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Test Info:

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
// Test the fallback fixed in bug 1875460, if the modern tab dialog box is not
// supported.
const TEST_URL =
add_task(async function () {
await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({
set: [["security.external_protocol_requires_permission", false]],
// Load a page with an FTP link.
let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
BrowserTestUtils.startLoadingURIString(browser, TEST_URL);
await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, TEST_URL);
// Make sure no handler is set, forcing the dialog to show.
let protoSvc = Cc[
let protoInfo = protoSvc.getProtocolHandlerInfo("ftp");
ok(!protoInfo.preferredApplicationHandler, "no preferred handler is set");
let handlers = protoInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers;
is(0, handlers.length, "no handler registered for ftp");
protoInfo.alwaysAskBeforeHandling = true;
let handlerSvc = Cc[";1"].getService(
// Delete getTabDialogBox from gBrowser, to test the fallback to the standalone
// application chooser window.
let _getTabDialogBox = gBrowser.getTabDialogBox;
delete gBrowser.getTabDialogBox;
let appChooserDialogOpenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.domWindowOpened(
async win => {
await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(win, "load");
win.document.documentURI ==
"application chooser dialog opened"
return true;
let link = "#link";
await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(link, {}, browser);
let appChooserDialog = await appChooserDialogOpenPromise;
let appChooserDialogClosePromise =
let dialog = appChooserDialog.document.getElementsByTagName("dialog")[0];
let cancelButton = dialog.getButton("cancel");;
await appChooserDialogClosePromise;
// Restore the original getTabDialogBox(), to not affect other tests.
gBrowser.getTabDialogBox = _getTabDialogBox;