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namespace as_ohttp_client {
enum OhttpError {
// The decrypted response from the Gateway/Target
dictionary OhttpResponse {
u16 status_code;
record<string, string> headers;
sequence<u8> payload;
// Each OHTTP request-reply exchange needs to create an OhttpSession
// object to manage encryption state.
interface OhttpSession {
// Initialize encryption state based on specific Gateway key config
constructor([ByRef] sequence<u8> config);
// Encapsulate an HTTP request as Binary HTTP and then encrypt that
// payload using HPKE. The caller is responsible for sending the
// resulting message to the Relay.
sequence<u8> encapsulate([ByRef] string method,
[ByRef] string scheme,
[ByRef] string server,
[ByRef] string endpoint,
record<string, string> headers,
[ByRef] sequence<u8> payload);
// Decypt and unpack the response from the Relay for the previously
// encapsulated request. You must use the same OhttpSession that
// generated the request message.
OhttpResponse decapsulate([ByRef] sequence<u8> encoded);
dictionary TestServerRequest {
string method;
string scheme;
string server;
string endpoint;
record<string, string> headers;
sequence<u8> payload;
// A testing interface for decrypting and responding to OHTTP messages. This
// should only be used for testing.
interface OhttpTestServer {
// Return the unique encryption key config for this instance of test server.
sequence<u8> get_config();
TestServerRequest receive([ByRef] sequence<u8> message);
sequence<u8> respond(OhttpResponse response);