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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
@testable import Glean
import Gzip
import OHHTTPStubs
import OHHTTPStubsSwift
import XCTest
/// Stub out receiving a request on Glean's default Telemetry endpoint.
/// When receiving a request, it extracts the ping type from the URL
/// according to the endpoint URL format.
/// It assumes the request body is a JSON document and tries to decode it.
/// If necessary, it decompresses the request body first.
/// - parameters
/// * callback: A callback to validate the incoming request.
/// It receives a `pingType` and the ping's JSON-decoded `payload`.
func stubServerReceive(callback: @escaping (String, [String: Any]?) -> Void) {
let host = URL(string: Configuration.Constants.defaultTelemetryEndpoint)!.host!
stub(condition: isHost(host)) { data in
let request = data as NSURLRequest
let url = request.url!
let parts = url.absoluteString.split(separator: "/")
let pingType = String(parts[4])
var body = request.ohhttpStubs_HTTPBody()!
if request.value(forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Encoding") == "gzip" {
body = try! body.gunzipped()
let payload = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: body, options: []) as? [String: Any]
callback(pingType, payload)
return HTTPStubsResponse(
data: Data("OK".utf8),
statusCode: 200,
headers: nil
/// Resets Glean, and discards any pings sent during `initialize()`
/// that might interfere with what is being tested in the specific unit test
/// This also prevents outgoing network requests during unit tests while
/// still allowing us to use the default telemetry endpoint.
func resetGleanDiscardingInitialPings(testCase: XCTestCase,
tag: String,
clearStores: Bool = true,
configuration: Configuration = Configuration()) {
let expectation = testCase.expectation(description: "\(tag): Ping Received")
// We are using OHHTTPStubs combined with an XCTestExpectation in order to capture
// outgoing network requests and prevent actual requests being made from tests.
// We wait for 2 pings, in this order:
// 1. baseline ping with reason "dirty-startup"
// 2. baseline ping with reason "active"
// Once we received the "active" baseline ping we're good to go.
// All subsequent pings should be from the test itself.
stubServerReceive { pingType, json in
if pingType != "baseline" {
let pingInfo = json?["ping_info"] as? [String: Any]
let reason = pingInfo?["reason"] as? String
if reason != "active" {
// Fulfill test's expectation once we parsed the incoming data.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Let the response get processed before we mark the expectation fulfilled
// We may recieve more than one ping, using this function means we don't care about any of them
expectation.assertForOverFulfill = false
// Force NO overdue metrics ping. We only expect baseline pings.
let mps = MetricsPingScheduler(true)
Glean.shared.resetGlean(configuration: configuration, clearStores: clearStores)
testCase.waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
// In case this isn't the first test, there might be pending operations.
// We wait for them to finish, so they don't clutter the next tests.
func tearDownStubs() {
/// Stringify a JSON object and if unable to, just return an empty string.
func JSONStringify(_ json: Any) -> String {
do {
let data = try json, options: .prettyPrinted)
if let string = String(data: data, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) {
return string
} catch {
return ""
func stubBuildInfo(_ dateString: String? = nil) -> BuildInfo {
let buildDate: DateComponents
if let dateString = dateString {
let date = Date.fromISO8601String(dateString: dateString, precision: .second)!
buildDate = Calendar.current.dateComponents(in: TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")!, from: date)
} else {
buildDate = DateComponents(
calendar: Calendar.current,
timeZone: TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC"),
year: 2019,
month: 10,
day: 23,
hour: 12,
minute: 52,
second: 8
return BuildInfo(buildDate: buildDate)