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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<window title="Large Menu Tests"
This test checks that a large menu is displayed with arrow buttons
and is on the screen.
var gOverflowed = false, gUnderflowed = false;
var gContextMenuTests = false;
var gScreenY = -1;
var gTestIndex = 0;
var gTests = ["open normal", "open when bottom would overlap", "open with scrolling",
"open after scrolling", "open small again",
"menu movement", "panel movement",
"context menu enough space below",
"context menu more space above",
"context menu too big either side",
"context menu larger than screen",
"context menu flips horizontally on osx"];
function getScreenXY(element)
var screenX, screenY;
var mouseFn = function(event) {
screenX = event.screenX - 1;
screenY = event.screenY - 1;
// a hacky way to get the screen position of an element without using the box object
window.addEventListener("mousedown", mouseFn);
synthesizeMouse(element, 1, 1, { });
window.removeEventListener("mousedown", mouseFn);
return [screenX, screenY];
function nextFrame() {
return new Promise(r => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
setTimeout(r, 0);
async function hidePopup(popup = document.getElementById("popup")) {
info(`Hiding ${}`);
await nextFrame();
function runTests()
[, gScreenY] = getScreenXY(document.documentElement);
async function nextTest()
var y = screen.height;
if (gTestIndex == 1) // open with bottom overlap test:
y -= 100;
y /= 2;
var popup = document.getElementById("popup");
if (gTestIndex == 2) {
// add some more menuitems so that scrolling will be necessary
var moreItemCount = Math.round(screen.height / popup.firstChild.getBoundingClientRect().height);
for (var t = 1; t <= moreItemCount; t++) {
var menu = document.createXULElement("menuitem");
menu.setAttribute("label", "More" + t);
else if (gTestIndex == 4) {
// remove the items added in test 2 above
while (popup.childNodes.length > 15)
await nextFrame();
gOverflowed = false; gUnderflowed = false;
popup.openPopupAtScreen(100, y, false);
async function popupShown() {
// This is needed for overflow events to run.
await nextFrame();
function startTest()
if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "menu movement")
return testPopupMovement();
if (gContextMenuTests)
return contextMenuPopupShown();
var popup = document.getElementById("popup");
var rect = popup.getBoundingClientRect();
var marginTop = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(popup).marginTop);
var marginBottom = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(popup).marginBottom);
var scrollbox = popup.scrollBox.scrollbox;
var expectedScrollPos = 0;
info(`${gTests[gTestIndex]}: ${JSON.stringify(rect)} | ${screen.width}x${screen.height} | ${gScreenY}`);
if (gTestIndex == 0) {
// the popup should be in the center of the screen
// note that if the height is odd, the y-offset will have been rounded
// down when we pass the fractional value to openPopupAtScreen above.
is(Math.round( - marginTop) + gScreenY, Math.floor(screen.height / 2),
gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
ok(Math.round(rect.bottom - marginBottom) + gScreenY < screen.height,
gTests[gTestIndex] + " bottom");
ok(!gOverflowed && !gUnderflowed, gTests[gTestIndex] + " overflow")
else if (gTestIndex == 1) {
// the popup was supposed to open 100 pixels from the bottom, but that
// would put it off screen so ...
if (platformIsMac()) {
// On OSX the popup is constrained so it remains within the
// bounds of the screen
ok(Math.round( + gScreenY >=, gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
is(Math.round(rect.bottom) + gScreenY, screen.availTop + screen.availHeight, gTests[gTestIndex] + " bottom");
ok(!gOverflowed && !gUnderflowed, gTests[gTestIndex] + " overflow");
else {
// On other platforms the menu should be flipped to have its bottom
// edge 100 pixels from the bottom
ok(Math.round( - marginTop) + gScreenY >=, gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
is(Math.round(rect.bottom + marginBottom) + gScreenY, screen.height - 100,
gTests[gTestIndex] + " bottom");
ok(!gOverflowed && !gUnderflowed, gTests[gTestIndex] + " overflow");
else if (gTestIndex == 2) {
// the popup is too large so ensure that it is on screen
ok(Math.round( - marginTop) + gScreenY >=, gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
ok(Math.round(rect.bottom + marginBottom) + gScreenY <= screen.height, gTests[gTestIndex] + " bottom");
ok(gOverflowed && !gUnderflowed, gTests[gTestIndex] + " overflow")
scrollbox.scrollTo(0, 40);
expectedScrollPos = 40;
else if (gTestIndex == 3) {
// 40 + scroll arrow top margin.
