749 |
nsIBlocklistService.idl |
943 |
nsICrashReporter.idl |
Provides access to crash reporting functionality.
@status UNSTABLE - This interface is not frozen and will probably change in
future releases.
5852 |
nsIDeviceSensors.idl |
Returns true if the given window has any listeners of the given type
2047 |
nsIGeolocationProvider.idl |
Interface provides a way for a geolocation provider to
notify the system that a new location is available.
2187 |
nsIGIOService.idl |
Launch files |
3756 |
nsIGSettingsService.idl |
1094 |
nsIHapticFeedback.idl |
Perform haptic feedback
@param isLongPress
indicate whether feedback is for a long press (vs. short press)
690 |
nsIPlatformInfo.idl |
The version of the XULRunner platform.
559 |
nsISystemInfo.idl |
Asynchronously get info about what types of disks we're using for the
profile and binary.
Note: only implemented on Windows, will return null elsewhere.
1235 |
nsIXULAppInfo.idl |
A scriptable interface to the nsXULAppAPI structure. See nsXULAppAPI.h for
a detailed description of each attribute.
1722 |
nsIXULRuntime.idl |
Provides information about the XUL runtime.
@status UNSTABLE - This interface is not frozen and will probably change in
future releases. If you need this functionality to be
stable/frozen, please contact Benjamin Smedberg.
13979 |