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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
/// `true` to allow the uploader to process pings.
/// Note that this does not mean that an uploader is actually running.
/// It will be invoked when a ping is submitted.
/// `false` to stop the uploader from starting new uploads.
/// An already running uploader will finish work and then stop.
var stateRunAllowed: AtomicBoolean = AtomicBoolean(false)
// TODO(bug 1816403): Move this and the associated global state
// into a singleton instance of `HttpPingUploader`.
func shutdownUploader() {
stateRunAllowed.value = false
func startUploader() {
stateRunAllowed.value = true
/// This class represents a ping uploader via HTTP.
/// This will typically be invoked by the appropriate scheduling mechanism to upload a ping to the server.
public class HttpPingUploader {
var config: Configuration
var session: URLSession
// This struct is used for organizational purposes to keep the class constants in a single place
struct Constants {
// Since ping file names are UUIDs, this matches UUIDs for filtering purposes
static let logTag = "glean/HttpPingUploader"
static let connectionTimeout = 10000
// For this error, the ping will be retried later
static let recoverableErrorStatusCode: UInt16 = 500
// For this error, the ping data will be deleted and no retry happens
static let unrecoverableErrorStatusCode: UInt16 = 400
private let logger = Logger(tag: Constants.logTag)
/// Initialize the HTTP Ping uploader from a Glean configuration object
/// and a URLSession
/// - parameters:
/// * configuration: The Glean `Configuration` to use.
/// * session: A `URLSession` that will be reused to upload pings
public init(configuration: Configuration, session: URLSession) {
self.config = configuration
self.session = session
/// Launch a new instance of a HttpPingUploader that requests additional time to run in the background
/// in order to give Glean time to send pings when the app is closing.
/// Also responsible for creating a session that will be reused for uploading all of the pings on this execution
/// This function doesn't block.
static func launch(configuration: Configuration) {
Dispatchers.shared.launchAsync {
var backgroundTaskId: UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier = .invalid
// Begin the background task and save the id. We will reuse this same background task
// for all the ping uploads
backgroundTaskId = UIApplication.shared.beginBackgroundTask(withName: "Glean Upload Task") {
// End the background task if we run out of time
if backgroundTaskId != .invalid {
backgroundTaskId = .invalid
// Build a URLSession with no-caching suitable for uploading our pings
let config: URLSessionConfiguration = .default
config.requestCachePolicy = NSURLRequest.CachePolicy.reloadIgnoringLocalCacheData
config.urlCache = nil
let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
HttpPingUploader(configuration: configuration, session: session).process()
if backgroundTaskId != .invalid {
backgroundTaskId = .invalid
/// Synchronously upload a ping to Mozilla servers.
/// - parameters:
/// * path: The URL path to append to the server address
/// * data: The serialized text data to send
/// * headers: Map of headers from Glean to annotate ping with
/// * callback: A callback to return the success/failure of the upload
func upload(path: String, data: Data, headers: [String: String], callback: @escaping (UploadResult) -> Void) {
// Build the request and create upload operation using a URLSession
if let request = self.buildRequest(path: path, data: data, headers: headers) {
// Create an URLSessionUploadTask to upload our ping and handle the
// server responses.
let uploadTask = session.uploadTask(with: request, from: data) { _, response, error in
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse {
let statusCode = Int32(httpResponse.statusCode)
if error != nil {
// Upload failed on the client-side. We should try again.
callback(.recoverableFailure(unused: 0))
} else {
// HTTP status codes are handled on the Rust side
callback(.httpStatus(code: statusCode))
uploadTask.countOfBytesClientExpectsToSend = 1024 * 1024
uploadTask.countOfBytesClientExpectsToReceive = 512
// Start the upload task
/// Internal function that builds the request used for uploading the pings.
/// - parameters:
/// * path: The URL path to append to the server address
/// * data: The serialized text data to send
/// * headers: Map of headers from Glean to annotate ping with
/// - returns: Optional `URLRequest` object with the configured headings set.
func buildRequest(path: String, data: Data, headers: [String: String]) -> URLRequest? {
if let url = URL(string: config.serverEndpoint + path) {
var request = URLRequest(url: url)
for (field, value) in headers {
request.addValue(value, forHTTPHeaderField: field)
request.timeoutInterval = TimeInterval(Constants.connectionTimeout)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.httpShouldHandleCookies = false
// NOTE: We're using `URLSession.uploadTask` which ignores the `httpBody` and
// instead takes the body payload as a parameter to add to the request.
// However in tests we're using OHHTTPStubs to stub out the HTTP upload.
// It has the known limitation that it doesn't simulate data upload,
// because the underlying protocol doesn't expose a hook for that.
// By setting `httpBody` here the data is still attached to the request,
// so OHHTTPStubs sees it.
// It shouldn't be too bad memory-wise and not duplicate the data in memory.
// This should only be a reference and Swift keeps track of all the places it's needed.
request.httpBody = data
return request
return nil
/// This function gets an upload task from Glean and, if told so, uploads the data.
/// It will report back the task status to Glean, which will take care of deleting pending ping files.
/// It will continue upload as long as it can fetch new tasks.
func process() {
if !stateRunAllowed.value {"Not allowed to continue running. Bye!")
while true {
// Limits are enforced by glean-core to avoid an infinite loop here.
// Whenever a limit is reached, this binding will receive `.done` and step out.
switch gleanGetUploadTask() {
case let .upload(request):
var body = Data(capacity: request.body.count)
body.append(contentsOf: request.body)
self.upload(path: request.path, data: body, headers: request.headers) { result in
if gleanProcessPingUploadResponse(request.documentId, result) == .end {
case .wait(let time):
sleep(UInt32(time) / 1000)
case .done: