Name Description Size
browser.toml 3570
browser_test_feature_ipcmessages.js Test the IPCMessages feature. 3187
browser_test_feature_jsallocations.js Test the JS Allocations feature. This is done as a browser test to ensure that we realistically try out how the JS allocations are running. This ensures that we are collecting allocations for the content process and the parent process. 2716
browser_test_feature_jstracing.js Test the JS Tracing feature. 10171
browser_test_feature_multiprocess_capture_with_signal.js 6299
browser_test_feature_nostacksampling.js Test the No Stack Sampling feature. 2393
browser_test_marker_network_cancel.js Test that we emit network markers with the cancel status. 2331
browser_test_marker_network_private_browsing.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly 3335
browser_test_marker_network_redirect.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly. In this file we'll test the redirect cases. 12898
browser_test_marker_network_serviceworker_cache_first.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly. In this file we'll test a caching service worker. This service worker will fetch and store requests at install time, and serve them when the page requests them. 14083
browser_test_marker_network_serviceworker_no_fetch_handler.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly. In this file we'll test the case of a service worker that has no fetch handlers. In this case, a fetch is done to the network. There may be shortcuts in our code in this case, that's why it's important to test it separately. 8723
browser_test_marker_network_serviceworker_no_respondWith_in_fetch_handler.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly. In this file we'll test the case of a service worker that has a fetch handler, but no respondWith. In this case, some process called "reset interception" happens, and the fetch is still carried on by our code. Because this is a bit of an edge case, it's important to have a test for this case. 12226
browser_test_marker_network_serviceworker_synthetized_response.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly. In this file we'll test a service worker that returns a synthetized response. This means the service worker will make up a response by itself. 19862
browser_test_marker_network_simple.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly 3005
browser_test_marker_network_sts.js Test that we emit network markers accordingly. In this file we'll test that we behave properly with STS redirections. 4780
browser_test_markers_gc_cc.js 1598
browser_test_markers_parent_process.js 1487
browser_test_markers_preferencereads.js Test the Preference Read markers. 2126
browser_test_profile_capture_by_pid.js interval (ms) 6136
browser_test_profile_fission.js 6668
browser_test_profile_multi_frame_page_info.js 3181
browser_test_profile_single_frame_page_info.js 4703
browser_test_profile_slow_capture.js 3764
do_work_500ms.html Do some work for 500ms 1077
firefox-logo-nightly.svg 19218
head.js import-globals-from ../shared-head.js 5580
multi_frame.html Multi Frame 173
page_with_resources.html 238
redirect.sjs 217
simple.html 119
single_frame.html Single Frame 131
tracing.html Do some naive JS executions 574