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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "Cylinder.h"
#include "Quad.h"
#include "VRLayer.h"
#include "VRLayerNode.h"
#include "vrb/ConcreteClass.h"
#include "vrb/Color.h"
#include "vrb/CreationContext.h"
#include "vrb/Matrix.h"
#include "vrb/Geometry.h"
#include "vrb/Program.h"
#include "vrb/ProgramFactory.h"
#include "vrb/RenderState.h"
#include "vrb/SurfaceTextureFactory.h"
#include "vrb/TextureSurface.h"
#include "vrb/Toggle.h"
#include "vrb/Transform.h"
#include "vrb/Vector.h"
#include "vrb/VertexArray.h"
namespace crow {
// Ratio between world size and cylinder surface size.
// It should match the values defined in WindowWidget.
// 800px is the default window size for a 4m world size.
float Cylinder::kWorldDensityRatio = 800.0f / 4.0f;
struct Cylinder::State {
vrb::CreationContextWeak context;
VRLayerCylinderPtr layer;
VRLayerNodePtr layerNode;
int32_t textureWidth;
int32_t textureHeight;
vrb::TogglePtr root;
vrb::TransformPtr transform;
vrb::GeometryPtr geometry;
float radius;
float height;
float theta;
float textureScaleX;
float textureScaleY;
float border;
vrb::Color borderColor;
vrb::Color solidColor;
: textureWidth(0)
, textureHeight(0)
, radius(1.0f)
, height(2.0f)
, theta((float)M_PI)
, textureScaleX(1.0f)
, textureScaleY(1.0f)
, border(0.0f)
void Initialize() {
vrb::CreationContextPtr create = context.lock();
transform = vrb::Transform::Create(create);
if (layer) {
textureWidth = layer->GetWidth();
textureHeight = layer->GetHeight();
layerNode = VRLayerNode::Create(create, layer);
} else {
geometry = CreateCylinderGeometry(radius, height, (float) M_PI);
root = vrb::Toggle::Create(create);
const int kRadialSegments = 200;
const int kHeightSegments = 1;
vrb::GeometryPtr CreateCylinderGeometry(const float aRadius, const float aHeight, const float aArcLength) {
const float pi = (float) M_PI;
const float startAngle = pi * 0.5f + aArcLength * 0.5f;
vrb::CreationContextPtr create = context.lock();
vrb::GeometryPtr geometry = vrb::Geometry::Create(create);
vrb::VertexArrayPtr array = vrb::VertexArray::Create(create);
const int ySegments = kHeightSegments + (border > 0.0f ? 2 : 0);
for (int y = 0; y <= ySegments; ++y) {
float offset = 0.0f;
float v = (float) y / (float) kHeightSegments;
vrb::Color vertexColor = solidColor;
if (border > 0) {
if (y == 0) {
v = 0.0f;
offset = border;
vertexColor = borderColor;
} else if (y == ySegments) {
v = 1.0f;
offset = -border;
vertexColor = borderColor;
} else {
v = (float) (y - 1) / (float) kHeightSegments;
for (int x = 0; x <= kRadialSegments; ++x) {
const float u = (float) x / (float) kRadialSegments;
const float theta = startAngle - aArcLength * u;
const float sinTheta = sinf(theta);
const float cosTheta = cosf(theta);
vrb::Vector vertex;
vrb::Vector uv;
vrb::Vector normal;
vertex.x() = aRadius * cosTheta;
vertex.y() = -v * aHeight + aHeight * 0.5f + offset;
vertex.z() = -aRadius * sinTheta;
uv.x() = u;
uv.y() = v;
uv.z() = 0.0f;
normal.x() = -cosTheta;
normal.y() = 0.0f;
normal.z() = sinTheta;
if (border > 0.0f) {
std::vector<int> indices;
for (int x = 0; x < kRadialSegments; ++x) {
for (int y = 0; y < ySegments; ++y) {
const int a = 1 + y * (kRadialSegments + 1) + x;
const int b = 1 + (y + 1) * (kRadialSegments + 1) + x;
const int c = 1 + (y + 1) * (kRadialSegments + 1) + x + 1;
const int d = 1 + y * (kRadialSegments + 1) + x + 1;
// update group counter
geometry->AddFace(indices, indices, indices);
vrb::RenderStatePtr state = vrb::RenderState::Create(create);
return geometry;
void updateTextureLayout() {
const float texScaleX = (float)M_PI / theta;
const float texBiasX = -texScaleX * (0.5f * (1.0f - 1.0f / texScaleX));
const float texScaleY = layer ? 0.5f : 1.0f;
const float texBiasY = -texScaleY * (0.5f * (1.0f - (1.0f / texScaleY)));
vrb::Matrix transform = vrb::Matrix::Translation(vrb::Vector(texBiasX, texBiasY, 0.0f));
transform.ScaleInPlace(vrb::Vector(texScaleX, texScaleY, 1.0f));
