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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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use super::CreditCardPayload;
use crate::db::credit_cards::{add_internal_credit_card, update_internal_credit_card};
use crate::db::models::credit_card::InternalCreditCard;
use crate::db::schema::CREDIT_CARD_COMMON_COLS;
use crate::encryption::EncryptorDecryptor;
use crate::error::*;
use crate::sync::common::*;
use crate::sync::{
IncomingBso, IncomingContent, IncomingEnvelope, IncomingKind, IncomingState, LocalRecordInfo,
ProcessIncomingRecordImpl, ServerTimestamp, SyncRecord,
use interrupt_support::Interruptee;
use rusqlite::{named_params, Transaction};
use sql_support::ConnExt;
use sync_guid::Guid as SyncGuid;
// Takes a raw payload, as stored in our database, and returns an InternalCreditCard
// or a tombstone. Credit-cards store the payload as an encrypted string, so we
// decrypt before conversion.
fn raw_payload_to_incoming(
id: SyncGuid,
raw: String,
encdec: &EncryptorDecryptor,
) -> Result<IncomingContent<InternalCreditCard>> {
let payload = encdec.decrypt(&raw, "raw payload")?;
// Turn it into a BSO
let bso = IncomingBso {
envelope: IncomingEnvelope {
modified: ServerTimestamp::default(),
sortindex: None,
ttl: None,
// For hysterical raisins, we use an IncomingContent<CCPayload> to convert
// to an IncomingContent<InternalCC>
let payload_content = bso.into_content::<CreditCardPayload>();
Ok(match payload_content.kind {
IncomingKind::Content(content) => IncomingContent {
envelope: payload_content.envelope,
kind: IncomingKind::Content(InternalCreditCard::from_payload(content, encdec)?),
IncomingKind::Tombstone => IncomingContent {
envelope: payload_content.envelope,
kind: IncomingKind::Tombstone,
IncomingKind::Malformed => IncomingContent {
envelope: payload_content.envelope,
kind: IncomingKind::Malformed,
pub(super) struct IncomingCreditCardsImpl {
pub(super) encdec: EncryptorDecryptor,
impl ProcessIncomingRecordImpl for IncomingCreditCardsImpl {
type Record = InternalCreditCard;
/// The first step in the "apply incoming" process - stage the records
fn stage_incoming(
tx: &Transaction<'_>,
incoming: Vec<IncomingBso>,
signal: &dyn Interruptee,
) -> Result<()> {
// Convert the sync15::Payloads to encrypted strings.
let to_stage = incoming
.map(|bso| {
// consider turning this into malformed?
let encrypted = self.encdec.encrypt(&bso.payload, "bso payload")?;
Ok((, encrypted, bso.envelope.modified))
common_stage_incoming_records(tx, "credit_cards_sync_staging", to_stage, signal)
fn finish_incoming(&self, tx: &Transaction<'_>) -> Result<()> {
common_mirror_staged_records(tx, "credit_cards_sync_staging", "credit_cards_mirror")
/// The second step in the "apply incoming" process for syncing autofill CC records.
/// Incoming items are retrieved from the temp tables, deserialized, and
/// assigned `IncomingState` values.
fn fetch_incoming_states(
tx: &Transaction<'_>,
) -> Result<Vec<IncomingState<Self::Record>>> {
let sql = "
s.guid as guid,
l.guid as l_guid,
t.guid as t_guid,
s.payload as s_payload,
m.payload as m_payload,
FROM temp.credit_cards_sync_staging s
LEFT JOIN credit_cards_mirror m ON s.guid = m.guid
LEFT JOIN credit_cards_data l ON s.guid = l.guid
LEFT JOIN credit_cards_tombstones t ON s.guid = t.guid";
tx.query_rows_and_then(sql, [], |row| -> Result<IncomingState<Self::Record>> {
// the 'guid' and 's_payload' rows must be non-null.
let guid: SyncGuid = row.get("guid")?;
let incoming =
raw_payload_to_incoming(guid.clone(), row.get("s_payload")?, &self.encdec)?;
Ok(IncomingState {
local: match row.get_unwrap::<_, Option<String>>("l_guid") {
Some(l_guid) => {
assert_eq!(l_guid, guid);
// local record exists, check the state.
