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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import Foundation
public class OhttpManager {
// The OhttpManager communicates with the relay and key server using
// unless an alternative networking method is
// provided with this signature.
public typealias NetworkFunction = (_: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse)
// Global cache to caching Gateway encryption keys. Stale entries are
// ignored and on Gateway errors the key used should be purged and retrieved
// again next at next network attempt.
static var keyCache = [URL: ([UInt8], Date)]()
private var configUrl: URL
private var relayUrl: URL
private var network: NetworkFunction
public init(configUrl: URL,
relayUrl: URL,
network: @escaping NetworkFunction =
self.configUrl = configUrl
self.relayUrl = relayUrl = network
private func fetchKey(url: URL) async throws -> [UInt8] {
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
if let (data, response) = try? await network(request),
let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200
return [UInt8](data)
throw OhttpError.KeyFetchFailed(message: "Failed to fetch encryption key")
private func keyForGateway(gatewayConfigUrl: URL, ttl: TimeInterval) async throws -> [UInt8] {
if let (data, timestamp) = Self.keyCache[gatewayConfigUrl] {
if Date() < timestamp + ttl {
// Cache Hit!
return data
Self.keyCache.removeValue(forKey: gatewayConfigUrl)
let data = try await fetchKey(url: gatewayConfigUrl)
Self.keyCache[gatewayConfigUrl] = (data, Date())
return data
private func invalidateKey() {
Self.keyCache.removeValue(forKey: configUrl)
public func data(for request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, HTTPURLResponse) {
// Get the encryption keys for Gateway
let config = try await keyForGateway(gatewayConfigUrl: configUrl,
ttl: TimeInterval(3600))
// Create an encryption session for a request-response round-trip
let session = try OhttpSession(config: config)
// Encapsulate the URLRequest for the Target
let encoded = try session.encapsulate(method: request.httpMethod ?? "GET",
scheme: request.url!.scheme!,
server: request.url!.host!,
endpoint: request.url!.path,
headers: request.allHTTPHeaderFields ?? [:],
payload: [UInt8](request.httpBody ?? Data()))
// Request from Client to Relay
var request = URLRequest(url: relayUrl)
request.httpMethod = "POST"
request.setValue("message/ohttp-req", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
request.httpBody = Data(encoded)
let (data, response) = try await network(request)
// Decapsulation failures have these codes, so invalidate any cached
// keys in case the gateway has changed them.
if let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 400 ||
httpResponse.statusCode == 401
guard let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
httpResponse.statusCode == 200
else {
throw OhttpError.RelayFailed(message: "Network errors communicating with Relay / Gateway")
// Decapsulate the Target response into a HTTPURLResponse
let message = try session.decapsulate(encoded: [UInt8](data))
return (Data(message.payload),
HTTPURLResponse(url: request.url!,
statusCode: Int(message.statusCode),
httpVersion: "HTTP/1.1",
headerFields: message.headers)!)