if (layer) {
layer->SetUVTransform(device::Eye::Left, transform);
layer->SetUVTransform(device::Eye::Right, transform);
if (geometry) {
int32_t segments = (int32_t)ceilf(kRadialSegments * fmin(1.0f, 1.0f / texScaleX));
if (segments % 2 != 0) {
const int32_t indicesPerSegment = border > 0.0f ? 18 : 6;
const int32_t start = (kRadialSegments - segments) / 2;
geometry->SetRenderRange(start * indicesPerSegment, segments * indicesPerSegment);
Cylinder::Create(vrb::CreationContextPtr aContext, const float aRadius, const float aHeight, const VRLayerCylinderPtr& aLayer) {
CylinderPtr result = std::make_shared<vrb::ConcreteClass<Cylinder, Cylinder::State> >(aContext);
result->m.radius = aRadius;
result->m.height = aHeight;
result->m.layer = aLayer;
return result;
Cylinder::Create(vrb::CreationContextPtr aContext, const float aRadius, const float aHeight, const vrb::Color& aSolidColor, const float aBorder, const vrb::Color& aBorderColor) {
CylinderPtr result = std::make_shared<vrb::ConcreteClass<Cylinder, Cylinder::State> >(aContext);
result->m.radius = aRadius;
result->m.height = aHeight;
result->m.solidColor = aSolidColor;
result->m.border = aBorder;
result->m.borderColor = aBorderColor;
return result;
Cylinder::Create(vrb::CreationContextPtr aContext, const Cylinder& aCylinder) {
CylinderPtr result = std::make_shared<vrb::ConcreteClass<Cylinder, Cylinder::State> >(aContext);
result->m.radius = aCylinder.m.radius;
result->m.height = aCylinder.m.height;
result->m.solidColor = aCylinder.m.solidColor;
result->m.border = aCylinder.m.border;;
result->m.borderColor = aCylinder.m.borderColor;
return result;
Cylinder::Create(vrb::CreationContextPtr aContext, const VRLayerCylinderPtr& aLayer) {
CylinderPtr result = std::make_shared<vrb::ConcreteClass<Cylinder, Cylinder::State> >(aContext);
result->m.layer = aLayer;
return result;
Cylinder::UpdateProgram(const std::string& aCustomFragmentShader) {
if (!m.geometry) {
vrb::CreationContextPtr create = m.context.lock();
if (!create) {
uint32_t features = vrb::FeatureHighPrecision | vrb::FeatureUVTransform;
if (m.border > 0) {
features |= vrb::FeatureVertexColor;
vrb::TexturePtr texture = m.geometry->GetRenderState()->GetTexture();
if (texture) {
if (texture->GetTarget() == GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP) {
features |= vrb::FeatureCubeTexture;
} else if (dynamic_cast<vrb::TextureSurface*>(texture.get()) != nullptr) {
features |= vrb::FeatureSurfaceTexture;
} else {
features |= vrb::FeatureTexture;
vrb::ProgramPtr program = create->GetProgramFactory()->CreateProgram(create, features, aCustomFragmentShader);
Cylinder::GetTextureSize(int32_t& aWidth, int32_t& aHeight) const {
aWidth = (int32_t)(m.textureWidth * m.textureScaleX);
aHeight = (int32_t)(m.textureHeight * m.textureScaleY);
Cylinder::SetTextureSize(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight) {
m.textureWidth = aWidth;
m.textureHeight = aHeight;
if (m.layer) {
m.layer->Resize(aWidth, aHeight);
Cylinder::SetTexture(const vrb::TexturePtr& aTexture, int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight) {
m.textureWidth = aWidth;
m.textureHeight = aHeight;
if (m.geometry) {
Cylinder::SetTextureScale(const float aScaleX, const float aScaleY) {
m.textureScaleX = aScaleX;
m.textureScaleY = aScaleY;
Cylinder::SetMaterial(const vrb::Color& aAmbient, const vrb::Color& aDiffuse, const vrb::Color& aSpecular, const float aSpecularExponent) {
if (m.geometry) {
m.geometry->GetRenderState()->SetMaterial(aAmbient, aDiffuse, aSpecular, aSpecularExponent);
Cylinder::SetLightsEnabled(const bool aEnabled) {
if (m.geometry) {
Cylinder::GetCylinderRadius() const {
return m.radius;
Cylinder::GetCylinderHeight() const {
return m.height;
Cylinder::GetCylinderTheta() const {
return m.theta;
Cylinder::GetRenderState() const {
if (m.geometry) {
return m.geometry->GetRenderState();
return nullptr;
Cylinder::SetCylinderTheta(const float aAngleLength) {
m.theta = aAngleLength;