let record = InternalCreditCard::from_row(row)?;
if record.has_scrubbed_data() {
LocalRecordInfo::Scrubbed { record }
} else {
let has_changes = record.metadata().sync_change_counter != 0;
if has_changes {
LocalRecordInfo::Modified { record }
} else {
LocalRecordInfo::Unmodified { record }
None => {
// no local record - maybe a tombstone?
match row.get::<_, Option<String>>("t_guid")? {
Some(t_guid) => {
assert_eq!(guid, t_guid);
LocalRecordInfo::Tombstone { guid: guid.clone() }
None => LocalRecordInfo::Missing,
mirror: {
match row.get::<_, Option<String>>("m_payload")? {
Some(m_payload) => {
// a tombstone in the mirror can be treated as though it's missing.
raw_payload_to_incoming(guid, m_payload, &self.encdec)?.content()
None => None,
/// Returns a local record that has the same values as the given incoming record (with the exception
/// of the `guid` values which should differ) that will be used as a local duplicate record for
/// syncing.
fn get_local_dupe(
tx: &Transaction<'_>,
incoming: &Self::Record,
) -> Result<Option<Self::Record>> {
let sql = format!("
FROM credit_cards_data
-- `guid <> :guid` is a pre-condition for this being called, but...
guid <> :guid
-- only non-synced records are candidates, which means can't already be in the mirror.
AND guid NOT IN (
FROM credit_cards_mirror
-- and sql can check the field values (but note we can not meaningfully
-- check the encrypted value, as it's different each time it is encrypted)
AND cc_name == :cc_name
AND cc_number_last_4 == :cc_number_last_4
AND cc_exp_month == :cc_exp_month
AND cc_exp_year == :cc_exp_year
AND cc_type == :cc_type", common_cols = CREDIT_CARD_COMMON_COLS);
let params = named_params! {
":guid": incoming.guid,
":cc_name": incoming.cc_name,
":cc_number_last_4": incoming.cc_number_last_4,
":cc_exp_month": incoming.cc_exp_month,
":cc_exp_year": incoming.cc_exp_year,
":cc_type": incoming.cc_type,
// Because we can't check the number in the sql, we fetch all matching
// rows and decrypt the numbers here.
let records = tx.query_rows_and_then(&sql, params, |row| -> Result<Self::Record> {
let incoming_cc_number = self.encdec.decrypt(&incoming.cc_number_enc, "cc_number")?;
for record in records {
if self.encdec.decrypt(&record.cc_number_enc, "cc_number")? == incoming_cc_number {
return Ok(Some(record));
fn update_local_record(
tx: &Transaction<'_>,
new_record: Self::Record,
flag_as_changed: bool,
) -> Result<()> {
update_internal_credit_card(tx, &new_record, flag_as_changed)?;
fn insert_local_record(&self, tx: &Transaction<'_>, new_record: Self::Record) -> Result<()> {
add_internal_credit_card(tx, &new_record)?;
/// Changes the guid of the local record for the given `old_guid` to the given `new_guid` used
/// for the `HasLocalDupe` incoming state, and mark the item as dirty.
/// We also update the mirror record if it exists in forking scenarios
fn change_record_guid(
tx: &Transaction<'_>,
old_guid: &SyncGuid,
new_guid: &SyncGuid,
) -> Result<()> {
fn remove_record(&self, tx: &Transaction<'_>, guid: &SyncGuid) -> Result<()> {
common_remove_record(tx, "credit_cards_data", guid)
fn remove_tombstone(&self, tx: &Transaction<'_>, guid: &SyncGuid) -> Result<()> {
common_remove_record(tx, "credit_cards_tombstones", guid)
mod tests {
use super::super::super::test::new_syncable_mem_db;
use super::*;
use crate::db::credit_cards::get_credit_card;
use crate::sync::common::tests::*;
use interrupt_support::NeverInterrupts;
use serde_json::{json, Map, Value};
use sql_support::ConnExt;
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref TEST_JSON_RECORDS: Map<String, Value> = {
// NOTE: the JSON here is the same as stored on the sync server -
// the superfluous `entry` is unfortunate but from desktop.
