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/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
/* eslint max-len: ["error", 80] */
/* exported DISCOAPI_DEFAULT_FIXTURE, getCardContainer,
getDiscoveryElement, promiseAddonInstall, promiseDiscopaneUpdate,
promiseEvent, promiseObserved, readAPIResponseFixture */
/* globals RELATIVE_DIR, promisePopupNotificationShown,
waitAppMenuNotificationShown */
"use strict";
const { AddonTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
const {
ExtensionUtils: { promiseEvent, promiseObserved },
} = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs");
// The response to the discovery API, as documented at:
// The tests using this fixure are meant to verify that the discopane works
// with the latest AMO API.
// The following fixure file should be kept in sync with the content of
// latest AMO API response, e.g. from
// The response must contain at least one theme, and one extension.
const DISCOAPI_DEFAULT_FIXTURE = PathUtils.join(
Services.dirsvc.get("CurWorkD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
// Read the content of API_RESPONSE_FILE, and replaces any embedded URLs with
// URLs that point to the `amoServer` test server.
async function readAPIResponseFixture(
) {
let apiText = await IOUtils.readUTF8(fixtureFilePath);
apiText = apiText.replace(/\bhttps?:\/\/[^"]+(?=")/g, url => {
try {
url = new URL(url);
} catch (e) {
// Responses may contain "http://*/*"; ignore it.
return url;
// In this test, we only need to distinguish between different file types,
// so just use the file extension as path name for amoServer.
let ext = url.pathname.split(".").pop();
return `http://${amoTestHost}/${ext}?${url.pathname}${}`;
return apiText;
// Wait until the current `<discovery-pane>` element has finished loading its
// cards. This can be used after the cards have been loaded.
function promiseDiscopaneUpdate(win) {
let { cardsReady } = getCardContainer(win);
ok(cardsReady, "Discovery cards should have started to initialize");
return cardsReady;
function getCardContainer(win) {
return getDiscoveryElement(win).querySelector("recommended-addon-list");
function getDiscoveryElement(win) {
return win.document.querySelector("discovery-pane");
// A helper that waits until an installation has been requested from `amoServer`
// and proceeds with approving the installation.
async function promiseAddonInstall(
expectedTelemetryInfo = { source: "disco", taarRecommended: false }
) {
let description = extensionData.manifest.description;
let xpiFile = AddonTestUtils.createTempWebExtensionFile(extensionData);
amoServer.registerFile("/xpi", xpiFile);
let addonId =
extensionData.manifest?.browser_specific_settings?.gecko?.id ||
let installedPromise = waitAppMenuNotificationShown(
if (!extensionData.manifest.theme) {
info(`${description}: Waiting for permission prompt`);
// Extensions have install prompts.
let panel = await promisePopupNotificationShown("addon-webext-permissions");;
} else {
info(`${description}: Waiting for install prompt`);
let panel = await promisePopupNotificationShown(
info("Waiting for post-install doorhanger");
await installedPromise;
let addon = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(addonId);
"The installed add-on should have the expected telemetry info"