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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
import UIKit
private typealias GleanBaseline = GleanMetrics.GleanBaseline
private typealias GleanInternalMetrics = GleanMetrics.GleanInternalMetrics
private typealias GleanValidation = GleanMetrics.GleanValidation
private typealias Pings = GleanMetrics.Pings
/// Public exported type identifying individual timers for `TimingDistributionMetricType`
public typealias GleanTimerId = TimerId
class OnGleanEventsImpl: OnGleanEvents {
let glean: Glean
init(glean: Glean) {
self.glean = glean
func initializeFinished() {
// Only set up the lifecycle observer if no dataPath is specified.
if !self.glean.isCustomDataPath {
// Run this off the main thread,
// as it will trigger a ping submission,
// which itself will trigger `triggerUpload()` on this class.
Dispatchers.shared.launchAsync { = GleanLifecycleObserver()
self.glean.initialized = true
func triggerUpload() {
// If uploading is disabled, we need to send the deletion-request ping
HttpPingUploader.launch(configuration: self.glean.configuration!)
func startMetricsPingScheduler() -> Bool {
// If we pass a custom data path, the metrics ping schedule should not
// be setup.
if self.glean.isCustomDataPath {
self.glean.metricsPingScheduler = nil
return false
self.glean.metricsPingScheduler = MetricsPingScheduler(self.glean.testingMode.value)
// Check for overdue metrics pings
return self.glean.metricsPingScheduler!.schedule()
func cancelUploads() {
// intentionally left empty
func shutdown() {
public struct BuildInfo {
var buildDate: DateComponents
public init(buildDate: DateComponents) {
self.buildDate = buildDate
/// The main Glean API.
/// This is exposed through the global `Glean.shared` object.
public class Glean {
/// The main Glean object.
/// ```swift
/// Glean.shared.initialize(uploadEnabled: true)
/// ```
public static let shared = Glean()
var metricsPingScheduler: MetricsPingScheduler?
var initialized: Bool = false
// Are we in testing mode?
internal var testingMode = AtomicBoolean(false)
var configuration: Configuration?
private var buildInfo: BuildInfo?
fileprivate var observer: GleanLifecycleObserver?
private var gleanDataPath: String?
var isCustomDataPath: Bool = false
// This struct is used for organizational purposes to keep the class constants in a single place
struct Constants {
static let logTag = "glean/Glean"
static let languageBindingName = "Swift"
private let logger = Logger(tag: Constants.logTag)
// Cache variable for checking if running in main process. Also used to override for tests in
// order to simulate not running in the main process. DO NOT SET EXCEPT IN TESTS!
var isMainProcess: Bool?
// Tracks the active/inactive state to prevent calling `handleClientActive` multiple times.
var isActive: Bool = false
private init() {
// intentionally left private, no external user can instantiate a new global object.
// Enable logging in the Rust library
deinit {
self.initialized = false
/// Initialize the Glean SDK.
/// This should only be initialized once by the application, and not by
/// libraries using the Glean SDK. A message is logged to error and no
/// changes are made to the state if initialize is called a more than
/// once.
/// A LifecycleObserver will be added to submit pings when the application goes
/// into the foreground and background.
/// - parameters:
/// * uploadEnabled: A `Bool` that enables or disables telemetry.
/// If disabled, all persisted metrics, events and queued pings (except
/// first_run_date) are cleared.
/// * configuration: A Glean `Configuration` object with global settings.
/// * buildInfo: A Glean `BuildInfo` object with build settings.
public func initialize(uploadEnabled: Bool, configuration: Configuration = Configuration(), buildInfo: BuildInfo) {
if let safeDataPath = configuration.dataPath {
// When the `dataPath` is provided, we need to make sure:
// 1. The database path provided is not the default glean database path.
// 2. The database path is valid and writeable.
// The background process and the main process cannot write to the same file.
if safeDataPath == getGleanDirectory().relativePath {
logger.error("Attempted to initialize Glean with an invalid database path \"glean_data\" is reserved")
// Check that the database path we are trying to write to is valid and writable.
if !canWriteToDatabasePath(safeDataPath) {
logger.error("Attempted to initialize Glean with an invalid database path")
self.gleanDataPath = safeDataPath
self.isCustomDataPath = true
} else {
// If no `dataPath` is provided, then we setup Glean as usual.
