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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned nsresult;
typedef unsigned uint32_t;
typedef unsigned nsXPCVariant;
#if defined(WIN32)
# define NS_IMETHOD virtual nsresult __stdcall
# define NS_IMETHODIMP nsresult __stdcall
# define NS_IMETHOD virtual nsresult
# define NS_IMETHODIMP nsresult
class base {
NS_IMETHOD ignored() = 0;
class foo : public base {
NS_IMETHOD callme1(int i, int j) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD callme2(int i, int j) = 0;
NS_IMETHOD callme3(int i, int j) = 0;
class bar : public foo {
NS_IMETHOD ignored() override;
NS_IMETHOD callme1(int i, int j) override;
NS_IMETHOD callme2(int i, int j) override;
NS_IMETHOD callme3(int i, int j) override;
class baz : public base {
NS_IMETHOD ignored() override;
NS_IMETHOD callme1() override;
NS_IMETHOD callme2() override;
NS_IMETHOD callme3() override;
void setfoo(foo* f) { other = f; }
foo* other;
NS_IMETHODIMP baz::ignored() { return 0; }
NS_IMETHODIMP bar::ignored() { return 0; }
NS_IMETHODIMP bar::callme1(int i, int j) {
printf("called bar::callme1 with: %d %d\n", i, j);
return 15;
NS_IMETHODIMP bar::callme2(int i, int j) {
printf("called bar::callme2 with: %d %d\n", i, j);
return 25;
NS_IMETHODIMP bar::callme3(int i, int j) {
printf("called bar::callme3 with: %d %d\n", i, j);
return 35;
void docall(foo* f, int i, int j) { f->callme1(i, j); }
#if defined(WIN32)
static int __stdcall PrepareAndDispatch(baz* self, uint32_t methodIndex,
uint32_t* args,
uint32_t* stackBytesToPop) {
fprintf(stdout, "PrepareAndDispatch (%p, %d, %p)\n", (void*)self, methodIndex,
foo* a = self->other;
int p1 = (int)*args;
int p2 = (int)*(args + 1);
int out = 0;
switch (methodIndex) {
case 1:
out = a->callme1(p1, p2);
case 2:
out = a->callme2(p1, p2);
case 3:
out = a->callme3(p1, p2);
*stackBytesToPop = 2 * 4;
return out;
# ifndef __GNUC__
static __declspec(naked) void SharedStub(void) {
__asm {
push ebp // set up simple stack frame
mov ebp, esp // stack has: ebp/vtbl_index/retaddr/this/args
push ecx // make room for a ptr
lea eax, [ebp-4] // pointer to stackBytesToPop
push eax
lea ecx, [ebp+16] // pointer to args
push ecx
mov edx, [ebp+4] // vtbl_index
push edx
mov eax, [ebp+12] // this
push eax
call PrepareAndDispatch
mov edx, [ebp+8] // return address
mov ecx, [ebp-4] // stackBytesToPop
add ecx, 12 // for this, the index, and ret address
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
add esp, ecx // fix up stack pointer
jmp edx // simulate __stdcall return
// these macros get expanded (many times) in the file #included below
# define STUB_ENTRY(n) \
__declspec(naked) nsresult __stdcall baz::callme##n() { \
__asm push n __asm jmp SharedStub \
# else /* __GNUC__ */
# define STUB_ENTRY(n) \
nsresult __stdcall baz::callme##n() { \
uint32_t *args, stackBytesToPop; \
int result = 0; \
baz* obj; \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"leal 0x0c(%%ebp), %0\n\t" /* args */ \
"movl 0x08(%%ebp), %1\n\t" /* this */ \
: "=r"(args), "=r"(obj)); \
result = PrepareAndDispatch(obj, n, args, &stackBytesToPop); \
fprintf(stdout, "stub returning: %d\n", result); \
fprintf(stdout, "bytes to pop: %d\n", stackBytesToPop); \
return result; \
# endif /* ! __GNUC__ */
// just Linux_x86 now. Add other later...
static int PrepareAndDispatch(baz* self, uint32_t methodIndex, uint32_t* args) {
foo* a = self->other;
int p1 = (int)*args;
int p2 = (int)*(args + 1);
switch (methodIndex) {
case 1:
a->callme1(p1, p2);
case 2:
a->callme2(p1, p2);
case 3:
a->callme3(p1, p2);
return 1;
# define STUB_ENTRY(n) \
nsresult baz::callme##n() { \
void* method = PrepareAndDispatch; \
nsresult result; \
__asm__ __volatile__( \
"leal 0x0c(%%ebp), %%ecx\n\t" /* args */ \
"pushl %%ecx\n\t" \
"pushl $" #n \
"\n\t" /* method index */ \
"movl 0x08(%%ebp), %%ecx\n\t" /* this */ \
"pushl %%ecx\n\t" \
"call *%%edx" /* PrepareAndDispatch */ \
: "=a"(result) /* %0 */ \
: "d"(method) /* %1 */ \
: "memory"); \
return result; \
int main() {
foo* a = new bar();
baz* b = new baz();
/* here we make the global 'check for alloc failure' checker happy */
if (!a || !b) return 1;
foo* c = (foo*)b;
c->callme1(1, 2);
c->callme2(2, 4);
c->callme3(3, 6);
return 0;