Cylinder::SetTintColor(const vrb::Color& aColor) {
if (m.layer) {
} else if (m.geometry && m.geometry->GetRenderState()) {
Cylinder::GetRoot() const {
return m.root;
Cylinder::GetLayer() const {
return m.layer;
Cylinder::GetTransformNode() const {
return m.transform;
Cylinder::SetTransform(const vrb::Matrix& aTransform) {
static const float kEpsilon = 0.00000001f;
Cylinder::TestIntersection(const vrb::Vector& aStartPoint, const vrb::Vector& aDirection, vrb::Vector& aResult, vrb::Vector& aNormal, bool aClamp, bool& aIsInside, float& aDistance) const {
aDistance = -1.0f;
if (!m.root->IsEnabled(*m.transform)) {
return false;
vrb::Matrix worldTransform = m.transform->GetWorldTransform();
vrb::Matrix modelView = worldTransform.AfineInverse();
vrb::Vector start = modelView.MultiplyPosition(aStartPoint);
vrb::Vector direction = modelView.MultiplyDirection(aDirection);
if (vrb::Vector(start.x(), 0.0f, start.z()).Magnitude() <= m.radius) {
// Ensure that start of the ray is outside of the cylinder
start = start - direction * m.radius * 3.0f;
const float radius = this->GetCylinderRadius();
const vrb::Vector A(0.0f, -m.height * 0.5f, 0.0f); // Cylinder bottom center
const vrb::Vector B(0.0f, m.height * 0.5f, 0.0f); // Cylinder top center
const vrb::Vector AB = B - A;
const vrb::Vector AO = start - A;
const vrb::Vector AOxAB = AO.Cross(AB);
const vrb::Vector VxAB = direction.Cross(AB);
// Solve quadratic formula
const float ab2 = AB.Dot(AB);
const float a = VxAB.Dot(VxAB);
const float b = 2 * VxAB.Dot(AOxAB);
const float c = AOxAB.Dot(AOxAB) - (radius * radius * ab2);
const float d = b * b - 4 * a * c;
if (d < 0) {
return false;
double time = (-b + sqrt(d)) / (2 * a);
if (time < 0) {
return false;
const vrb::Vector intersection = start + direction * time; // intersection point
const vrb::Vector projection = A + AB * (AB.Dot(intersection - A) / ab2); // intersection projected onto cylinder axis
// Height test
const bool insideHeight = (projection - A).Magnitude() + (B - projection).Magnitude() <= AB.Magnitude();
// Normal Test
const vrb::Vector normal = (projection - intersection).Normalize();
if (normal.z() < 0) {
// Ignore cylinder side not facing the user
return false;
// Cylinder theta angle test
const float maxTheta = m.theta;
const float hitTheta = (float)M_PI - acosf(fabsf(intersection.x()) / radius) * 2.0f;
aIsInside = insideHeight && hitTheta <= maxTheta && fabs(intersection.y()) <= radius;
vrb::Vector result = intersection;
// Clamp to keep pointer in cylinder surface.
if (aClamp && !aIsInside) {
const float maxX = radius * cosf(0.5f * ((float)M_PI - maxTheta));
const float minX = -maxX;
if (result.x() > maxX) { result.x() = maxX; }
else if (result.x() < minX) { result.x() = minX; }
if (result.y() > radius) { result.y() = radius; }
else if (result.y() < radius) { result.y() = -radius; }
aResult = worldTransform.MultiplyPosition(intersection);
aNormal = worldTransform.MultiplyDirection(normal);
aDistance = (aResult - aStartPoint).Magnitude();
return true;
Cylinder::ConvertToQuadCoordinates(const vrb::Vector& point, float& aX, float& aY, bool aClamp) const {
const vrb::Vector intersection = m.transform->GetWorldTransform().AfineInverse().MultiplyPosition(point);
const float radius = GetCylinderRadius();
float ratioY;
if (intersection.y() > 0.0f) {
ratioY = 0.5f - 0.5f * intersection.y() / radius;
} else {
ratioY = 0.5f + 0.5f * fabsf(intersection.y()) / radius;
const float hitTheta = (float)M_PI - acosf(fabsf(intersection.x()) / radius) * 2.0f;
const float maxTheta = m.theta;
float ratioTheta = hitTheta / maxTheta * 0.5f;
float ratioX;
if (intersection.x() > 0.0f) {
ratioX = 0.5f + ratioTheta;
} else {
ratioX = 0.5f - ratioTheta;
if (aClamp) {
if (ratioY > 1.0f) {
ratioY = 1.0f;
if (ratioY < 0.0f) {
ratioY = 0.0f;
if (ratioX > 1.0f) {
ratioX = 1.0f;
if (ratioX < 0.0f) {
ratioX = 0.0f;
aX = ratioX * m.textureWidth;
aY = ratioY * m.textureHeight;