// In certain situations Glean.initialize may be called from a process other than the main
// process such as an embedded extension. In this case we want to just return.
if !checkIsMainProcess() {
"Attempted to initialize Glean on a process other than the main process without a dataPath"
self.gleanDataPath = getGleanDirectory().relativePath
self.isCustomDataPath = false
if self.isInitialized() {
logger.error("Glean should not be initialized multiple times")
self.buildInfo = buildInfo
self.configuration = configuration
let cfg = InternalConfiguration(
dataPath: self.gleanDataPath!,
languageBindingName: Constants.languageBindingName,
uploadEnabled: uploadEnabled,
maxEvents: { UInt32($0) },
delayPingLifetimeIo: false,
appBuild: "0.0.0",
useCoreMps: false,
trimDataToRegisteredPings: false,
logLevel: configuration.logLevel,
rateLimit: nil,
enableEventTimestamps: configuration.enableEventTimestamps,
experimentationId: configuration.experimentationId,
enableInternalPings: configuration.enableInternalPings,
pingSchedule: configuration.pingSchedule,
pingLifetimeThreshold: UInt64(configuration.pingLifetimeThreshold),
pingLifetimeMaxTime: UInt64(configuration.pingLifetimeMaxTime)
let clientInfo = getClientInfo(configuration, buildInfo: buildInfo)
let callbacks = OnGleanEventsImpl(glean: self)
gleanInitialize(cfg, clientInfo, callbacks)
/// Initialize the core metrics internally managed by Glean (e.g. client id).
internal func getClientInfo(_ configuration: Configuration, buildInfo: BuildInfo) -> ClientInfoMetrics {
return ClientInfoMetrics(
appBuild: AppInfo.buildId,
appDisplayVersion: AppInfo.displayVersion,
appBuildDate: Datetime(from: buildInfo.buildDate),
architecture: Sysctl.machine,
osVersion: UIDevice.current.systemVersion,
locale: getLocaleTag(),
deviceManufacturer: Sysctl.manufacturer,
deviceModel: Sysctl.model
/// Enable or disable Glean collection and upload.
/// Metric collection is enabled by default.
/// When uploading is disabled, metrics aren't recorded at all and no data
/// is uploaded.
/// When disabling, all pending metrics, events and queued pings are cleared.
/// When enabling, the core Glean metrics are recreated.
/// - parameters:
/// * enabled: When true, enable metric collection.
public func setUploadEnabled(_ enabled: Bool) {
/// Used to indicate that an experiment is running.
/// Glean will add an experiment annotation that is sent with pings. This information is _not_
/// persisted between runs.
/// - parameters:
/// * experimentId: The id of the active experiment (maximum 100 bytes).
/// * branch: The branch of the experiment (maximum 100 bytes).
/// * extra: Optional metadata to output with the ping.
public func setExperimentActive(_ experimentId: String, branch: String, extra: [String: String]?) {
let map = extra ?? [:]
gleanSetExperimentActive(experimentId, branch, map)
/// Used to indicate that an experiment is no longer running.
/// - parameters:
/// * experimentsId: The id of the experiment to deactivate.
public func setExperimentInactive(_ experimentId: String) {
/// Tests whether an experiment is active, for testing purposes only.
/// - parameters:
/// * experimentId: The id of the experiment to look for.
/// - returns: `true` if the experiment is active and reported in pings.
public func testIsExperimentActive(_ experimentId: String) -> Bool {
return gleanTestGetExperimentData(experimentId) != nil
/// Get recorded experiment data for a given `experimentId`.
/// - parameters:
/// * experimentId: The id of the experiment to look for.
/// - returns: `RecordedExperiment` if the experiment is active and reported in pings, `nil` otherwise.
public func testGetExperimentData(_ experimentId: String) -> RecordedExperiment? {
return gleanTestGetExperimentData(experimentId)
/// Dynamically set the experimentation identifier, as opposed to setting it through the configuration
/// during initialization.
/// - parameters:
/// * experimentationId: The `String` identifier to set
public func setExperimentationId(_ experimentationId: String) {
/// Returns the stored experimentation id, for testing purposes only.
/// - returns: the 'String' experimentation id if set, and `nil` otherwise.
public func testGetExperimentationId() -> String? {
return gleanTestGetExperimentationId()
/// Returns true if the Glean SDK has been initialized.
func isInitialized() -> Bool {
return self.initialized
/// Handle foreground event and submit appropriate pings
func handleForegroundEvent() {
if !isActive {
isActive = true
/// Handle background event and submit appropriate pings
func handleBackgroundEvent() {
if isActive {
isActive = false
/// Collect and submit a ping by name for eventual uploading
/// - parameters:
/// * pingName: Name of ping to submit.
/// * reason: The reason the ping is being submitted. Must be one of the strings
/// defined in the reasons field in the ping metadata.
/// The ping content is assembled as soon as possible, but upload is not
/// guaranteed to happen immediately, as that depends on the upload
/// policies.
/// If the ping currently contains no content, it will not be assembled and
/// queued for sending.
func submitPingByName(_ pingName: String, _ reason: String? = nil) {
gleanSubmitPingByName(pingName, reason)
/// Register the pings generated from `pings.yaml` with the Glean SDK.
/// - parameters:
/// * pings: The `Pings` object generated for your library or application
/// by the Glean SDK.
public func registerPings(_: Any) {
NSLog("Registering pings")
/// Set a tag to be applied to headers when uploading pings for debug view.
/// This is only meant to be used internally by the `GleanDebugActivity`.
/// - parameters:
/// * value: The value of the tag, which must be a valid HTTP header value.