let val = json! {{
"A" : {
"id": expand_test_guid('A'),
"entry": {
"cc-name": "Mr Me A Person",
"cc-number": "1234567812345678",
"cc-exp_month": 12,
"cc-exp_year": 2021,
"cc-type": "Cash!",
"version": 3,
"C" : {
"id": expand_test_guid('C'),
"entry": {
"cc-name": "Mr Me Another Person",
"cc-number": "8765432112345678",
"cc-exp-month": 1,
"cc-exp-year": 2020,
"cc-type": "visa",
"timeCreated": 0,
"timeLastUsed": 0,
"timeLastModified": 0,
"timesUsed": 0,
"version": 3,
"D" : {
"id": expand_test_guid('D'),
"entry": {
"cc-name": "Mr Me Another Person",
"cc-number": "8765432112345678",
"cc-exp-month": 1,
"cc-exp-year": 2020,
"cc-type": "visa",
"timeCreated": 0,
"timeLastUsed": 0,
"timeLastModified": 0,
"timesUsed": 0,
"version": 3,
"foo": "bar",
"baz": "qux",
val.as_object().expect("literal is an object").clone()
fn test_json_record(guid_prefix: char) -> Value {
.expect("should exist")
fn test_record(guid_prefix: char, encdec: &EncryptorDecryptor) -> InternalCreditCard {
let json = test_json_record(guid_prefix);
let payload = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap();
InternalCreditCard::from_payload(payload, encdec).expect("should be valid")
fn test_stage_incoming() -> Result<()> {
let _ = env_logger::try_init();
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
struct TestCase {
incoming_records: Vec<Value>,
mirror_records: Vec<Value>,
expected_record_count: usize,
expected_tombstone_count: usize,
let test_cases = vec![
TestCase {
incoming_records: vec![test_json_record('A')],
mirror_records: vec![],
expected_record_count: 1,
expected_tombstone_count: 0,
TestCase {
incoming_records: vec![test_json_tombstone('A')],
mirror_records: vec![],
expected_record_count: 0,
expected_tombstone_count: 1,
TestCase {
incoming_records: vec![
mirror_records: vec![],
expected_record_count: 2,
expected_tombstone_count: 1,
// incoming tombstone with existing tombstone in the mirror
TestCase {
incoming_records: vec![test_json_tombstone('B')],
mirror_records: vec![test_json_tombstone('B')],
expected_record_count: 0,
expected_tombstone_count: 1,
for tc in test_cases {
log::info!("starting new testcase");
let tx = db.transaction().unwrap();
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap();
// Add required items to the mirrors.
let mirror_sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO credit_cards_mirror (guid, payload)
VALUES (:guid, :payload)";
for payload in tc.mirror_records {
rusqlite::named_params! {
":guid": payload["id"].as_str().unwrap(),
":payload": encdec.encrypt(&payload.to_string(), "payload")?,
.expect("should insert mirror record");
let ri = IncomingCreditCardsImpl { encdec };
let records = tx.conn().query_rows_and_then(
"SELECT * FROM temp.credit_cards_sync_staging;",
|row| -> Result<IncomingContent<InternalCreditCard>> {
let guid: SyncGuid = row.get_unwrap("guid");
let enc_payload: String = row.get_unwrap("payload");
raw_payload_to_incoming(guid, enc_payload, &ri.encdec)
let record_count = records
.filter(|p| !matches!(p.kind, IncomingKind::Tombstone))
let tombstone_count = records.len() - record_count;
log::trace!("record count: {record_count}, tombstone count: {tombstone_count}");
assert_eq!(record_count, tc.expected_record_count);
assert_eq!(tombstone_count, tc.expected_tombstone_count);
tx.execute("DELETE FROM temp.credit_cards_sync_staging;", [])?;
fn test_change_record_guid() -> Result<()> {
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
let tx = db.transaction()?;
let ri = IncomingCreditCardsImpl {
encdec: EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap(),
ri.insert_local_record(&tx, test_record('C', &ri.encdec))?;
assert!(get_credit_card(&db.writer, &expand_test_guid('C').into()).is_err());
assert!(get_credit_card(&db.writer, &expand_test_guid('B').into()).is_ok());
fn test_get_incoming() {
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
let tx = db.transaction().expect("should get tx");
let ci = IncomingCreditCardsImpl {
encdec: EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap(),
let record = test_record('C', &ci.encdec);
let bso = record
.into_test_incoming_bso(&ci.encdec, Default::default());
do_test_incoming_same(&ci, &tx, record, bso);
fn test_incoming_tombstone() {
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
let tx = db.transaction().expect("should get tx");
let ci = IncomingCreditCardsImpl {
