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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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from pathlib import Path
from glean import load_metrics, load_pings
from import PingType
from glean import _builtins
ROOT = Path(__file__).parent
def test_builtin_pings():
assert set(dir(_builtins.pings)).issuperset(
set(["metrics", "baseline", "events", "deletion_request"])
def test_working_metric():
metrics = load_metrics(ROOT / "data" / "core.yaml", config={"allow_reserved": True})
assert metrics.core_ping.flash_usage.__doc__.startswith("The number of times the flash plugin")
assert 1 == metrics.core_ping.flash_usage.test_get_value()
def test_kebab_case_pings():
pings = load_pings(ROOT / "data" / "pings.yaml")
assert isinstance(pings.kebab_case, PingType)