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# Replacing the Glean Gradle plugin in mozilla-central
> **Note**: If you only need to replace the `glean_parser` Python parts used in the build see [Substituting `glean_parser`](
> The approached documented in this chapter is only necessary if you changed `GleanGradlePlugin.groovy`.
If you need to replace the Glean Gradle Plugin used by any component in mozilla-central, follow these steps:
1. In your Glean repository increment the version number in `.buildconfig.yml` to something unused:
libraryVersion: 70.0.0
1. Build the Glean Gradle plugin and publish the plugin locally:
./gradlew glean-gradle-plugin:publishToMavenLocal
1. In your `mozilla-central` checkout, add the following line in `mobile/android/fenix/settings.gradle` file in the `pluginManagement` block:
1. Use the new version number where the plugin is imported in `mobile/android/fenix/build.gradle`:
classpath "org.mozilla.telemetry:glean-gradle-plugin:70.0.0"
This might need to be applied to the top-level `build.gradle` and other `build.gradle` files under `mobile/android` to apply to all components.
Building Fenix will now use your locally published Glean Gradle Plugin.