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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
pub mod incoming;
pub mod outgoing;
use super::engine::{ConfigSyncEngine, EngineConfig, SyncEngineStorageImpl};
use super::{
MergeResult, Metadata, ProcessIncomingRecordImpl, ProcessOutgoingRecordImpl, SyncRecord,
use crate::db::models::credit_card::InternalCreditCard;
use crate::encryption::EncryptorDecryptor;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::sync_merge_field_check;
use incoming::IncomingCreditCardsImpl;
use outgoing::OutgoingCreditCardsImpl;
use rusqlite::Transaction;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::sync::Arc;
use sync_guid::Guid;
use types::Timestamp;
// The engine.
pub(crate) fn create_engine(store: Arc<crate::Store>) -> ConfigSyncEngine<InternalCreditCard> {
EngineConfig {
namespace: "credit_cards".to_string(),
collection: "creditcards".into(),
Box::new(CreditCardsEngineStorageImpl {}),
pub(super) struct CreditCardsEngineStorageImpl {}
impl SyncEngineStorageImpl<InternalCreditCard> for CreditCardsEngineStorageImpl {
fn get_incoming_impl(
enc_key: &Option<String>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn ProcessIncomingRecordImpl<Record = InternalCreditCard>>> {
let enc_key = match enc_key {
None => return Err(Error::MissingEncryptionKey),
Some(enc_key) => enc_key,
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(enc_key)?;
Ok(Box::new(IncomingCreditCardsImpl { encdec }))
fn reset_storage(&self, tx: &Transaction<'_>) -> Result<()> {
"DELETE FROM credit_cards_mirror;
DELETE FROM credit_cards_tombstones;",
fn get_outgoing_impl(
enc_key: &Option<String>,
) -> Result<Box<dyn ProcessOutgoingRecordImpl<Record = InternalCreditCard>>> {
let enc_key = match enc_key {
None => return Err(Error::MissingEncryptionKey),
Some(enc_key) => enc_key,
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(enc_key)?;
Ok(Box::new(OutgoingCreditCardsImpl { encdec }))
// These structs are a representation of what's stored on the sync server for non-tombstone records.
// (The actual server doesn't have `id` in the payload but instead in the envelope)
#[derive(Default, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub(crate) struct CreditCardPayload {
id: Guid,
// For some historical reason and unlike most other sync records, creditcards
// are serialized with this explicit 'entry' object.
pub(super) entry: PayloadEntry,
// Note that the sync payload contains the "unencrypted" cc_number - but our
// internal structs have the cc_number_enc/cc_number_last_4 pair, so we need to
// take care going to and from.
// (The scare-quotes around "unencrypted" are to reflect that, obviously, the
// payload itself *is* encrypted by sync, but the number is plain-text in that
// payload)
#[derive(Default, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(default, rename_all = "kebab-case")]
pub(super) struct PayloadEntry {
pub cc_name: String,
pub cc_number: String,
pub cc_exp_month: i64,
pub cc_exp_year: i64,
pub cc_type: String,
// metadata (which isn't kebab-case for some historical reason...)
#[serde(rename = "timeCreated")]
pub time_created: Timestamp,
#[serde(rename = "timeLastUsed")]
pub time_last_used: Timestamp,
#[serde(rename = "timeLastModified")]
pub time_last_modified: Timestamp,
#[serde(rename = "timesUsed")]
pub times_used: i64,
pub version: u32, // always 3 for credit-cards
// Fields that the current schema did not expect, we store them only internally
// to round-trip them back to sync without processing them in any way
pub unknown_fields: UnknownFields,
impl InternalCreditCard {
fn from_payload(p: CreditCardPayload, encdec: &EncryptorDecryptor) -> Result<Self> {
if p.entry.version != 3 {
// when new versions are introduced we will start accepting and
// converting old ones - but 3 is the lowest we support.
return Err(Error::InvalidSyncPayload(format!(
"invalid version - {}",
// need to encrypt the cleartext in the sync record.
let cc_number_enc = encdec.encrypt(&p.entry.cc_number, "cc_number")?;
let cc_number_last_4 = get_last_4(&p.entry.cc_number);
Ok(InternalCreditCard {
cc_name: p.entry.cc_name,
cc_exp_month: p.entry.cc_exp_month,
cc_exp_year: p.entry.cc_exp_year,
cc_type: p.entry.cc_type,
metadata: Metadata {
time_created: p.entry.time_created,
time_last_used: p.entry.time_last_used,
time_last_modified: p.entry.time_last_modified,
times_used: p.entry.times_used,
sync_change_counter: 0,
pub(crate) fn into_payload(self, encdec: &EncryptorDecryptor) -> Result<CreditCardPayload> {
let cc_number = encdec.decrypt(&self.cc_number_enc, "cc_number")?;
Ok(CreditCardPayload {
id: self.guid,
entry: PayloadEntry {
cc_name: self.cc_name,
cc_exp_month: self.cc_exp_month,
cc_exp_year: self.cc_exp_year,
cc_type: self.cc_type,
time_created: self.metadata.time_created,
time_last_used: self.metadata.time_last_used,
time_last_modified: self.metadata.time_last_modified,
times_used: self.metadata.times_used,
version: 3,
unknown_fields: Default::default(),
impl SyncRecord for InternalCreditCard {
fn record_name() -> &'static str {
fn id(&self) -> &Guid {
fn metadata(&self) -> &Metadata {
fn metadata_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Metadata {
&mut self.metadata
/// Performs a three-way merge between an incoming, local, and mirror record.
