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use crate::result::{Error, Result};
use goblin::mach;
use super::BuildIdReader;
use log::trace;
const HEADER_SIZE: usize = std::mem::size_of::<goblin::mach::header::Header64>();
impl BuildIdReader {
pub fn get_build_id_bytes(&mut self, buffer: &[u8], note_name: &str) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: {}", note_name);
let (section, note) = note_name.split_once(",").ok_or(Error::InvalidNoteName)?;
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: {} {}", section, note);
let fat_header = mach::fat::FatHeader::parse(buffer).map_err(|source| Error::Goblin {
action: "parse fat header",
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: fat header: {:?}", fat_header);
/* First we attempt to parse if there's a Fat header there
* If we have one, then we have a universal binary so we are going to
* search the architectures to find the one we want, extract the correct
* MachO buffer as well as the offset at which the MachO binary is.
* Testing Universal binaries will require running gtest against a
* Shippable build.
* If not we have a normal MachO and we directly parse the buffer we
* have read earlier, and use a 0 offset.
let (buf, main_offset): ([u8; HEADER_SIZE], usize) =
if fat_header.magic == mach::fat::FAT_CIGAM || fat_header.magic == mach::fat::FAT_MAGIC
let total = std::mem::size_of::<mach::fat::FatHeader>() as usize
+ (std::mem::size_of::<mach::fat::FatArch>() * fat_header.nfat_arch as usize);
let mach_buffer = self.copy_bytes(0, total)?;
if let mach::Mach::Fat(multi_arch) =
mach::Mach::parse_lossy(&mach_buffer).map_err(|source| Error::Goblin {
action: "parse mach binary",
let arches = multi_arch.arches().map_err(|source| Error::Goblin {
action: "get multiarch arches",
#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
let that_arch = mach::constants::cputype::CPU_TYPE_X86_64;
#[cfg(target_arch = "aarch64")]
let that_arch = mach::constants::cputype::CPU_TYPE_ARM64;
let arch_index = arches
.position(|&x| x.cputype == that_arch)
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: arches[]: {:?}", arches[arch_index]);
let offset = arches[arch_index].offset as usize;
let b = self
.copy_bytes(offset, HEADER_SIZE)?
.expect("copy_bytes didn't copy exactly as many bytes as requested");
(b, offset)
} else {
return Err(Error::NotFatArchive);
} else {
buffer.try_into().map_err(|source| Error::NotEnoughData {
expected: HEADER_SIZE,
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: {} {}", section, note);
let macho_head = mach::header::Header64::from_bytes(&buf);
let mut address = main_offset + HEADER_SIZE;
let end_of_commands = address + (macho_head.sizeofcmds as usize);
while address < end_of_commands {
let command =
unsafe { self.copy::<mach::load_command::LoadCommandHeader>(address as usize)? };
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: command {:?}", command);
if command.cmd == mach::load_command::LC_SEGMENT_64 {
let segment =
unsafe { self.copy::<mach::load_command::SegmentCommand64>(address as usize)? };
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: segment {:?}", segment);
let name =|source| Error::Goblin {
action: "get segment name",
if name == section {
let sections_addr =
address + std::mem::size_of::<mach::load_command::SegmentCommand64>();
let sections = unsafe {
sections_addr as usize,
segment.nsects as usize,
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: sections {:?}", sections);
for section in &sections {
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: section {:?}", section);
if let Ok(sname) = Self::string_from_bytes(&section.sectname) {
trace!("get_build_id_bytes: sname {:?}", sname);
if (sname.len() == 0) || (sname != note) {
return self.copy_bytes(
main_offset + section.addr as usize,
section.size as usize,
address += command.cmdsize as usize;