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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
@testable import Glean
import XCTest
class DeletionRequestPingTests: XCTestCase {
var expectation: XCTestExpectation?
var lastPingJson: [String: Any]?
private func setupHttpResponseStub(_ expectedPingType: String) {
stubServerReceive { pingType, json in
XCTAssertEqual(pingType, expectedPingType, "Wrong ping type received")
XCTAssert(json != nil)
self.lastPingJson = json
// Fulfill test's expectation once we parsed the incoming data.
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Let the response get processed before we mark the expectation fulfilled
override func tearDown() {
lastPingJson = nil
expectation = nil
func testSendingDeletionPingIfDisabledOutsideOfRun() {
resetGleanDiscardingInitialPings(testCase: self, tag: "GleanTests")
stubServerReceive { pingType, _ in
// Since we are starting Glean with upload disabled, the only ping we
// should see is the deletion request ping
XCTAssertEqual("deletion-request", pingType)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// let the response get processed before we mark the expectation fulfilled
// Set up the expectation that will be fulfilled by the stub above
expectation = expectation(description: "Deletion Request Received")
// Now reset Glean with uploadEnabled = false and not clearing the stores to
// trigger the deletion request ping. Since `uploadEnabled` is `false`, only
// the deletion-request ping should be generated.
Glean.shared.resetGlean(clearStores: false, uploadEnabled: false)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
func testNotSendingDeletionRequestIfUnchangedOutsideOfRun() {
resetGleanDiscardingInitialPings(testCase: self, tag: "GleanTests")
XCTAssert(Glean.shared.isInitialized(), "Glean should be initialized")
// Set up the test stub based on the default telemetry endpoint
stubServerReceive { _, _ in
XCTFail("Should not have recieved any ping")
// Set up the expectation that will NOT be fulfilled by the stub above. If it is
// then it will trigger an assertion due to the `assertForOverFulfill` property.
expectation = expectation(description: "Deletion Request Received")
// So we can wait for expectations below, we will go ahead and fulfill the
// expectation. We want to assert if the ping is triggered and over fulfills it
// from the stub above.
// Reset Glean with uploadEnabled = false
Glean.shared.resetGlean(clearStores: true, uploadEnabled: false)
// Now reset Glean with uploadEnabled = false again without clearing the stores to
// make sure we don't trigger the deletion request ping. If it does, then we will
// have overfulfilled the expectation which will trigger a test assertion.
Glean.shared.resetGlean(clearStores: false, uploadEnabled: false)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
func testDeletionRequestPingsAreSentWhenUploadDisabled() {
resetGleanDiscardingInitialPings(testCase: self, tag: "DeletionRequestPingTests")
expectation = expectation(description: "Completed upload")
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
let clientInfo = lastPingJson!["client_info"] as! [String: Any]
let clientId = clientInfo["client_id"] as! String
XCTAssertNotEqual(clientId, "c0ffeec0-ffee-c0ff-eec0-ffeec0ffeec0")
func testPendingDeletionRequestPingsAreSentOnStartup() {
let glean = Glean.shared
// Create directory for pending deletion-request pings
let pendingDeletionRequestDir = getGleanDirectory().appendingPathComponent("deletion_request")
try! FileManager.default.createDirectory(
atPath: pendingDeletionRequestDir.path,
withIntermediateDirectories: true,
attributes: nil
// Write a deletion-request ping file
let pingId = "b4e4ede0-8716-4691-a3fa-493c56c5be2d"
let submitPath = "/submit/org-mozilla-samples-gleancore/deletion-request/1/\(pingId)"
// swiftlint:disable line_length
// REASON: This is inline JSON
let json = "{\"ping_info\": {\"ping_type\": \"deletion-request\"}, \"client_info\": {\"client_id\": \"test-only\"}}"
// swiftlint:enable line_length
let content = "\(submitPath)\n\(json)"
let pingFile = pendingDeletionRequestDir.appendingPathComponent(pingId)
atPath: pingFile.relativePath,
contents: .utf8),
attributes: nil
expectation = expectation(description: "Completed upload")
// Init Glean.
glean.initialize(uploadEnabled: false, buildInfo: stubBuildInfo())
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
let clientInfo = lastPingJson!["client_info"] as! [String: Any]
let clientId = clientInfo["client_id"] as! String
XCTAssertEqual(clientId, "test-only")
func testDeletionRequestPingsContainExperimentationId() {
let config = Configuration(experimentationId: "alpha-beta-gamma-delta")
Glean.shared.resetGlean(configuration: config, clearStores: true)
expectation = expectation(description: "Completed upload")
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
let metrics = lastPingJson!["metrics"] as! [String: Any]
let strings = metrics["string"] as! [String: Any]
let experimentationId = strings["glean.client.annotation.experimentation_id"] as! String
XCTAssertEqual(experimentationId, "alpha-beta-gamma-delta")