/// If a merge cannot be successfully completed (ie, if we find the same
/// field has changed both locally and remotely since the last sync), the
/// local record data is returned with a new guid and updated sync metadata.
/// Note that mirror being None is an edge-case and typically means first
/// sync since a "reset" (eg, disconnecting and reconnecting.
#[allow(clippy::cognitive_complexity)] // Looks like clippy considers this after macro-expansion...
fn merge(incoming: &Self, local: &Self, mirror: &Option<Self>) -> MergeResult<Self> {
let mut merged_record: Self = Default::default();
// guids must be identical
assert_eq!(incoming.guid, local.guid);
if let Some(m) = mirror {
assert_eq!(incoming.guid, m.guid)
merged_record.guid = incoming.guid.clone();
sync_merge_field_check!(cc_name, incoming, local, mirror, merged_record);
// XXX - It looks like this will allow us to merge a locally changed
// cc_number_enc and remotely changed cc_number_last_4, which is nonsensical.
// Given sync itself is populating this it needs more thought.
sync_merge_field_check!(cc_number_enc, incoming, local, mirror, merged_record);
sync_merge_field_check!(cc_number_last_4, incoming, local, mirror, merged_record);
sync_merge_field_check!(cc_exp_month, incoming, local, mirror, merged_record);
sync_merge_field_check!(cc_exp_year, incoming, local, mirror, merged_record);
sync_merge_field_check!(cc_type, incoming, local, mirror, merged_record);
merged_record.metadata = incoming.metadata;
.merge(&local.metadata, mirror.as_ref().map(|m| m.metadata()));
MergeResult::Merged {
merged: merged_record,
/// Returns a with the given local record's data but with a new guid and
/// fresh sync metadata.
fn get_forked_record(local_record: InternalCreditCard) -> InternalCreditCard {
let mut local_record_data = local_record;
local_record_data.guid = Guid::random();
local_record_data.metadata.time_created = Timestamp::now();
local_record_data.metadata.time_last_used = Timestamp::now();
local_record_data.metadata.time_last_modified = Timestamp::now();
local_record_data.metadata.times_used = 0;
local_record_data.metadata.sync_change_counter = 1;
// Wow - strings are hard! credit-card sync is the only thing that needs to
// get the last 4 chars of a string.
fn get_last_4(v: &str) -> String {
fn test_last_4() {
assert_eq!(get_last_4("testing"), "ting".to_string());
assert_eq!(get_last_4("abc"), "abc".to_string());
assert_eq!(get_last_4(""), "".to_string());
fn test_to_from_payload() {
let key = crate::encryption::create_autofill_key().unwrap();
let cc_number = "1234567812345678";
let cc_number_enc =
crate::encryption::encrypt_string(key.clone(), cc_number.to_string()).unwrap();
let cc = InternalCreditCard {
cc_name: "Shaggy".to_string(),
cc_number_last_4: "5678".to_string(),
cc_exp_month: 12,
cc_exp_year: 2021,
cc_type: "foo".to_string(),
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new(&key).unwrap();
let payload: CreditCardPayload = cc.clone().into_payload(&encdec).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, cc.guid);
assert_eq!(payload.entry.cc_name, "Shaggy".to_string());
assert_eq!(payload.entry.cc_number, cc_number.to_string());
assert_eq!(payload.entry.cc_exp_month, 12);
assert_eq!(payload.entry.cc_exp_year, 2021);
assert_eq!(payload.entry.cc_type, "foo".to_string());
// and back.
let cc2 = InternalCreditCard::from_payload(payload, &encdec).unwrap();
// sadly we can't just check equality because the encrypted value will be
// different even if the card number is identical.
assert_eq!(cc2.guid, cc.guid);
assert_eq!(cc2.cc_name, "Shaggy".to_string());
assert_eq!(cc2.cc_number_last_4, cc.cc_number_last_4);
assert_eq!(cc2.cc_exp_month, cc.cc_exp_month);
assert_eq!(cc2.cc_exp_year, cc.cc_exp_year);
assert_eq!(cc2.cc_type, cc.cc_type);
// The decrypted number should be the same.
crate::encryption::decrypt_string(key, cc2.cc_number_enc.clone()).unwrap(),
// But the encrypted value should not.
assert_ne!(cc2.cc_number_enc, cc.cc_number_enc);