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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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#include "vrb/Forward.h"
#include "vrb/MacroUtils.h"
#include "vrb/Color.h"
#include "DeviceDelegate.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
namespace crow {
class Cylinder;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Cylinder> CylinderPtr;
class VRLayer;
typedef std::shared_ptr<VRLayer> VRLayerPtr;
class Quad;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Quad> QuadPtr;
class Widget;
typedef std::shared_ptr<Widget> WidgetPtr;
class WidgetResizer;
typedef std::shared_ptr<WidgetResizer> WidgetResizerPtr;
class WidgetPlacement;
typedef std::shared_ptr<WidgetPlacement> WidgetPlacementPtr;
class Widget {
static WidgetPtr Create(vrb::RenderContextPtr& aContext, const int aHandle, const WidgetPlacementPtr& aPlacement,
const int32_t aTextureWidth, const int32_t aTextureHeight, const QuadPtr& aQuad);
static WidgetPtr Create(vrb::RenderContextPtr& aContext, const int aHandle, const WidgetPlacementPtr& aPlacement, const float aWorldWidth, const float aWorldHeight,
const int32_t aTextureWidth, const int32_t aTextureHeight, const CylinderPtr& aCylinder);
uint32_t GetHandle() const;
void ResetFirstDraw();
const std::string& GetSurfaceTextureName() const;
const vrb::TextureSurfacePtr GetSurfaceTexture() const;
void GetSurfaceTextureSize(int32_t& aWidth, int32_t& aHeight) const;
void SetSurfaceTextureSize(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight);
void GetWidgetMinAndMax(vrb::Vector& aMin, vrb::Vector& aMax) const;
void SetWorldWidth(float aWorldWidth) const;
void GetWorldSize(float& aWidth, float& aHeight) const;
bool TestControllerIntersection(const vrb::Vector& aStartPoint, const vrb::Vector& aDirection, vrb::Vector& aResult, vrb::Vector& aNormal,
const bool aClamp, bool& aIsInWidget, float& aDistance) const;
void ConvertToWidgetCoordinates(const vrb::Vector& aPoint, float& aX, float& aY, bool aClamp = true) const;
vrb::Vector ConvertToWorldCoordinates(const vrb::Vector& aLocalPoint) const;
vrb::Vector ConvertToWorldCoordinates(const float aWidgetX, const float aWidgetY) const;
const vrb::Matrix GetTransform() const;
void SetTransform(const vrb::Matrix& aTransform);
void ToggleWidget(const bool aEnabled);
bool IsVisible() const;
vrb::NodePtr GetRoot() const;
QuadPtr GetQuad() const;
CylinderPtr GetCylinder() const;
void SetQuad(const QuadPtr& aQuad);
void SetCylinder(const CylinderPtr& aCylinder);
VRLayerSurfacePtr GetLayer() const;
vrb::TransformPtr GetTransformNode() const;
const WidgetPlacementPtr& GetPlacement() const;
void SetPlacement(const WidgetPlacementPtr& aPlacement);
WidgetResizerPtr StartResize(const vrb::Vector& aMaxSize, const vrb::Vector& aMinSize);
void FinishResize();
bool IsResizing() const;
bool IsResizingActive() const;
void HandleResize(const vrb::Vector& aPoint, bool aPressed, bool& aResized, bool &aResizeEnded);
void HoverExitResize();
void SetCylinderDensity(const float aDensity);
float GetCylinderDensity() const;
void SetBorderColor(const vrb::Color& aColor);
void SetProxifyLayer(const bool aValue);
void LayoutQuadWithCylinderParent(const WidgetPtr& aParent);
struct State;
Widget(State& aState, vrb::RenderContextPtr& aContext);
~Widget() = default;
State& m;
Widget() = delete;
} // namespace crow