encdec: EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap(),
do_test_incoming_tombstone(&ci, &tx, test_record('C', &ci.encdec));
fn test_local_data_scrubbed() {
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
let tx = db.transaction().expect("should get tx");
let ci = IncomingCreditCardsImpl {
encdec: EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap(),
let mut scrubbed_record = test_record('A', &ci.encdec);
let bso = scrubbed_record
.into_test_incoming_bso(&ci.encdec, Default::default());
scrubbed_record.cc_number_enc = "".to_string();
do_test_scrubbed_local_data(&ci, &tx, scrubbed_record, bso);
fn test_staged_to_mirror() {
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
let tx = db.transaction().expect("should get tx");
let ci = IncomingCreditCardsImpl {
encdec: EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap(),
let record = test_record('C', &ci.encdec);
let bso = record
.into_test_incoming_bso(&ci.encdec, Default::default());
do_test_staged_to_mirror(&ci, &tx, record, bso, "credit_cards_mirror");
fn test_find_dupe() {
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
let tx = db.transaction().expect("should get tx");
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap();
let ci = IncomingCreditCardsImpl { encdec };
let local_record = test_record('C', &ci.encdec);
let local_guid = local_record.guid.clone();
ci.insert_local_record(&tx, local_record.clone()).unwrap();
// Now the same record incoming - it should find the one we just added
// above as a dupe.
let mut incoming_record = test_record('C', &ci.encdec);
// sanity check that the encrypted numbers are different even though
// the decrypted numbers are identical.
assert_ne!(local_record.cc_number_enc, incoming_record.cc_number_enc);
// but the other fields the sql checks are
assert_eq!(local_record.cc_name, incoming_record.cc_name);
assert_eq!(local_record.cc_exp_month, incoming_record.cc_exp_month);
assert_eq!(local_record.cc_exp_year, incoming_record.cc_exp_year);
assert_eq!(local_record.cc_type, incoming_record.cc_type);
// change the incoming guid so we don't immediately think they are the same.
incoming_record.guid = SyncGuid::random();
// expect `Ok(Some(record))`
let dupe = ci.get_local_dupe(&tx, &incoming_record).unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(dupe.guid, local_guid);
// largely the same test as above, but going through the entire plan + apply
// cycle.
fn test_find_dupe_applied() {
let mut db = new_syncable_mem_db();
let tx = db.transaction().expect("should get tx");
let encdec = EncryptorDecryptor::new_with_random_key().unwrap();
let ci = IncomingCreditCardsImpl { encdec };
let local_record = test_record('C', &ci.encdec);
let local_guid = local_record.guid.clone();
ci.insert_local_record(&tx, local_record.clone()).unwrap();
// Now the same record incoming, but with a different guid. It should
// find the local one we just added above as a dupe.
let incoming_guid = SyncGuid::new(&expand_test_guid('I'));
let mut incoming = local_record;
incoming.guid = incoming_guid.clone();
let incoming_state = IncomingState {
incoming: IncomingContent {
envelope: IncomingEnvelope {
id: incoming_guid.clone(),
modified: ServerTimestamp::default(),
sortindex: None,
ttl: None,
kind: IncomingKind::Content(incoming),
// LocalRecordInfo::Missing because we don't have a local record with
// the incoming GUID.
local: LocalRecordInfo::Missing,
mirror: None,
let incoming_action =
crate::sync::plan_incoming(&ci, &tx, incoming_state).expect("should get action");
// We should have found the local as a dupe.
matches!(incoming_action, crate::sync::IncomingAction::UpdateLocalGuid { ref old_guid, record: ref incoming } if *old_guid == local_guid && incoming.guid == incoming_guid)
// and apply it.
crate::sync::apply_incoming_action(&ci, &tx, incoming_action).expect("should apply");
// and the local record should now have the incoming guid.
tx.commit().expect("should commit");
assert!(get_credit_card(&db.writer, &local_guid).is_err());
assert!(get_credit_card(&db.writer, &incoming_guid).is_ok());
fn test_get_incoming_unknown_fields() {
let json = test_json_record('D');
let cc_payload = serde_json::from_value::<CreditCardPayload>(json).unwrap();
// The incoming payload should've correctly deserialized any unknown_fields into a Map<String,Value>
assert_eq!(cc_payload.entry.unknown_fields.len(), 2);