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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
add_task(async function test_check_from_os() {
const mimeService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIMIMEService);
let zipType = mimeService.getTypeFromExtension("zip");
Assert.equal(zipType, "application/zip");
try {
let extension = mimeService.getPrimaryExtension("application/zip", "");
"Expect our own info to provide an extension for zip files."
} catch (ex) {
Assert.ok(false, "We shouldn't throw when getting zip info.");
try {
let found = {};
mimeService.getMIMEInfoFromOS("application/zip", "zip", found);
Assert.ok(found.value, "OS API should resolve zip mimetype and extension");
} catch (ex) {
"Getting extension for 'application/zip' should not throw."
try {
let found = {};
mimeService.getMIMEInfoFromOS("", "abc", found);
Assert.ok(!found.value, "OS API shouldn't resolve unknown and extension");
} catch (ex) {
Assert.ok(false, "We shouldn't throw when getting unknown file info.");