expectedScrollPos = 56;
if (scrollbox.scrollTop != expectedScrollPos) {
todo_is(scrollbox.scrollTop, expectedScrollPos, "menu scroll position after reopening large menu should not reset");
expectedScrollPos = 0;
else if (gTestIndex == 4) {
// note that if the height is odd, the y-offset will have been rounded
// down when we pass the fractional value to openPopupAtScreen above.
is(Math.round( - marginTop) + gScreenY, Math.floor(screen.height / 2),
gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
ok(Math.round(rect.bottom) + gScreenY < screen.height,
gTests[gTestIndex] + " bottom");
ok(!gOverflowed && gUnderflowed, gTests[gTestIndex] + " overflow");
is(scrollbox.scrollTop, expectedScrollPos, "menu scroll position " + gTests[gTestIndex])
return hidePopup();
function is(l, r, n) { window.arguments[0],r,n); }
function ok(v, n) { window.arguments[0].SimpleTest.ok(v,n); }
var oldx, oldy, waitSteps = 0;
function moveWindowTo(x, y, callback, arg)
if (!waitSteps) {
oldx = window.screenX;
oldy = window.screenY;
window.moveTo(x, y);
setTimeout(moveWindowTo, 100, x, y, callback, arg);
if (window.screenX == oldx && window.screenY == oldy) {
if (waitSteps++ > 10) {
ok(false, "Window never moved properly to " + x + "," + y);
setTimeout(moveWindowTo, 100, x, y, callback, arg);
else {
waitSteps = 0;
function popupHidden()
if (gTestIndex == gTests.length) {
info("test: " + gTests[gTestIndex]);
if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "context menu enough space below") {
gContextMenuTests = true;
moveWindowTo(window.screenX, screen.availTop + 10,
() => synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById("label"), 4, 4, { type: "contextmenu", button: 2 }));
else if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "menu movement") {
document.getElementById("label"), "after_start", 0, 0, false, false);
else if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "panel movement") {
document.getElementById("label"), "after_start", 0, 0, false, false);
else if (gContextMenuTests) {
else {
function contextMenuPopupShown()
var popup = document.getElementById("popup");
var rect = popup.getBoundingClientRect();
var marginTop = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(popup).marginTop);
var marginLeft = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(popup).marginLeft);
var labelrect = document.getElementById("label").getBoundingClientRect();
// Click to open popup in popupHidden() occurs at (4,4) in label's coordinate space
var clickX = 4;
var clickY = 4;
info(`${gTests[gTestIndex]}: ${JSON.stringify(rect)}`);
var testPopupAppearedRightOfCursor = true;
switch (gTests[gTestIndex]) {
case "context menu enough space below":
is( - marginTop, + clickY + (platformIsMac() ? -6 : 2), gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
case "context menu more space above":
if (platformIsMac()) {
let screenY;
[, screenY] = getScreenXY(popup);
// Macs constrain their popup menus vertically rather than flip them.
is(screenY, screen.availTop + screen.availHeight - rect.height, gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
} else {
is( + marginTop, + clickY - rect.height - 2, gTests[gTestIndex] + " top");
case "context menu too big either side":
[, gScreenY] = getScreenXY(document.documentElement);
// compare against the available size as well as the total size, as some
// platforms allow the menu to overlap os chrome and others do not
var pos = (screen.availTop + screen.availHeight - rect.height) - gScreenY - marginTop;
var availPos = ( + screen.height - rect.height) - gScreenY - marginTop;
ok( == pos || == availPos,
gTests[gTestIndex] + ` top (${pos}/${availPos})`);
case "context menu larger than screen":
ok( == -(gScreenY - screen.availTop) + marginTop || == -(gScreenY - + marginTop,
`${gTests[gTestIndex]} top (top = ${} screenY = ${gScreenY} screenAvailTop = ${screen.availTop} screenTop = ${})`);
case "context menu flips horizontally on osx":
testPopupAppearedRightOfCursor = false;
if (platformIsMac()) {
is(Math.round(rect.right), labelrect.left + clickX - 1, gTests[gTestIndex] + " right");
if (testPopupAppearedRightOfCursor) {
is(rect.left - marginLeft, labelrect.left + clickX + (platformIsMac() ? 1 : 2), gTests[gTestIndex] + " left");
function contextMenuPopupHidden()
var screenAvailBottom = screen.availTop + screen.availHeight;
