Name Description Size
audio-muted.svg 1026
audio.svg 833
audioNoAudioButton.svg 594
castingButton-active.svg 787
castingButton-ready.svg 725
closed-caption-settings-button.svg 1070
closedCaptionButton-cc-off.svg 1277
closedCaptionButton-cc-on.svg 1268
error.png 2043
fullscreenEnterButton.svg 875
fullscreenExitButton.svg 855
imagedoc-darknoise.png 3050
imagedoc-lightnoise.png 3987
pause-fill.svg 559
picture-in-picture-closed.svg 839
picture-in-picture-enter-fullscreen-button.svg 532
picture-in-picture-exit-fullscreen-button.svg 748
picture-in-picture-open.svg 839
picture-in-picture-seekBackward-button.svg 1063
picture-in-picture-seekForward-button.svg 1217
pipToggle.css This CSS file is for the Picture-in-Picture toggle. The "experiment" class is used to enable styling for the VARIANT version of the toggle for upcoming PiP Nimbus experiments. @see Bug 1811314. To see each section of style changes, search "PIP STYLING" in this file. 11852
play-fill.svg 494
stalled.png 20763
textrecognition.css Prevent unwanted style inheritance. 603
throbber.png 30718
videocontrols.css Prevent selection from interacting weirdly with the page, see bug 1766093. Our text selection story with shadow dom should be better, see bug 1590379 13459