Name Description Size 749
nsIBlocklistService.idl 943
nsICrashReporter.idl Provides access to crash reporting functionality. @status UNSTABLE - This interface is not frozen and will probably change in future releases. 5852
nsIDeviceSensors.idl Returns true if the given window has any listeners of the given type 2047
nsIGeolocationProvider.idl Interface provides a way for a geolocation provider to notify the system that a new location is available. 2187
nsIGIOService.idl Launch files 3756
nsIGSettingsService.idl 1094
nsIHapticFeedback.idl Perform haptic feedback @param isLongPress indicate whether feedback is for a long press (vs. short press) 690
nsIPlatformInfo.idl The version of the XULRunner platform. 559
nsISystemInfo.idl Asynchronously get info about what types of disks we're using for the profile and binary. Note: only implemented on Windows, will return null elsewhere. 1235
nsIXULAppInfo.idl A scriptable interface to the nsXULAppAPI structure. See nsXULAppAPI.h for a detailed description of each attribute. 1722
nsIXULRuntime.idl Provides information about the XUL runtime. @status UNSTABLE - This interface is not frozen and will probably change in future releases. If you need this functionality to be stable/frozen, please contact Benjamin Smedberg. 13979