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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
import UIKit
/// MetricsPingScheduler facilitates scheduling the periodic assembling of metrics pings,
/// at a given time, trying its best to handle the following cases:
/// - ping is overdue (due time already passed) for the current calendar day;
/// - ping is soon to be sent in the current calendar day;
/// - ping was already sent, and must be scheduled for the next calendar day.
class MetricsPingScheduler {
// This struct is used for organizational purposes to keep the class constants in a single place
struct Constants {
static let logTag = "glean/MetricsPingSched"
static let lastMetricsPingSentDateTime = "last_metrics_ping_iso_datetime"
static let dueHourOfTheDay = 4
static let lastVersionOfAppUsed = "last_version_of_app_used"
private let logger = Logger(tag: Constants.logTag)
var timer: Timer?
init(_ testingMode: Bool) {
// In testing mode, set the "last seen version" as the same as this one.
// Otherwise, all we will ever send is pings for the "upgrade" reason.
if testingMode {
logger.debug("MPS in testing mode. Forcing update of seen version")
_ = isDifferentVersion()
/// Schedules the metrics ping collection at the due time.
/// - parameters:
/// * now: A `Date` representing the current date/time
/// * sendTheNextCalendarDay: Determines whether to schedule collection for the next calendar day
/// or to attempt to schedule it for the current calendar day. If the latter and
/// we're overdue for the expected collection time, the task is scheduled for
/// immediate execution.
/// * reason: The reason the ping is being submitted.
func schedulePingCollection(
_ now: Date,
sendTheNextCalendarDay: Bool,
reason: GleanMetrics.Pings.MetricsReasonCodes
) {
var fireDate =
bySettingHour: Constants.dueHourOfTheDay,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
of: now
// Invalidiate the timer if it's already running
// Setup timer and schedule
if sendTheNextCalendarDay {
let tomorrow =
byAdding: .day,
value: 1,
to: fireDate,
wrappingComponents: false
fireDate = tomorrow
"Scheduling the 'metrics' ping for \(fireDate), in \(fireDate - now) seconds."
// Set the timer to fire at the `fireDate`
timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: fireDate - now, repeats: false) { _ in
self.logger.debug("MetricsPingScheduler timer fired!")
// When the timer fires, call `collectPingAndReschedule` with the current
// date/time.
self.collectPingAndReschedule(Date(), startupPing: false, reason: reason)
/// Determines if the application is a differnet version from the last time it was run. This is used to prevent
/// mixing data from multiple versions of the application in the same ping.
/// - returns: `true` if the version is different, `false` if the version is the same.
func isDifferentVersion() -> Bool {
// Determine if the version has changed since the last time we ran.
let currentVersion = AppInfo.displayVersion
let lastVersion = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: Constants.lastVersionOfAppUsed)
if currentVersion != lastVersion {
UserDefaults.standard.set(currentVersion, forKey: Constants.lastVersionOfAppUsed)
return true
return false
/// Check if the provided time is after the ping due time.
/// - parameters:
/// * now: A `Date` representing the current time
/// * dueHourOfTheDay: An `Int` representing the due hour of the day, in the [0...23] range
/// - returns: `true` if `now` is past the due hour of the day.
func isAfterDueTime(_ now: Date, dueHourOfTheDay: Int = Constants.dueHourOfTheDay) -> Bool {
return now >
bySettingHour: dueHourOfTheDay,
minute: 0,
second: 0,
of: now
/// Performs startup checks to decide when to schedule the next metrics ping collection.
func schedule() -> Bool {
let now = Date()
// If the version of the app is different from the last time we ran the app,
// schedule the metrics ping for immediate collection. We only need to perform
// this check at startup (when overduePingAsFirst is true).
if isDifferentVersion() {
startupPing: true,
reason: .upgrade
return true
let lastSentDate = getLastCollectedDate()
logger.debug("The 'metrics' ping was last sent on \(String(describing: lastSentDate))")
// We expect to cover 3 cases here:
// (1) - the ping was already collected on the current calendar day; only schedule
// one for collecting the next calendar day at the due time;
// (2) - the ping was NOT collected on the current calendar day, and we're later than
// the due time; collect the ping immediately;
// (3) - the ping was NOT collected on the current calendar day, but we still have
// some time to the due time; schedule for sending the current calendar day.
let alreadySentToday = lastSentDate != nil && Calendar.current.isDateInToday(lastSentDate!)
if alreadySentToday {
// The metrics ping was already sent today. Schedule it for the next
// calendar day. This addresses (1)."The 'metrics' ping was already sent today, \(now).")
sendTheNextCalendarDay: true,
reason: .tomorrow
return false
} else if isAfterDueTime(now) {"The 'metrics' ping is scheduled for immediate collection, \(now)")
// We want to make sure no other metric API adds data before the ping is collected.
// `schedule` should be called off of the main thread. As long as `schedule` is
// invoked before replaying any queued recording API call, it guarantees this step
// is completed before anything else is recorded.
startupPing: true,
reason: .overdue
return true
} else {
// This covers (3)."The 'metrics' collection is scheduled for today, \(now)")
sendTheNextCalendarDay: false,
reason: .today
return false
/// Triggers the collection of the "metrics" ping and schedules the next collection.
/// - parameters:
/// * now: A `Date` representing the current time
/// * startupPing: Whether this is a ping sent at startup.
/// If `true` the caller is responsible to schedule the uploader.
/// * reason: The reason the ping is being submitted.
func collectPingAndReschedule(
_ now: Date,
startupPing: Bool = false,
reason: GleanMetrics.Pings.MetricsReasonCodes
) {
let reasonString = GleanMetrics.Pings.shared.metrics.reasonCodes[reason.rawValue]"Collecting the 'metrics' ping, now = \(now), startup = \(startupPing), reason = \(reasonString)")
if startupPing {
// If this is a `startupPing` we require any metric recording to be
// batched up and replayed after the startup metrics ping is sent. To guarantee
// that we synchronously and manually dispatch the 'metrics' ping without
// going through our public API.
// * Do not change this line without checking what it implies for the above wall
// of text. *
// The upload is triggered by the caller.
_ = gleanSubmitPingByNameSync("metrics", reasonString)
} else {
GleanMetrics.Pings.shared.metrics.submit(reason: reason)
// Update the collection date: we don't really care if we have data or not, let's
// always update the sent date.
// Reschedule the collection.
sendTheNextCalendarDay: true,
reason: .reschedule
/// Get the date the metrics ping was last collected.
/// - returns: A `Date` representing the when the metrics ping was last collected, or nil if no metrics
/// ping was previously collected.
func getLastCollectedDate() -> Date? {
var lastCollectedDate: Date?
if let loadedDate = UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: Constants.lastMetricsPingSentDateTime) {
lastCollectedDate = Date.fromISO8601String(dateString: loadedDate, precision: .millisecond)
} else {
logger.error("MetricsPingScheduler last stored ping time was not valid")
return lastCollectedDate
/// Update the persisted date when the metrics ping is sent.
/// - parameters:
/// * date: The `Date` to store.
func updateSentDate(_ date: Date = Date()) {
date.toISO8601String(precision: .millisecond),
forKey: Constants.lastMetricsPingSentDateTime