
// session token into a rust fxa-client. This stub remains to avoid causing
// a breaking change for iOS and can be removed after
// has been resolved.
public func authenticateViaMigration(
sessionToken _: String,
kSync _: String,
kXCS _: String,
completionHandler _: @escaping (MigrationResult) -> Void
) {
// This will almost certainly never be called in practice. If it is, I guess
// trying to force iOS into a "needs auth" state is the right thing to do...
processEvent(event: .authenticationError) {}
/// Finish an authentication flow.
/// If it succeeds, a `.accountAuthenticated` notification will get fired.
public func finishAuthentication(
authData: FxaAuthData,
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void
) {
if latestOAuthStateParam == nil {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.failure(FxaError.NoExistingAuthFlow(message: ""))) }
} else if authData.state != latestOAuthStateParam {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.failure(FxaError.WrongAuthFlow(message: ""))) }
} else { /* state == latestAuthState */
processEvent(event: .authenticated(authData: authData)) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.success(())) }
/// Try to get an OAuth access token.
public func getAccessToken(
scope: String,
ttl: UInt64? = nil,
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<AccessTokenInfo, Error>) -> Void
) { {
do {
let tokenInfo = try self.requireAccount().getAccessToken(scope: scope, ttl: ttl)
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.success(tokenInfo)) }
} catch {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.failure(error)) }
/// Get the session token associated with this account.
/// Note that you should have requested the `.session` scope earlier to be able to get this token.
public func getSessionToken() -> Result<String, Error> {
do {
return try .success(requireAccount().getSessionToken())
} catch {
return .failure(error)
/// The account password has been changed locally and a new session token has been sent to us through WebChannel.
public func handlePasswordChanged(newSessionToken: String, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
processEvent(event: .changedPassword(newSessionToken: newSessionToken)) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler() }
/// Get the account management URL.
public func getManageAccountURL(
entrypoint: String,
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<URL, Error>) -> Void
) { {
do {
let url = try self.requireAccount().getManageAccountURL(entrypoint: entrypoint)
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.success(url)) }
} catch {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.failure(error)) }
/// Get the pairing URL to navigate to on the Auth side (typically a computer).
public func getPairingAuthorityURL(
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<URL, Error>) -> Void
) { {
do {
let url = try self.requireAccount().getPairingAuthorityURL()
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.success(url)) }
} catch {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.failure(error)) }
/// Get the token server URL with `1.0/sync/1.5` appended at the end.
public func getTokenServerEndpointURL(
completionHandler: @escaping (Result<URL, Error>) -> Void
) { {
do {
let url = try self.requireAccount()
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.success(url)) }
} catch {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.failure(error)) }
/// Refresh the user profile in the background. A threshold is applied
/// to profile fetch calls on the Rust side to avoid hammering the servers
/// with requests. If you absolutely know your profile is out-of-date and
/// need a fresh one, use the `ignoreCache` param to bypass the
/// threshold.
/// If it succeeds, a `.accountProfileUpdate` notification will get fired.
public func refreshProfile(ignoreCache: Bool = false) {
processEvent(event: .fetchProfile(ignoreCache: ignoreCache)) {
// Do nothing
/// Get the user profile synchronously. It could be empty
/// because of network or authentication problems.
public func accountProfile() -> Profile? {
if state == .authenticatedWithProfile || state == .authenticationProblem {
return profile
return nil
/// Get the device constellation.
public func deviceConstellation() -> DeviceConstellation? {
return constellation
/// Log-out from the account.
/// The `.accountLoggedOut` notification will also get fired.
public func logout(completionHandler: @escaping (Result<Void, Error>) -> Void) {
processEvent(event: .logout) {
DispatchQueue.main.async { completionHandler(.success(())) }
/// Returns a JSON string containing telemetry events to submit in the next
/// Sync ping. This is used to collect telemetry for services like Send Tab.
