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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! Error handling for the component.
//! Components generally create 2 error enums: one for internal usage and one for the public APIs.
//! The internal errors can have lots of variants and store any details that you might want to use.
//! The public errors can limit the number of variants to the ones consumers actually care about.
//! In general, the Rust code will use the internal errors. The public API, defined in ``,
//! converts internal errors to public errors.
use error_support::{ErrorHandling, GetErrorHandling};
/// Result type for internal errors. Since most code uses internal errors, we just call this one
/// `Result`.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
/// Result type for public errors. The convention is to call this `ApiResult`.
pub type ApiResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, ApiError>;
/// Public error class
/// Make sure to derive `uniffi::Error` (
/// You probably also want to derive `thiserror::Error`, this allows you to define nice error
/// messages using the `#[error(...)]` attributes (
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, uniffi::Error)]
pub enum ApiError {
/// Network error while making an HTTP request
/// This is a good type of error to expose to consumers, since they often may want to treat
/// network errors differently -- for example by retrying after some time.
#[error("Remote settings unexpected error: {reason}")]
Network { reason: String },
/// Everything else gets stuffed into the `Other` variant. This often captures a many
/// different kinds of errors and that's good, because it keeps things simple for the consumer.
/// When dealing with a new kind of error, ask yourself if there's an action that consumers
/// want to take specific to that error kind. If not, just stuff it in `Other`
#[error("Remote settings error: {reason}")]
Other { reason: String },
/// Internal error class, typically just called `Error`.
/// Here we can have lots of variants, since it's all internal.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)]
pub enum Error {
/// Error opening the database.
/// The `#[from]` attribute makes it so all `sql_support::open_database` errors will be
/// automatically mapped to this variant.
#[error("Error opening database: {0}")]
OpenDatabase(#[from] sql_support::open_database::Error),
#[error("Database error: {0}")]
DatabaseError(#[from] rusqlite::Error),
Interrupted(#[from] interrupt_support::Interrupted),
#[error("JSON Error: {0}")]
JSONError(#[from] serde_json::Error),
#[error("Error sending request: {0}")]
RequestError(#[from] viaduct::Error),
#[error("Invalid URL: {0}")]
InvalidUrl(#[from] url::ParseError),
#[error("Error in HTTP response: {0}")]
/// Define how our internal errors are handled and converted to external errors
/// This defines how internal errors get mapped to public ones.
/// This is also where we decide how to handle errors, should we log a warning or report it?
/// Reporting an error means that Firefox-Android will create a Sentry report for it. We hope to
/// add support for error reporting on Desktop and iOS in the near future.
/// See `support/error/` for how this works, especially the warning about PII.
impl GetErrorHandling for Error {
/// Public Error type
type ExternalError = ApiError;
/// Define how to convert internal errors to public ones and also what kind of
/// logging/reporting should we have
fn get_error_handling(&self) -> ErrorHandling<Self::ExternalError> {
match self {
Self::RequestError(viaduct::Error::NetworkError(e)) => {
// Viaduct errors are converted to the `Network` variant
ErrorHandling::convert(ApiError::Network {
reason: e.to_string(),
// Network errors are expected in practice. Let's log, but not report them.
// Database errors are converted to `Other` and reported.
// The string passed to `report_error` controls how errors get grouped together in
// Sentry. By passing `example-component-database`, we ensure that database-related
// errors get grouped into their own issue.
Self::DatabaseError(_) | Self::OpenDatabase(_) => {
ErrorHandling::convert(ApiError::Other {
reason: self.to_string(),
// All other error types are converted to `Other` and reported.
// This uses the `example-component-unexpected` slug. In general, the volume for
// unexpected errors should be low. If you're seeing lots of errors then you have a
// couple choices.
// If the errors are not really an issue, then change `report_error` to `log_warning`.
// If the errors are an issue, then take steps to try to better understand them:
// * Change the `report_error` slug to a different string so that they can be monitored separately.
// * Add extra details to the error messages
// * log breadcrumbs (see `` for an example of this).
_ => ErrorHandling::convert(ApiError::Other {
reason: self.to_string(),