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use crate::db::models::address::{Address, UpdatableAddressFields};
use crate::db::models::credit_card::{CreditCard, UpdatableCreditCardFields};
use crate::db::{addresses, credit_cards, AutofillDb};
use crate::error::*;
use error_support::handle_error;
use rusqlite::{
types::{FromSql, ToSql},
use sql_support::{self, ConnExt};
use std::path::Path;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex, Weak};
use sync15::engine::{SyncEngine, SyncEngineId};
use sync_guid::Guid;
// Our "sync manager" will use whatever is stashed here.
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
// Mutex: just taken long enough to update the contents - needed to wrap
// the Weak as it isn't `Sync`
// [Arc/Weak]<Store>: What the sync manager actually needs.
static ref STORE_FOR_MANAGER: Mutex<Weak<Store>> = Mutex::new(Weak::new());
/// Called by the sync manager to get a sync engine via the store previously
/// registered with the sync manager.
pub fn get_registered_sync_engine(engine_id: &SyncEngineId) -> Option<Box<dyn SyncEngine>> {
let weak = STORE_FOR_MANAGER.lock().unwrap();
match weak.upgrade() {
None => None,
Some(store) => match engine_id {
SyncEngineId::Addresses => Some(Box::new(crate::sync::address::create_engine(store))),
SyncEngineId::CreditCards => {
// panicking here seems reasonable - it's a static error if this
// it hit, not something that runtime conditions can influence.
_ => unreachable!("can't provide unknown engine: {}", engine_id),
// This is the type that uniffi exposes.
pub struct Store {
pub(crate) db: Mutex<AutofillDb>,
impl Store {
pub fn new(db_path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> ApiResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
db: Mutex::new(AutofillDb::new(db_path)?),
/// Creates a store backed by an in-memory database with its own memory API (required for unit tests).
pub fn new_memory() -> Self {
Self {
db: Mutex::new(crate::db::test::new_mem_db()),
/// Creates a store backed by an in-memory database that shares its memory API (required for autofill sync tests).
pub fn new_shared_memory(db_name: &str) -> ApiResult<Self> {
Ok(Self {
db: Mutex::new(AutofillDb::new_memory(db_name)?),
pub fn add_credit_card(&self, fields: UpdatableCreditCardFields) -> ApiResult<CreditCard> {
let credit_card = credit_cards::add_credit_card(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, fields)?;
pub fn get_credit_card(&self, guid: String) -> ApiResult<CreditCard> {
let credit_card =
credit_cards::get_credit_card(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, &Guid::new(&guid))?;
pub fn get_all_credit_cards(&self) -> ApiResult<Vec<CreditCard>> {
let credit_cards = credit_cards::get_all_credit_cards(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer)?
.map(|x| x.into())
pub fn update_credit_card(
guid: String,
credit_card: UpdatableCreditCardFields,
) -> ApiResult<()> {
pub fn delete_credit_card(&self, guid: String) -> ApiResult<bool> {
credit_cards::delete_credit_card(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, &Guid::new(&guid))
pub fn touch_credit_card(&self, guid: String) -> ApiResult<()> {
credit_cards::touch(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, &Guid::new(&guid))
pub fn add_address(&self, new_address: UpdatableAddressFields) -> ApiResult<Address> {
Ok(addresses::add_address(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, new_address)?.into())
pub fn get_address(&self, guid: String) -> ApiResult<Address> {
Ok(addresses::get_address(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, &Guid::new(&guid))?.into())
pub fn get_all_addresses(&self) -> ApiResult<Vec<Address>> {
let addresses = addresses::get_all_addresses(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer)?
.map(|x| x.into())
pub fn update_address(&self, guid: String, address: UpdatableAddressFields) -> ApiResult<()> {
addresses::update_address(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, &Guid::new(&guid), &address)
pub fn delete_address(&self, guid: String) -> ApiResult<bool> {
addresses::delete_address(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, &Guid::new(&guid))
pub fn touch_address(&self, guid: String) -> ApiResult<()> {
addresses::touch(&self.db.lock().unwrap().writer, &Guid::new(&guid))
pub fn scrub_encrypted_data(self: Arc<Self>) -> ApiResult<()> {
// scrub the data on disk
// Currently only credit cards have encrypted data
// Force the sync engine to refetch data (only need to do this for the credit cards, since the
// addresses engine doesn't store encrypted data).
// This allows the embedding app to say "make this instance available to
// the sync manager". The implementation is more like "offer to sync mgr"
// (thereby avoiding us needing to link with the sync manager) but
// `register_with_sync_manager()` is logically what's happening so that's
// the name it gets.
pub fn register_with_sync_manager(self: Arc<Self>) {
let mut state = STORE_FOR_MANAGER.lock().unwrap();
*state = Arc::downgrade(&self);
// These 2 are a little odd - they aren't exposed by uniffi - currently the
// only consumer of this is our "example" (and hence why they
// are `pub` and not `pub(crate)`).
// We could probably make the example work with the sync manager - but then
// our example would link with places and logins etc, and it's not a big
// deal really.
pub fn create_credit_cards_sync_engine(self: Arc<Self>) -> Box<dyn SyncEngine> {
pub fn create_addresses_sync_engine(self: Arc<Self>) -> Box<dyn SyncEngine> {
pub(crate) fn put_meta(conn: &Connection, key: &str, value: &dyn ToSql) -> Result<()> {
"REPLACE INTO moz_meta (key, value) VALUES (:key, :value)",
&[(":key", &key as &dyn ToSql), (":value", value)],
pub(crate) fn get_meta<T: FromSql>(conn: &Connection, key: &str) -> Result<Option<T>> {
let res = conn.try_query_one(
"SELECT value FROM moz_meta WHERE key = :key",
&[(":key", &key)],
pub(crate) fn delete_meta(conn: &Connection, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
conn.execute_cached("DELETE FROM moz_meta WHERE key = :key", &[(":key", &key)])?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::db::test::new_mem_db;
fn test_autofill_meta() -> Result<()> {
let db = new_mem_db();
let test_key = "TEST KEY A";
let test_value = "TEST VALUE A";
let test_key2 = "TEST KEY B";
let test_value2 = "TEST VALUE B";
put_meta(&db, test_key, &test_value)?;
put_meta(&db, test_key2, &test_value2)?;
let retrieved_value: String = get_meta(&db, test_key)?.expect("test value");
let retrieved_value2: String = get_meta(&db, test_key2)?.expect("test value 2");
assert_eq!(retrieved_value, test_value);
assert_eq!(retrieved_value2, test_value2);
// check that the value of an existing key can be updated
let test_value3 = "TEST VALUE C";
put_meta(&db, test_key, &test_value3)?;
let retrieved_value3: String = get_meta(&db, test_key)?.expect("test value 3");
assert_eq!(retrieved_value3, test_value3);
// check that a deleted key is not retrieved
delete_meta(&db, test_key)?;
let retrieved_value4: Option<String> = get_meta(&db, test_key)?;
db.writer.execute("DELETE FROM moz_meta", [])?;
fn test_sync_manager_registration() {
let store = Arc::new(Store::new_shared_memory("sync-mgr-test").unwrap());
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&store), 1);
assert_eq!(Arc::weak_count(&store), 0);
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&store), 1);
assert_eq!(Arc::weak_count(&store), 1);
let registered = STORE_FOR_MANAGER
.expect("should upgrade");
assert!(Arc::ptr_eq(&store, &registered));
// should be no new references
assert_eq!(Arc::strong_count(&store), 1);
assert_eq!(Arc::weak_count(&store), 1);
// dropping the registered object should drop the registration.