/// This method can be called anytime, and returns `nil` if the account is
/// not initialized or there are no events to record.
public func gatherTelemetry() throws -> String? {
guard let acct = account else {
return nil
return try acct.gatherTelemetry()
let fxaFsmQueue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.mozilla.fxa-mgr-queue")
func processEvent(event: Event, completionHandler: @escaping () -> Void) {
fxaFsmQueue.async {
var toProcess: Event? = event
while let evt = toProcess {
toProcess = nil // Avoid infinite loop if `toProcess` doesn't get replaced.
guard let nextState = FxAccountManager.nextState(state: self.state, event: evt) else {
FxALog.error("Got invalid event \(evt) for state \(self.state).")
FxALog.debug("Processing event \(evt) for state \(self.state). Next state is \(nextState).")
self.state = nextState
toProcess = self.stateActions(forState: self.state, via: evt)
if let successiveEvent = toProcess {
"Ran \(evt) side-effects for state \(self.state), got successive event \(successiveEvent)."
// swiftlint:disable function_body_length
func stateActions(forState: AccountState, via: Event) -> Event? {
switch forState {
case .start: do {
switch via {
case .initialize: do {
if let acct = tryRestoreAccount() {
account = acct
return .accountRestored
} else {
return .accountNotFound
default: return nil
case .notAuthenticated: do {
switch via {
case .logout: do {
// Clean up internal account state and destroy the current FxA device record.
requireAccount().disconnect()"Disconnected FxA account")
profile = nil
constellation = nil
// If we cannot instantiate FxA something is *really* wrong, crashing is a valid option.
account = createAccount()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
name: .accountLoggedOut,
object: nil
case .accountNotFound: do {
account = createAccount()
default: break // Do nothing
case .authenticatedNoProfile: do {
switch via {
case let .authenticated(authData): do {"Registering persistence callback")
FxALog.debug("Completing oauth flow")
do {
try requireAccount().completeOAuthFlow(code: authData.code, state: authData.state)
} catch {
// Reasons this can fail:
// - network errors
// - unknown auth state
// - authenticating via web-content; we didn't beginOAuthFlowAsync
FxALog.error("Error completing OAuth flow: \(error)")
}"Initializing device")
type: deviceConfig.deviceType,
capabilities: deviceConfig.capabilities
postAuthenticated(authType: authData.authType)
return Event.fetchProfile(ignoreCache: false)
case .accountRestored: do {"Registering persistence callback")
requireAccount().registerPersistCallback(statePersistenceCallback)"Ensuring device capabilities...")
requireConstellation().ensureCapabilities(capabilities: deviceConfig.capabilities)
postAuthenticated(authType: .existingAccount)
return Event.fetchProfile(ignoreCache: false)
case .recoveredFromAuthenticationProblem: do {"Registering persistence callback")
requireAccount().registerPersistCallback(statePersistenceCallback)"Initializing device")
type: deviceConfig.deviceType,
capabilities: deviceConfig.capabilities
postAuthenticated(authType: .recovered)
return Event.fetchProfile(ignoreCache: false)
case let .changedPassword(newSessionToken): do {
do {
try requireAccount().handleSessionTokenChange(sessionToken: newSessionToken)"Initializing device")
type: deviceConfig.deviceType,
capabilities: deviceConfig.capabilities
postAuthenticated(authType: .existingAccount)
return Event.fetchProfile(ignoreCache: false)
} catch {
FxALog.error("Error handling the session token change: \(error)")
case let .fetchProfile(ignoreCache): do {
// Profile fetching and account authentication issues:"Fetching profile...")
do {
profile = try requireAccount().getProfile(ignoreCache: ignoreCache)
} catch {
return Event.failedToFetchProfile
return Event.fetchedProfile
default: break // Do nothing
case .authenticatedWithProfile: do {
switch via {
case .fetchedProfile: do {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
name: .accountProfileUpdate,
object: nil,
userInfo: ["profile": self.profile!]
case let .fetchProfile(refresh): do {"Refreshing profile...")
do {
profile = try requireAccount().getProfile(ignoreCache: refresh)
} catch {
return Event.failedToFetchProfile
return Event.fetchedProfile
default: break // Do nothing
case .authenticationProblem:
switch via {
case .authenticationError: do {
// Somewhere in the system, we've just hit an authentication problem.