@discardableResult public func setDebugViewTag(_ tag: String) -> Bool {
return gleanSetDebugViewTag(tag)
/// Set the log_pings debug option,
/// when this option is `true` the pings that are successfully submitted get logged.
/// - parameters:
/// * value: The value of the option.
public func setLogPings(_ value: Bool) {
/// Set the source tags to be applied as headers when uploading pings.
/// If any of the tags is invalid nothing will be set and this function will
/// return `false`.
/// If Glean is not initialized yet, tags will not be validated at this point.
/// - parameters:
/// * tags: A list of tags, which must be valid HTTP header values.
public func setSourceTags(_ tags: [String]) -> Bool {
/// EXPERIMENTAL: Register a listener to receive notification of event recordings
/// - parameters:
/// * tag: String used to identify the listener when unregistering it
/// * listener: Implements `GleanEventListener` protocol
public func registerEventListener(tag: String, listener: GleanEventListener) {
gleanRegisterEventListener(tag, listener)
/// EXPERIMENTAL: Unregister a listener to receive notification of event recordings
/// - parameters:
/// * tag: String used to identify the listener when it was registered
public func unregisterEventListener(tag: String) {
/// Set configuration to override metrics' default enabled/disabled state, typically from
/// a remote_settings experiment or rollout.
/// - parameters:
/// * json: Stringified JSON map of metric identifiers ( to a boolean
/// representing wether they are enabled
public func applyServerKnobsConfig(_ json: String) {
/// Shuts down Glean in an orderly fashion
public func shutdown() {
/// When applications are launched using the custom URL scheme, this helper function will process
/// the URL and parse the debug commands
/// - parameters:
/// * url: A `URL` object containing the Glean debug commands as query parameters
/// There are 3 available commands that you can use with the Glean SDK debug tools
/// - `logPings`: If "true", will cause pings that are submitted successfully to also be echoed to the device's log
/// - `debugViewTag`: This command expects a string to tag the pings with and redirects them to the Debug View
/// - `sendPing`: This command expects a string name of a ping to force immediate collection and submission of.
/// The structure of the custom URL uses the following format:
/// `<protocol>://glean?<command 1>=<parameter 1>&<command 2>=<parameter 2> ...`
/// Where:
/// - `<protocol>://` is the "Url Scheme" that has been added for the app and doesn't matter to Glean.
/// - `glean` is required for the Glean SDK to recognize the command is meant for it to process.
/// - `?` indicating the beginning of the query.
/// - `<command>=<parameter>` are instances of the commands listed above separated by `&`.
/// There are a few things to consider when creating the custom URL:
/// - Invalid commands will trigger an error and be ignored.
/// - Not all commands are required to be encoded in the URL, you can mix and match the commands that you need.
/// - Special characters should be properly URL encoded and escaped since this needs to represent a valid URL.
public func handleCustomUrl(url: URL) {
GleanDebugUtility.handleCustomUrl(url: url)
/// Returns true if running in the base application process, otherwise returns false
private func checkIsMainProcess() -> Bool {
if isMainProcess == nil {
if let packageType = Bundle.main.object(forInfoDictionaryKey: "CFBundlePackageType") as? String {
// This is the bundle type reported by embedded application extensions and so we test for it to
// make sure that we are not running in an extension.
// For more info on XPC services see:
// For more info on CFBundlePackageType see:
// and
isMainProcess = packageType != "XPC!"
} else {
// The `CFBundlePackageType` doesn't get set in tests so we return true to indicate that we are
// running in the main process.
isMainProcess = true
return isMainProcess!
/// Test-only method to destroy the owned glean-core handle.
func testDestroyGleanHandle(_ clearStores: Bool = false, _ customDataPath: String? = nil) {
// If it was initialized this also clears the directory
let dataPath = customDataPath ?? getGleanDirectory().relativePath
gleanTestDestroyGlean(clearStores, dataPath)
if !isInitialized() {
// We don't need to destroy anything else: it wasn't initialized.
// Reset all state
self.testingMode.value = false
self.initialized = false
self.metricsPingScheduler = nil
/// Enable test mode.
/// This makes all asynchronous work synchronous so we can test the results of the
/// API synchronously.
public func enableTestingMode() {
self.testingMode.value = true
/// Resets the Glean state and trigger init again.
/// - parameters:
/// * configuration: the `Configuration` to init Glean with
/// * clearStores: if true, clear the contents of all stores
/// * uploadEnabled: whether upload is enabled
public func resetGlean(configuration: Configuration = Configuration(),
clearStores: Bool,
uploadEnabled: Bool = true) {
// Init Glean.
testDestroyGleanHandle(clearStores, configuration.dataPath)
// Reset isActive
isActive = false
// Enable test mode.
// Enable ping logging for all tests
let buildInfo = BuildInfo(
buildDate: DateComponents(
calendar: Calendar.current,
timeZone: TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC"),
year: 2020,
month: 1,
day: 1,
hour: 0,
minute: 0,
second: 0
initialize(uploadEnabled: uploadEnabled, configuration: configuration, buildInfo: buildInfo)