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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
/// This class is meant to encapsulate the Glean debug functionality.
class GleanDebugUtility {
// This struct is used for organizational purposes to keep the class constants in a single place
struct Constants {
static let logTag = "glean/GleanDebugUtility"
private static let logger = Logger(tag: Constants.logTag)
/// When applications are launched using the custom URL scheme, this helper function will process
/// the URL and parse the debug commands
/// - parameters:
/// * url: A `URL` object containing the Glean debug commands as query parameters
/// There are 4 available commands that you can use with the Glean SDK debug tools
/// - `logPings`: If "true", will cause pings that are submitted successfully to also be echoed to the device's log.
/// - `debugViewTag`: This command expects a string to tag the pings with and redirects them to the Debug View.
/// The string must match the pattern `[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}`.
/// - `sourceTags`: This command tags all outgoing pings to make them available for real-time validation.
/// Tags are represented by a comma separated list. Each tag must match the pattern `[a-zA-Z0-9-]{1,20}`.
/// Up to 5 tags are allowed.
/// - `sendPing`: This command expects a string name of a ping to force immediate collection and submission of.
/// The structure of the custom URL uses the following format:
/// `<protocol>://glean?<command 1>=<paramter 1>&<command 2>=<parameter 2> ...`
/// Where:
/// - `<protocol>://` is the "Url Scheme" that has been added for the app and doesn't matter to Glean.
/// - `glean` is required for the Glean SDK to recognize the command is meant for it to process.
/// - `?` indicating the beginning of the query.
/// - `<command>=<parameter>` are instances of the commands listed above separated by `&`.
/// There are a few things to consider when creating the custom URL:
/// - Invalid commands will trigger an error and be ignored.
/// - Not all commands are requred to be encoded in the URL, you can mix and match the commands that you need.
/// - Special characters should be properly URL encoded and escaped since this needs to represent a valid URL.
static func handleCustomUrl(url: URL) {
guard == "glean" else {
guard let components = URLComponents(url: url, resolvingAgainstBaseURL: true),
let params = components.queryItems else {
logger.error("Error parsing query parameters, aborting Glean debugging tools")
if let parsedCommands = processCustomUrlQuery(urlQueryItems: params) {
if let debugTag = parsedCommands.debugViewTag {
if Glean.shared.setDebugViewTag(debugTag) {
logger.debug("Pings tagged with debug tag: \(debugTag)")
} else {
logger.error("Invalid ping debug tag name, aborting Glean debug tools")
if let sourceTags = parsedCommands.sourceTags {
if Glean.shared.setSourceTags(sourceTags) {
logger.debug("Pings tagged with source tags: \(sourceTags)")
} else {
logger.error("Invalid ping source tags value, aborting Glean debug tools")
if let logPings = parsedCommands.logPings {
logger.debug("Log pings set to: \(logPings)")
if let pingName = parsedCommands.pingNameToSend {
logger.debug("Glean debug tools triggered ping: \(pingName)")
/// A simple struct to represent the commands parsed from the custom URL
private struct ParsedQueryCommands {
let debugViewTag: String?
let sourceTags: [String]?
let logPings: Bool?
let pingNameToSend: String?
// swiftlint:disable cyclomatic_complexity
/// Helper function to process parameters passed as a query to the custom URL processed by `handleCustomUrl`
/// - parameters:
/// * urlQueryItems: A `URLQueryItem` representing the commands passed to Glean
/// - returns: A tuple containing the values of the parameters `pingTag`, `logPings`, `pingNamesToSend` or nil
/// when invalid or duplicated commands are detected.
private static func processCustomUrlQuery(urlQueryItems: [URLQueryItem]) -> ParsedQueryCommands? {
var debugViewTag: String?
var sourceTags: [String]?
var willLogPings: Bool?
var pingToSend: String?
for param in urlQueryItems {
if param.value == nil {
logger.error("Empty values are unsupported, aborting Glean debug tools")
return nil
switch {
case "debugViewTag":
if debugViewTag != nil {
"Multiple `debugViewTag` commands not allowed, aborting Glean debug tools")
return nil
debugViewTag = param.value
case "sourceTags":
if sourceTags != nil {
"Multiple `sourceTags` commands not allowed, aborting Glean debug tools")
return nil
sourceTags = param.value?.components(separatedBy: ",")
case "logPings":
if willLogPings != nil {
logger.error("Multiple `logPings` commands not allowed, aborting Glean debug tools")
return nil
// If param.value is any string other than "true" or "false", the result is nil.
// This initializer is case sensitive. See Apple docs for more info at:
willLogPings = Bool(param.value!)
case "sendPing":
if pingToSend != nil {
logger.error("Multiple `sendPing` commands not allowed, aborting Glean debug tools")
return nil
pingToSend = param.value
logger.error("Unknown parameter passed to Glean.handleCustomUrl, aborting Glean debug tools")
return nil
return ParsedQueryCommands(
debugViewTag: debugViewTag,
sourceTags: sourceTags,
logPings: willLogPings,
pingNameToSend: pingToSend
// swiftlint:enable cyclomatic_complexity