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import json
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
TASK_DURATION_CACHE = "task_duration_history.json"
GRAPH_QUANTILE_CACHE = "graph_quantile_cache.csv"
TASK_DURATION_TAG_FILE = "task_duration_tag.json"
def find_all_dependencies(graph, tasklist):
all_dependencies = dict()
def find_dependencies(task):
dependencies = set()
if task in all_dependencies:
return all_dependencies[task]
if task not in graph:
# Don't add tasks (and so durations) for
# things optimised out.
return dependencies
for dep in graph.get(task, list()):
all_dependencies[dep] = find_dependencies(dep)
return dependencies
full_deps = set()
for task in tasklist:
# Since these have been asked for, they're not inherited dependencies.
return sorted(full_deps - set(tasklist))
def find_longest_path(graph, tasklist, duration_data):
dep_durations = dict()
def find_dependency_durations(task):
if task in dep_durations:
return dep_durations[task]
durations = [find_dependency_durations(dep) for dep in graph.get(task, list())]
md = max(durations) + duration_data.get(task, 0.0)
dep_durations[task] = md
return md
longest_paths = [find_dependency_durations(task) for task in tasklist]
# Default in case there are no tasks
if longest_paths:
return max(longest_paths)
return 0
def determine_percentile(quantiles_file, duration):
duration = duration.total_seconds()
with open(quantiles_file) as f:
f.readline() # skip header
boundaries = [float(l.strip()) for l in f.readlines()]
for i, v in enumerate(boundaries):
if duration < v:
# Estimate percentile from len(boundaries)-quantile
return int(100 * i / len(boundaries))
def task_duration_data(cache_dir):
with open(os.path.join(cache_dir, TASK_DURATION_CACHE)) as f:
return json.load(f)
def duration_summary(graph_cache_file, tasklist, cache_dir):
durations = task_duration_data(cache_dir)
graph = dict()
if graph_cache_file:
with open(graph_cache_file) as f:
graph = json.load(f)
dependencies = find_all_dependencies(graph, tasklist)
longest_path = find_longest_path(graph, tasklist, durations)
dependency_duration = 0.0
for task in dependencies:
dependency_duration += int(durations.get(task, 0.0))
total_requested_duration = 0.0
for task in tasklist:
duration = int(durations.get(task, 0.0))
total_requested_duration += duration
output = dict()
total_requested_duration = timedelta(seconds=total_requested_duration)
total_dependency_duration = timedelta(seconds=dependency_duration)
output["selected_duration"] = total_requested_duration
output["dependency_duration"] = total_dependency_duration
output["dependency_count"] = len(dependencies)
output["selected_count"] = len(tasklist)
percentile = None
graph_quantile_cache = os.path.join(cache_dir, GRAPH_QUANTILE_CACHE)
if os.path.isfile(graph_quantile_cache):
percentile = determine_percentile(
graph_quantile_cache, total_dependency_duration + total_requested_duration
if percentile:
output["percentile"] = percentile
output["wall_duration_seconds"] = timedelta(seconds=int(longest_path))
output["eta_datetime"] = + timedelta(seconds=longest_path)
output["task_durations"] = {
task: int(durations.get(task, 0.0)) for task in tasklist
return output