Name Description Size
audio.ogg 14293
audio.wav 1422
browser.toml 50
browser_moz_page_nav_responsive.js 5274
chrome.toml 1729
file_videocontrols_jsdisabled.html 110
head.js Runs querySelectorAll on an element's shadow root. @param {Element} element @param {string} selector 1461
image-zh.png 5442
image.png 7061
input-test-helpers.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 20501
mochitest.toml 3442
popup_shared.js This script is used for menu and popup tests. Call startPopupTests to start the tests, passing an array of tests as an argument. Each test is an object with the following properties: testname - name of the test test - function to call to perform the test events - a list of events that are expected to be fired in sequence as a result of calling the 'test' function. This list should be an array of strings of the form "eventtype targetid" where 'eventtype' is the event type and 'targetid' is the id of target of the event. This function will be passed two arguments, the testname and the step argument. Alternatively, events may be a function which returns the array of events. This can be used when the events vary per platform. result - function to call after all the events have fired to check for additional results. May be null. This function will be passed two arguments, the testname and the step argument. steps - optional array of values. The test will be repeated for each step, passing each successive value within the array to the test and result functions autohide - if set, should be set to the id of a popup to hide after the test is complete. This is a convenience for some tests. condition - an optional function which, if it returns false, causes the test to be skipped. end - used for debugging. Set to true to stop the tests after running this one. 15998
seek_with_sound.webm 287370
test-webvtt-1.vtt 187
test-webvtt-2.vtt 198
test_audiocontrols_dimensions.html Audio controls test 2093
test_audiocontrols_fullscreen.html Audio controls test 1968
test_bug898940.html Test that an audio element that's already playing when controls are attached displays the controls 851
test_bug1654500.html Clear disabled/readonly datetime inputs 1401
test_contextmenu_menugroup.xhtml 2940
test_contextmenu_nested.xhtml 4836
test_editor_currentURI.xhtml 1278
test_image_recognition.html Image recognition test 2292
test_image_recognition_unsupported.html Image recognition unsupported 982
test_image_recognition_zh.html Image recognition test for Chinese 1644
test_label_checkbox.xhtml Label Checkbox Tests 889
test_menubar.xhtml Menubar Popup Tests 796
test_mousecapture_area.html Mouse capture on area elements tests 4375
test_moz_base_input_element.html MozBaseInputElement Tests 2914
test_moz_box_button.html MozBoxButton Tests 3465
test_moz_button.html MozButton Tests 13625
test_moz_button_group.html moz-button-group tests 10838
test_moz_card.html moz-card tests 8799
test_moz_checkbox.html moz-checkbox tests 5160
test_moz_fieldset.html MozFieldset tests 5996
test_moz_five_star.html MozFiveStar Tests 5841
test_moz_input_search.html MozInputSearch Tests 1792
test_moz_input_text.html MozInputText Tests 1340
test_moz_label.html MozLabel tests 5693
test_moz_lit_element.html MozLitElement Tests 4001
test_moz_message_bar.html MozMessageBar tests 6202
test_moz_page_nav.html MozPageNav Tests 11068
test_moz_radio.html MozRadio Tests 1105
test_moz_radio_group.html MozRadioGroup Tests 25231
test_moz_select.html MozSelect Tests 4512
test_moz_support_link.html MozSupportLink tests 5294
test_moz_toggle.html MozToggle tests 4606
test_nac_mutations.html UA Widget mutation observer test 2209
test_panel_item_accesskey.html Test Panel Item Accesskey Support 3683
test_panel_item_checkbox.html Test Panel Item Checkbox type 6905
test_panel_item_disabled.html Test Panel Item With Disabled Attribute 3418
test_panel_list_accessibility.html Test Panel List Accessibility 2653
test_panel_list_anchoring.html Test Panel List Anchoring 4108
test_panel_list_in_xul_panel.html Test Panel List In XUL Panel 3262
test_panel_list_min_width_from_anchor.html Test Panel List Min-width From Anchor 2443
test_panel_list_shadow_node_anchor.html Bug 1802215 - Allow <panel-list> to be anchored to shadow DOM nodes 3265
test_popupanchor.xhtml 13318
test_popupreflows.xhtml 2799
test_tree_column_reorder.xhtml 2668
test_ua_widget_elementFromPoint.html UA Widget getElementFromPoint 908
test_ua_widget_sandbox.html UA Widget sandbox test 3773
test_ua_widget_unbind.html UA Widget unbind test 2134
test_videocontrols.html Video controls test 20758
test_videocontrols_audio.html Video controls with Audio file test 1138
test_videocontrols_audio_direction.html Video controls directionality test 1030
test_videocontrols_clickToPlay_ariaLabel.html Video controls test - clickToPlayAriaLabel 1804
test_videocontrols_closed_caption_menu.html Video controls test - KeyHandler 4806
test_videocontrols_error.html Video controls test - Error 2265
test_videocontrols_focus.html Video controls test - Focus 4297
test_videocontrols_iframe_fullscreen.html Video controls test - iframe 1960
test_videocontrols_jsdisabled.html Video controls test 1855
test_videocontrols_keyhandler.html Video controls test - KeyHandler 4824
test_videocontrols_onclickplay.html Video controls test 2252
test_videocontrols_scrubber_position.html Video controls test - Initial scrubber position 1558
test_videocontrols_scrubber_position_nopreload.html Video controls test - Initial scrubber position when preload is turned off 4301
test_videocontrols_size.html Video controls test - Size 5907
test_videocontrols_src_change.html Video controls test 1775
test_videocontrols_standalone.html Video controls test 4007
test_videocontrols_video_direction.html Video controls directionality test 1030
test_videocontrols_video_noaudio.html Video controls test 1285
test_videocontrols_vtt.html Video controls test - VTT 3968
tree_shared.js globals getCustomTreeViewCellInfo 59423
video.webm 222879
videocontrols_direction-1-ref.html 238
videocontrols_direction-1a.html 221
videocontrols_direction-1b.html 234
videocontrols_direction-1c.html 234
videocontrols_direction-1d.html 248
videocontrols_direction-1e.html 262
videocontrols_direction-2-ref.html 238
videocontrols_direction-2a.html 221
videocontrols_direction-2b.html 234
videocontrols_direction-2c.html 234
videocontrols_direction-2d.html 248
videocontrols_direction-2e.html 262
videocontrols_direction_test.js global tests 3353
videomask.css Create a mask for the video direction tests which covers up the throbber. 333
window_label_checkbox.xhtml 1376
window_menubar.xhtml 31287