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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// This is based off:
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
plugins {
alias libs.plugins.gradle.python.envs
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
apply plugin: 'jacoco'
apply plugin: 'kotlinx-serialization'
* This defines the location of the JSON schema used to validate the pings
* created during unit testing. This uses the vendored schema.
* Use `bin/ latest` to update it to the latest upstream version.`
File GLEAN_PING_SCHEMA_PATH = file("$rootDir/glean.1.schema.json")
// Set configuration for the glean_parser
ext.allowGleanInternal = true
ext.gleanNamespace = "mozilla.telemetry.glean"
android {
namespace "mozilla.telemetry.glean"
defaultConfig {
// Carefully escape the string here so it will support `\` in
// Windows paths correctly.
buildConfigField("String", "GLEAN_PING_SCHEMA_PATH", JsonOutput.toJson(GLEAN_PING_SCHEMA_PATH.path))
testInstrumentationRunner ""
buildTypes {
debug {
// Export our rules in debug, as a consumer might still enable proguard/r8
consumerProguardFiles "$projectDir/"
release {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
consumerProguardFiles "$projectDir/"
withoutLib {
initWith release
buildFeatures {
buildConfig true
sourceSets {
test.resources.srcDirs += "$buildDir/rustJniLibs/desktop"
// Add glean-native's build directory to our resource path so that
// we can actually find it during tests. (Unfortunately, each project
// has their own build dir)
test.resources.srcDirs += "${project(':glean-native').buildDir}/rustJniLibs/desktop"
publishing {
singleVariant('release') {
// Uncomment to include debug symbols in native library builds.
// packagingOptions { doNotStrip "**/*.so" }
testOptions {
unitTests.all {
testLogging {
showStandardStreams = true
maxHeapSize = "1024m"
unitTests {
includeAndroidResources = true
afterEvaluate {
if (project.hasProperty("coverage")) {
jacoco {
toolVersion = libs.versions.jacoco
task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport) {
reports {
xml.required = true
html.required = true
def fileFilter = ['**/R.class', '**/R$*.class', '**/BuildConfig.*', '**/Manifest*.*',
'**/*Test*.*', 'android/**/*.*', '**/*$[0-9].*']
def kotlinDebugTree = fileTree(dir: "$project.buildDir/tmp/kotlin-classes/debug", excludes: fileFilter)
def javaDebugTree = fileTree(dir: "$project.buildDir/intermediates/classes/debug", excludes: fileFilter)
def mainSrc = "$project.projectDir/src/main/java"
sourceDirectories.from = files([mainSrc])
classDirectories.from = files([kotlinDebugTree, javaDebugTree])
executionData.from = fileTree(dir: project.buildDir, includes: [
'jacoco/testDebugUnitTest.exec', 'outputs/code-coverage/connected/*'
tasks.withType(Test) {
jacoco.includeNoLocationClasses = true
jacoco.excludes = ['jdk.internal.*']
finalizedBy jacocoTestReport
configurations {
// There's an interaction between Gradle's resolution of dependencies with different types
// (@jar, @aar) for `implementation` and `testImplementation` and with Android Studio's built-in
// JUnit test runner. The runtime classpath in the built-in JUnit test runner gets the
// dependency from the `implementation`, which is type @aar, and therefore the JNA dependency
// doesn't provide the JNI dispatch libraries in the correct Java resource directories. I think
// what's happening is that @aar type in `implementation` resolves to the @jar type in
// `testImplementation`, and that it wins the dependency resolution battle.
// A workaround is to add a new configuration which depends on the @jar type and to reference
// the underlying JAR file directly in `testImplementation`. This JAR file doesn't resolve to
// the @aar type in `implementation`. This works when invoked via `gradle`, but also sets the
// correct runtime classpath when invoked with Android Studio's built-in JUnit test runner.
// Success!
dependencies {
jnaForTest(libs.jna) {
artifact {
extension ="jar"
type = "jar"
implementation(libs.jna) {
artifact {
extension ="aar"
type = "aar"
implementation project(":glean-native")
implementation libs.androidx.annotation
implementation libs.androidx.lifecycle.common
implementation libs.androidx.lifecycle.process
implementation libs.kotlinx.coroutines
api libs.kotlinx.serialization
// We need a compileOnly dependency on the following block of testing
// libraries in order to expose the GleanTestRule to applications/libraries
// using the Glean SDK.
// We can't simply create a separate package otherwise we would need
// to provide a public API for the testing package to access the
// Glean internals, which is something we would not want to do.
compileOnly libs.junit
// For reasons unknown, resolving the jnaForTest configuration directly
// trips a nasty issue with the Android-Gradle plugin 3.2.1, like `Cannot
// change attributes of configuration ':PROJECT:kapt' after it has been
// resolved`. I think that the configuration is being made a
// super-configuration of the testImplementation and then the `.files` is
// causing it to be resolved. Cloning first dissociates the configuration,
// avoiding other configurations from being resolved. Tricky!
testImplementation files(configurations.jnaForTest.copyRecursive().files)
testImplementation libs.mockito
testImplementation libs.mockwebserver
testImplementation libs.robolectric
testImplementation libs.test.core
testImplementation libs.test.junit.ext
androidTestImplementation libs.test.espresso.core
androidTestImplementation libs.test.runner
afterEvaluate {
// The `cargoBuild` task isn't available until after evaluation.
android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
def productFlavor = ""
variant.productFlavors.each {
productFlavor += "${}"
def buildType = "${}"
apply from: "$projectDir/publish.gradle"
android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
def uniffiGeneratedPath = "generated/source/uniffi/${}/java"
def udlFilePath = "../src/glean.udl"
def t = tasks.register("generate${}UniFFIBindings", Exec) {
workingDir project.rootDir
commandLine 'cargo', 'uniffi-bindgen', 'generate', '--no-format', "${project.projectDir}/${udlFilePath}", '--language', 'kotlin', '--out-dir', "${buildDir}/${uniffiGeneratedPath}"
outputs.dir "${buildDir}/${uniffiGeneratedPath}"
// Re-generate if the interface definition changes.
inputs.file "${project.projectDir}/../src/glean.udl"
// Re-generate if our uniffi-bindgen tooling changes.
inputs.dir "${project.rootDir}/tools/embedded-uniffi-bindgen/"
// Re-generate if our uniffi-bindgen version changes.
inputs.file "${project.rootDir}/Cargo.lock"
variant.registerJavaGeneratingTask(t.get(), new File(buildDir, uniffiGeneratedPath))
// Generate markdown docs for the collected metrics.
ext.gleanDocsDirectory = "$rootDir/docs/user/user/collected-metrics"
ext.gleanYamlFiles = [
// Include the glean-gradle-plugin. This is slightly different than what is
// recommended for external users since we are loading it from the same root Gradle
// build.
apply from: '../../gradle-plugin/src/main/groovy/mozilla/telemetry/glean-gradle-plugin/GleanGradlePlugin.groovy'
// Store the path to the Glean Miniconda installation in a buildConfigField
// so that unit tests can validate JSON schema.
// Note that despite the name of this variable it isn't strictly for Miniconda
// anymore, it's for any sort of Python environment.
android {
defaultConfig {
// Carefully escape the string here so it will support `\` in
// Windows paths correctly.