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Mozilla Build Verification Scripts
updates -> AUS and update verification
l10n -> l10n vs. en-US verification
common -> useful utility scripts
Update Verification
> Does a low-level check of all advertised MAR files. Expects to have a
> file named all-locales, but does not (yet) handle platform exceptions, so
> these should be removed from the locales file.
> Prints errors on both STDOUT and STDIN, the intention is to run the
> script with STDOUT redirected to an output log. If there is not output
> on the console and an exit code of 0 then all tests pass; otherwise one
> or more tests failed.
> Does the following:
> 1) download update.xml from AUS for a particular release
> 2) download the partial and full mar advertised
> 3) check that the partial and full match the advertised size and sha1sum
> 4) downloads the latest release, and an older release
> 5) applies MAR to the older release, and compares the two releases.
> Step 5 is repeated for both the complete and partial MAR.
> Expects to have an updates.cfg file, describing all releases to try updating
> from.
Valid Platforms for AUS
- Linux_x86-gcc3
- Darwin_Universal-gcc3
- Linux_x86-gcc3
- WINNT_x86-msvc
- Darwin_ppc-gcc3
Running it locally
- [optional | Mac] zstd (`brew install zst`)
Docker Image
1. [Ship-it]( holds the latest builds.
1. Clicking on "Ship task" of latest build will open the task group in
1. On the "Name contains" lookup box, search for `release-update-verify-firefox`
and open a `update-verify` task
1. Make note of the `CHANNEL` under Payload. ie: `beta-localtest`
1. Click "See more" under Task Details and open the `docker-image-update-verify`
Download the image artifact from *docker-image-update-verify* task and load it
zstd -d image.tar.zst
docker image load -i image.tar
Load docker image using mach and a task
# Replace TASK-ID with the ID of a docker-image-update-verify task
./mach taskcluster-load-image --task-id=<TASK-ID>
Update Verify Config
1. Open Taskcluster Task Group
1. Search for `update-verify-config` and open the task
1. Under Artifacts, download `update-verify.cfg` file
Run Docker
To run the container interactively:
> Replace `<MOZ DIRECTORY>` with gecko repository path on local host <br />
> Replace `<UVC PATH>` with path to `update-verify.cfg` file on local host.
ie.: `~/Downloads/update-verify.cfg`
> Replace `<CHANNEL>` with value from `update-verify` task (Docker steps)
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
-e CHANNEL=beta-localtest \
-e MOZ_FETCHES_DIR=/builds/worker/fetches \
-e MOZBUILD_STATE_PATH=/builds/worker/.mozbuild \
-v <UVC PATH>:/builds/worker/fetches/update-verify.cfg
-v <MOZ DIRECTORY>:/builds/worker/checkouts/gecko \
-w /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko \
> Note that `MOZ_FETCHES_DIR` here is different from what is used in production.
`total-chunks` and `this-chunk` refer to the number of lines in `update-verify.cfg`
./tools/update-verify/scripts/ --total-chunks=228 --this-chunk=4