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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "WinTokenUtils.h"
using namespace mozilla;
// If |aToken| is nullptr, CheckTokenMembership uses the calling thread's
// primary token to check membership for.
static LauncherResult<bool> IsMemberOfSidType(
const nsAutoHandle& aToken, const WELL_KNOWN_SID_TYPE aWellKnownSid) {
DWORD sidSize = sizeof(sid);
if (!CreateWellKnownSid(aWellKnownSid, nullptr, sid, &sidSize)) {
BOOL isMember;
if (!CheckTokenMembership(aToken, sid, &isMember)) {
return !!isMember;
static LauncherResult<bool> IsUacEnabled() {
DWORD len = sizeof(DWORD);
DWORD value;
LSTATUS status = RegGetValueW(
L"EnableLUA", RRF_RT_DWORD, nullptr, &value, &len);
if (status != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return LAUNCHER_ERROR_FROM_WIN32(status);
// UAC is disabled only when EnableLUA is 0.
return (value != 0);
namespace mozilla {
LauncherResult<bool> IsAdminWithoutUac() {
// To check whether the process was launched with Administrator privileges or
// not, we cannot simply check the integrity level of the current process
// because the launcher process spawns the browser process with the medium
// integrity level even though the launcher process is high integrity level.
// We check whether the thread's token contains Administrators SID or not
// instead.
return UserHasAdminPrivileges().andThen(
[](bool containsAdminGroup) -> LauncherResult<bool> {
if (!containsAdminGroup) {
// We don't have Administrator privileges, no need to check if UAC is
// enabled.
return false;
// We have Administrator privileges, now check if we have them while UAC
// is disabled.
return IsUacEnabled().map(
[](bool isUacEnabled) { return !isUacEnabled; });
LauncherResult<bool> UserHasAdminPrivileges() {
return IsMemberOfSidType(nsAutoHandle(), WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid);
LauncherResult<bool> UserIsLocalSystem() {
return IsMemberOfSidType(nsAutoHandle(), WinLocalSystemSid);
} // namespace mozilla