// There are two main causes:
// 1) an access token we've obtain from fxalib via 'getAccessToken' expired
// 2) password was changed, or device was revoked
// We can recover from (1) and test if we're in (2) by asking the fxalib.
// If it succeeds, then we can go back to whatever
// state we were in before. Future operations that involve access tokens should
// succeed.
func onError() {
// We are either certainly in the scenario (2), or were unable to determine
// our connectivity state. Let's assume we need to re-authenticate.
// This uncertainty about real state means that, hopefully rarely,
// we will disconnect users that hit transient network errors during
// an authorization check.
FxALog.error("Unable to recover from an auth problem.")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
name: .accountAuthProblems,
object: nil
do {
let account = requireAccount()
let info = try account.checkAuthorizationStatus()
if ! {
return nil
// Make sure we're back on track by re-requesting the profile access token.
_ = try account.getAccessToken(scope: OAuthScope.profile)
return .recoveredFromAuthenticationProblem
} catch {
return nil
default: break // Do nothing
return nil
func createAccount() -> PersistedFirefoxAccount {
return PersistedFirefoxAccount(config: config.rustConfig)
func tryRestoreAccount() -> PersistedFirefoxAccount? {
func makeDeviceConstellation(account: PersistedFirefoxAccount) -> DeviceConstellation {
return DeviceConstellation(account: account)
func postAuthenticated(authType: FxaAuthType) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
name: .accountAuthenticated,
object: nil,
userInfo: ["authType": authType]
func setupInternalListeners() {
// Handle auth exceptions caught in classes that don't hold a reference to the manager.
_ = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: .accountAuthException, object: nil, queue: nil) { _ in
self.processEvent(event: .authenticationError) {}
// Reflect updates to the local device to our own in-memory model.
_ = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(
forName: .constellationStateUpdate, object: nil, queue: nil
) { notification in
if let userInfo = notification.userInfo, let newState = userInfo["newState"] as? ConstellationState {
if let localDevice = newState.localDevice {
self.deviceConfig = DeviceConfig(
name: localDevice.displayName,
// The other properties are likely to not get modified.
type: self.deviceConfig.deviceType,
capabilities: self.deviceConfig.capabilities
func requireAccount() -> PersistedFirefoxAccount {
if let acct = account {
return acct
preconditionFailure("initialize() must be called first.")
func requireConstellation() -> DeviceConstellation {
if let cstl = constellation {
return cstl
preconditionFailure("account must be set (sets constellation).")
// swiftlint:enable function_body_length
// swiftlint:enable type_body_length
extension Notification.Name {
static let accountAuthException = Notification.Name("accountAuthException")
class FxAStatePersistenceCallback: PersistCallback {
weak var manager: FxAccountManager?
public init(manager: FxAccountManager) {
self.manager = manager
func persist(json: String) {
public enum FxaAuthType {
case existingAccount
case signin
case signup
case pairing
case recovered
case other(reason: String)
static func fromActionQueryParam(_ action: String) -> FxaAuthType {
switch action {
case "signin": return .signin
case "signup": return .signup
case "pairing": return .pairing
default: return .other(reason: action)
public struct FxaAuthData {
public let code: String
public let state: String
public let authType: FxaAuthType
/// These constructor paramers shall be extracted from the OAuth final redirection URL query
/// parameters.
public init(code: String, state: String, actionQueryParam: String) {
self.code = code
self.state = state
authType = FxaAuthType.fromActionQueryParam(actionQueryParam)
extension DeviceConfig {
init(name: String, type: DeviceType, capabilities: [DeviceCapability]) {
self.init(name: name, deviceType: type, capabilities: capabilities)