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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
@testable import Glean
import OHHTTPStubs
import XCTest
class GleanDebugUtilityTests: XCTestCase {
var expectation: XCTestExpectation?
override func setUp() {
resetGleanDiscardingInitialPings(testCase: self, tag: "GleanDebugUtilityTests")
override func tearDown() {
expectation = nil
func testSmokeHandleCustomUrlLogPings() {
// The exact values are not accessible to Swift,
// so all we do is check that this doesn't crash.
// Test toggle true
var url = URL(string: "test://glean?logPings=true")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
// Test invalid value doesn't cause setting to toggle
url = URL(string: "test://glean?logPings=Not-a-bool")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
// Test toggle false
url = URL(string: "test://glean?logPings=false")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
// Test invalid value doesn't cause setting to toggle
url = URL(string: "test://glean?logPings=Not-a-bool")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
// This should NOT set the logPings to true or false because it doesn't
// match the required host "glean".
url = URL(string: "test://not-glean?logPings=true")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
func testHandleCustomUrlSendPing() {
expectation = expectation(description: "Ping sent")
// This test will be sending one each of baseline, events, and metrics pings
// so we set the expected count to 3 and set it to assert for overfulfill in order
// to test that unknown pings aren't being sent.
expectation!.expectedFulfillmentCount = 3
expectation!.assertForOverFulfill = true
let expectedPings = ["baseline", "events", "metrics"]
stubServerReceive { pingType, _ in
XCTAssertTrue(expectedPings.contains(pingType), "\(pingType) should be valid")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Let the response get processed before we mark the expectation fulfilled
// Create a dummy event and a dummy metric so that the
// respective pings will be sent
let event = EventMetricType<NoExtras>(CommonMetricData(
category: "ui",
name: "click",
sendInPings: ["events"],
lifetime: .ping,
disabled: false
), ["object_id", "other"])
let metric = CounterMetricType(CommonMetricData(
category: "telemetry",
name: "counter_metric",
sendInPings: ["metrics"],
lifetime: .application,
disabled: false
// Send the baseline ping via the custom URL
var url = URL(string: "test://glean?sendPing=baseline")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
// Send the events ping via the custom URL
url = URL(string: "test://glean?sendPing=events")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
// Send the metrics ping via the custom URL
url = URL(string: "test://glean?sendPing=metrics")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
// Sending a non-registered ping does nothing, if it did it would cause
// the assert on overfulfull to trigger
url = URL(string: "test://glean?sendPing=no-such-ping")
Glean.shared.handleCustomUrl(url: url!)
waitForExpectations(timeout: 5.0) { error in
XCTAssertNil(error, "Test timed out waiting for baseline ping: \(error!)")