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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
@testable import Glean
import OHHTTPStubs
import OHHTTPStubsSwift
import XCTest
final class BaselinePingTests: XCTestCase {
var expectation: XCTestExpectation?
override func setUp() {
resetGleanDiscardingInitialPings(testCase: self, tag: "GleanTests")
override func tearDown() {
expectation = nil
func testSendingOfForegroundBaselinePing() {
stubServerReceive { _, json in
// Check for the "dirty_startup" flag
let pingInfo = json?["ping_info"] as? [String: Any]
XCTAssertEqual("active", pingInfo?["reason"] as? String)
// We may get error metrics in foreground pings,
// so 'metrics' may exist.
let metrics = json?["metrics"] as? [String: Any]
if metrics != nil {
// Since we are only expecting error metrics,
// let's check that this is all we got.
XCTAssertEqual(metrics?.count, 1, "metrics has more keys than expected: \(JSONStringify(metrics!))")
let labeledCounters = metrics?["labeled_counter"] as? [String: Any]
labeledCounters!.forEach { key, _ in
key.starts(with: "glean.error") || key.starts(with: "glean.validation"),
"Should only see glean.* counters, saw \(key)"
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// let the response get processed before we mark the expectation fulfilled
// Set up the expectation that will be fulfilled by the stub above
expectation = expectation(description: "Baseline Ping Received")
// Set the last time the "metrics" ping was sent to now. This is required for us to not
// send a metrics pings the first time we initialize Glean and to keep it from interfering
// with these tests.
let now = Date()
// Resetting Glean doesn't trigger lifecycle events in tests so we must call the method
// invoked by the lifecycle observer directly. We must also reset the `isActive` flag in
// order to have the correct state to test.
Glean.shared.isActive = false
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
FIXME: This test causes crashes in subsequent tests,
probably because of some race condition triggered by restarting Glean.
func testSendingOfBaselinePingWithDirtyFlag() {
// Set the dirty flag
// Set up the test stub based on the default telemetry endpoint
stubServerReceive { pingType, json in
XCTAssertEqual("baseline", pingType)
XCTAssert(json != nil)
// Check for the "dirty_startup" flag
let pingInfo = json!["ping_info"] as! [String: Any]
let reason = pingInfo["reason"] as! String
if reason == "active" {
// Skip initial "active" ping.
// Glean is initialized ahead of this test and thus we might get one.
XCTAssertEqual("dirty_startup", reason, "Expected a dirty_startup, got \(reason)")
// 'metrics' will exist and include exactly one valid metric.
// No errors should be reported.
let metrics = json!["metrics"] as? [String: Any]
if metrics != nil {
if metrics!.count > 1 {
XCTAssertEqual(metrics?.count, 1, "metrics has more keys than expected: \(JSONStringify(metrics!))")
let labeledCounters = metrics?["labeled_counter"] as? [String: Any]
labeledCounters!.forEach { key, _ in
key.starts(with: "glean.error") || key.starts(with: "glean.validation"),
"Should only see glean.* counters, saw \(key)"
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// let the response get processed before we mark the expectation fulfilled
// Set up the expectation that will be fulfilled by the stub above
expectation = expectation(description: "Baseline Ping Received")
// Set the last time the "metrics" ping was sent to now. This is required for us to not
// send a metrics pings the first time we initialize Glean and to keep it from interfering
// with these tests.
let now = Date()
// Restart Glean and don't clear the stores and then await the expectation
Glean.shared.resetGlean(clearStores: false)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
func testSendingOfStartupBaselinePingWithAppLifetimeMetric() {
// Set the dirty flag.
let stringMetric = StringMetricType(CommonMetricData(
category: "telemetry",
name: "app_lifetime",
sendInPings: ["baseline"],
lifetime: .application,
disabled: false
// Set up the test stub based on the default telemetry endpoint
stubServerReceive { pingType, json in
XCTAssertEqual("baseline", pingType)
XCTAssert(json != nil)
// Check for the "dirty_startup" flag
let pingInfo = json!["ping_info"] as! [String: Any]
let reason = pingInfo["reason"] as! String
if reason == "active" {
// Skip initial "active" ping.
// Glean is initialized ahead of this test and thus we might get one.
XCTAssertEqual("dirty_startup", reason)
// Ensure there is only the expected locale string metric
let metrics = json?["metrics"] as? [String: Any]
let strings = metrics?["string"] as? [String: Any]
let metric = strings?["telemetry.app_lifetime"] as? String
XCTAssertEqual("HELLOOOOO!", metric)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// let the response get processed before we mark the expectation fulfilled
expectation = expectation(description: "baseline ping received")
// Restart glean and don't clear the stores.
// This should trigger a baseline ping with a "dirty_startup" reason.
Glean.shared.resetGlean(clearStores: false)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")
func testDisablingBaselinePing() {
// Set up the test stub based on the default telemetry endpoint
stubServerReceive { _, _ in
XCTFail("Should not have recieved any ping")
// Set up the expectation that will NOT be fulfilled by the stub above. If it is
// then it will trigger an assertion due to the `assertForOverFulfill` property.
expectation = expectation(description: "Baseline Ping Received")
// So we can wait for expectations below, we will go ahead and fulfill the
// expectation. We want to assert if the ping is triggered and over fulfills it
// from the stub above.
// Set the last time the "metrics" ping was sent to now. This is required for us to not
// send a metrics pings the first time we initialize Glean and to keep it from interfering
// with these tests.
let now = Date()
// Set a metric configuration that enables telemetry.counter_metric
let metricConfigStringifiedJson =
"pings_enabled": {
"baseline": false
// Resetting Glean doesn't trigger lifecycle events in tests so we must call the method
// invoked by the lifecycle observer directly. We must also reset the `isActive` flag in
// order to have the correct state to test.
Glean.shared.isActive = false
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for upload: \(error!)")