Revision control

Copy as Markdown

.PHONY: help
@grep -E '^[0-9a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | \
sort | \
awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
GLEAN_PYENV := $(abspath $(shell python3 -c "import sys; print('.venv' + '.'.join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2]))"))
# Read the `GLEAN_BUILD_VARIANT` variable, default to debug.
# If set it is passed as a flag to cargo, so we prefix it with `--`
else ifeq ($(GLEAN_BUILD_VARIANT),debug)
# `--debug` is invalid and `--profile debug` is unstable.
# Setup environments
setup-python: $(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 ## Setup a Python virtual environment
python3 -m venv $(GLEAN_PYENV)
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/pip install --upgrade pip wheel setuptools
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/pip install -r glean-core/python/requirements_dev.txt
# All builds
build: build-rust
build-rust: ## Build all Rust code
cargo build --all $(GLEAN_BUILD_PROFILE) $(addprefix --target ,$(GLEAN_BUILD_TARGET))
build-kotlin: ## Build all Kotlin code
./gradlew build -x test
build-swift: ## Build all Swift code
build-apk: build-kotlin ## Build an apk of the Glean sample app
./gradlew glean-sample-app:build glean-sample-app:assembleAndroidTest
build-python: setup-python ## Build the Python bindings
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/maturin develop
build-python-wheel: setup-python ## Build a Python wheel
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/maturin build --release $(addprefix --target ,$(GLEAN_BUILD_TARGET))
build-python-sdist: setup-python ## Build a Python source distribution
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/maturin build --release --sdist
bindgen-python: glean-core/python/glean/_uniffi/ glean-core/python/glean/_uniffi/ # Generate the uniffi wrapper code manually
glean-core/python/glean/_uniffi/ glean-core/src/glean.udl
cargo uniffi-bindgen generate $< --language python --out-dir $(@D)
echo 'from .glean import * # NOQA' > $@
.PHONY: build build-rust build-kotlin build-swift build-apk build-python build-python-wheel build-python-sdist bindgen-python build-xcframework glean-core/python/glean/_uniffi/
# All tests
test: test-rust
test-rust: ## Run Rust tests for glean-core and glean-ffi
cargo test --all $(addprefix --target ,$(GLEAN_BUILD_TARGET))
test-rust-with-logs: ## Run all Rust tests with debug logging and single-threaded
RUST_LOG=glean_core=debug cargo test --all -- --nocapture --test-threads=1 $(addprefix --target ,$(GLEAN_BUILD_TARGET))
test-kotlin: ## Run all Kotlin tests
./gradlew :glean:testDebugUnitTest
test-swift: ## Run all Swift tests
test-android-sample: build-apk ## Run the Android UI tests on the sample app
./gradlew :glean-sample-app:connectedAndroidTest
test-ios-sample: ## Run the iOS UI tests on the sample app
test-python: build-python ## Run all Python tests
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/py.test -v glean-core/python/tests $(PYTEST_ARGS)
.PHONY: test test-rust test-rust-with-logs test-kotlin test-swift test-ios-sample
# Linting
lint-rust: ## Run cargo-clippy to lint Rust code
cargo clippy --all --all-targets --all-features -- -D warnings -A unknown-lints
lint-kotlin: ## Run ktlint to lint Kotlin code
./gradlew lint ktlint detekt
lint-swift: ## Run swiftlint to lint Swift code
swiftlint --strict
lint-yaml: ## Run yamllint to lint YAML files
yamllint glean-core .circleci
shellcheck: ## Run shellcheck against important shell scripts
shellcheck glean-core/ios/
shellcheck bin/
lint-python: setup-python ## Run ruff and mypy to lint Python code
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m ruff format --diff glean-core/python/glean glean-core/python/tests
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m ruff check glean-core/python/glean glean-core/python/tests
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m mypy glean-core/python/glean
lint-python-fix: setup-python ## Run ruff and mypy to lint Python code
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m ruff check --fix glean-core/python/glean glean-core/python/tests
.PHONY: lint-rust lint-kotlin lint-swift lint-yaml
# Formatting
fmt-rust: ## Format all Rust code
cargo fmt --all
fmt-python: setup-python ## Run ruff to format Python code
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m ruff format glean-core/python/glean glean-core/python/tests
fmt-kotlin: ## Run ktlint to format KOtlin code
./gradlew ktlintFormat
.PHONY: fmt-rust fmt-python fmt-kotlin
# Docs
docs: docs-rust ## Build the Rust API documentation
docs-rust: ## Build the Rust documentation
docs-swift: ## Build the Swift documentation
docs-python: build-python ## Build the Python documentation
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m pdoc --html glean --force -o build/docs/python --config show_type_annotations=True
.PHONY: docs docs-rust docs-swift
docs-metrics: setup-python ## Build the internal metrics documentation
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/pip install glean_parser~=15.0
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/glean_parser translate --allow-reserved \
-f markdown \
-o ./docs/user/user/collected-metrics \
glean-core/metrics.yaml glean-core/pings.yaml glean-core/android/metrics.yaml
cat ./docs/user/_includes/ ./docs/user/user/collected-metrics/ > ./docs/user/user/collected-metrics/
mv ./docs/user/user/collected-metrics/ ./docs/user/user/collected-metrics/
linkcheck: docs linkcheck-raw ## Run link-checker on the generated docs
npx link-checker \
build/docs \
--disable-external true \
--allow-hash-href true \
--file-ignore "swift/.*" \
--file-ignore "python/.*" \
--file-ignore "javadoc/.*" \
--file-ignore "docs/.*" \
--url-ignore ".*/swift/.*" \
--url-ignore ".*/python/.*" \
--url-ignore ".*/javadoc/.*" \
--url-ignore ".*/docs/glean_.*" \
--url-ignore ".*/docs/glean/.*"
.PHONY: linkcheck linkcheck-raw
spellcheck: ## Spellcheck the docs
# Requires
# Utilities
android-emulator: ## Start the Android emulator with a predefined image
$(ANDROID_HOME)/emulator/emulator -avd Nexus_5X_API_P -netdelay none -netspeed full
.PHONY: android-emulator
coverage-python: build-python ## Generate a code coverage report for Python
GLEAN_COVERAGE=1 $(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m coverage run --parallel-mode -m pytest
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m coverage combine
$(GLEAN_PYENV)/bin/python3 -m coverage html
.PHONY: coverage-python