Cylinder::ConvertFromQuadCoordinates(const float aX, const float aY, vrb::Vector& aWorldPoint, vrb::Vector& aNormal) {
const float ratioX = aX / m.textureWidth;
const float ratioY = aY / m.textureHeight;
const float radius = GetCylinderRadius();
const float pi = (float) M_PI;
float targetTheta;
const float maxTheta = m.theta;
if (ratioX > 0.5f) {
targetTheta = (ratioX - 0.5f) * maxTheta;
} else {
targetTheta = -maxTheta * (0.5f - ratioX);
const float angle = pi * 0.5f - targetTheta;
const float x = radius * cosf(angle);
const float z = -radius * sinf(angle);
float y;
if (ratioY > 0.5f) {
y = radius * (ratioY - 0.5f) * 2.0f;
} else {
y = -radius * (0.5f - ratioY) * 2.0f;
vrb::Vector targetPoint(x, y, z);
aNormal = (vrb::Vector(0.0f, y, 0.0f) - targetPoint).Normalize();
aWorldPoint = m.transform->GetWorldTransform().MultiplyPosition(targetPoint);
float Cylinder::DistanceToBackPlane(const vrb::Vector &aStartPoint, const vrb::Vector &aDirection) const {
float result = -1.0f;
if (!m.root->IsEnabled(*m.transform)) {
return result;
vrb::Matrix worldTransform = m.transform->GetWorldTransform();
vrb::Matrix modelView = worldTransform.AfineInverse();
vrb::Vector point = modelView.MultiplyPosition(aStartPoint);
vrb::Vector direction = modelView.MultiplyDirection(aDirection);
const vrb::Vector max(1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f);
const vrb::Vector min(-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f);
const vrb::Vector bottomRight(max.x(), min.y(), min.z());
vrb::Vector normal = (bottomRight - min).Cross(max - min).Normalize();
const float dotNormals = direction.Dot(normal);
if (dotNormals > -kEpsilon) {
// Not pointed at the plane
return result;
const float dotV = (min - point).Dot(normal);
if ((dotV < kEpsilon) && (dotV > -kEpsilon)) {
return result;
const float length = dotV / dotNormals;
vrb::Vector intersection = point + (direction * length);
vrb::Vector worldPoint = worldTransform.MultiplyPosition(intersection);
result = (worldPoint - aStartPoint).Magnitude();
return result;
// Returns the circle angle of a local point in a cylinder
Cylinder::GetCylinderAngle(const vrb::Vector& aLocalPoint) const {
return atan2f(-aLocalPoint.z(), aLocalPoint.x());
Cylinder::ProjectPointToQuad(const vrb::Vector& aWorldPoint, const float aAnchorX, const float aCylinderDensity, const vrb::Vector& aMin, const vrb::Vector& aMax) const {
// For cylinders we want to map the position in the cylinder to the position it would have on a quad.
// This way we can reuse the same resize logic between quads and cylinders.
// First Convert to world point to local point in the cylinder.
vrb::Matrix modelView = GetTransformNode()->GetWorldTransform().AfineInverse();
vrb::Vector localPoint = modelView.MultiplyPosition(aWorldPoint);
const float pointAngle = GetCylinderAngle(localPoint);
// Ratio used to convert arc length to quad width.
const float thetaRatio = aCylinderDensity * 0.5f / ((float) M_PI * kWorldDensityRatio);
float x;
// Handle different anchor points.
if (aAnchorX == 1.0f) {
// Difference between pointer angle and the right anchor point.
const float initialTheta = (aMax.x() - aMin.x()) / thetaRatio;
const float initialAngle = (float)M_PI * 0.5f - initialTheta * 0.5f;
const float arc = fabsf(pointAngle - initialAngle);
x = aMax.x() - arc * thetaRatio;
} else if (aAnchorX == 0.0f) {
// Difference between pointer angle and the left anchor point.
const float initialTheta = (aMax.x() - aMin.x()) / thetaRatio;
const float initialAngle = (float)M_PI * 0.5f + initialTheta * 0.5f;
const float arc = fabsf(initialAngle - pointAngle);
x = aMin.x() + arc * thetaRatio;
} else { // Anchor 0.5f
// The center of the cylinder is 90ยบ.
x = ((float) M_PI * 0.5f - pointAngle) * thetaRatio;
// The mapped position on a quad.
const float y = (aMax.y() - aMin.y()) * localPoint.y() * 0.5f;
return vrb::Vector(x, y, 0.0f);
Cylinder::Cylinder(State& aState, vrb::CreationContextPtr& aContext) : m(aState) {
m.context = aContext;
Cylinder::~Cylinder() {}
} // namespace crow