if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "context menu more space above") {
moveWindowTo(window.screenX, screenAvailBottom - 80, nextContextMenuTest, -1);
else if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "context menu too big either side") {
moveWindowTo(window.screenX, screenAvailBottom / 2 - 80, nextContextMenuTest, screenAvailBottom / 2 + 120);
else if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "context menu larger than screen") {
nextContextMenuTest(screen.availHeight + 80);
else if (gTests[gTestIndex] == "context menu flips horizontally on osx") {
var popup = document.getElementById("popup");
var popupWidth = popup.getBoundingClientRect().width;
moveWindowTo(screen.availLeft + screen.availWidth - popupWidth, 100, nextContextMenuTest, -1);
function nextContextMenuTest(desiredHeight)
if (desiredHeight >= 0) {
var popup = document.getElementById("popup");
var height = popup.getBoundingClientRect().height;
var itemheight = document.getElementById("firstitem").getBoundingClientRect().height;
while (height < desiredHeight) {
var menu = document.createXULElement("menuitem");
menu.setAttribute("label", "Item");
height += itemheight;
synthesizeMouse(document.getElementById("label"), 4, 4, { type: "contextmenu", button: 2 });
function testPopupMovement()
var isPanelTest = (gTests[gTestIndex] == "panel movement");
var popup = document.getElementById(isPanelTest ? "panel" : "popup");
var screenX, screenY;
var rect = popup.getBoundingClientRect();
var marginBottom = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(popup).marginBottom);
var marginLeft = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(popup).marginLeft);
var marginTop = parseFloat(getComputedStyle(popup).marginTop);
var panelIsTop = !SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("ui.panel.default_level_parent");
var overlapOSChrome = canOverlapOSChrome() && (!isPanelTest || panelIsTop);
popup.moveTo(1, 1);
[screenX, screenY] = getScreenXY(popup);
var expectedx = 1, expectedy = 1;
if (!overlapOSChrome) {
if (screen.availLeft >= 1) {
expectedx = screen.availLeft + marginLeft;
if (screen.availTop >= 1) {
expectedy = screen.availTop + marginTop;
is(screenX, expectedx, gTests[gTestIndex] + " (1, 1) x");
is(screenY, expectedy, gTests[gTestIndex] + " (1, 1) y");
popup.moveTo(100, 8000);
expectedy = (overlapOSChrome ? screen.height + : screen.availHeight + screen.availTop) -
Math.round(rect.height) - marginBottom;
[screenX, screenY] = getScreenXY(popup);
is(screenX, 100, gTests[gTestIndex] + " (100, 8000) x");
is(screenY, expectedy, gTests[gTestIndex] + " (100, 8000) y");
popup.moveTo(6000, 100);
expectedx = (overlapOSChrome ? screen.width + screen.left : screen.availWidth + screen.availLeft) -
Math.round(rect.width) - marginLeft;
[screenX, screenY] = getScreenXY(popup);
is(screenX, expectedx, gTests[gTestIndex] + " (6000, 100) x");
is(screenY, 100, gTests[gTestIndex] + " (6000, 100) y");
is(popup.getAttribute("left"), null, gTests[gTestIndex] + " left is empty after moving");
is(popup.getAttribute("top"), null, gTests[gTestIndex] + " top is empty after moving");
popup.setAttribute("left", "80");
popup.setAttribute("top", "82");
[screenX, screenY] = getScreenXY(popup);
is(screenX, 80, gTests[gTestIndex] + " set left and top x");
is(screenY, 82, gTests[gTestIndex] + " set left and top y");
popup.moveTo(95, 98);
[screenX, screenY] = getScreenXY(popup);
is(screenX, 95, gTests[gTestIndex] + " move after set left and top x");
is(screenY, 98, gTests[gTestIndex] + " move after set left and top y");
is(popup.getAttribute("left"), "95", gTests[gTestIndex] + " left is set after moving");
is(popup.getAttribute("top"), "98", gTests[gTestIndex] + " top is set after moving");
popup.moveTo(-1 + marginLeft, -1 + marginTop);
[screenX, screenY] = getScreenXY(popup);
expectedx = (overlapOSChrome ? screen.left : screen.availLeft) + marginLeft;
expectedy = (overlapOSChrome ? : screen.availTop) + marginTop;
is(screenX, expectedx, gTests[gTestIndex] + " move after set left and top x to -1");
is(screenY, expectedy, gTests[gTestIndex] + " move after set left and top y to -1");
is(popup.getAttribute("left"), null, gTests[gTestIndex] + " left is not set after moving to -1");
is(popup.getAttribute("top"), null, gTests[gTestIndex] + " top is not set after moving to -1");
function platformIsMac()
return navigator.platform.indexOf("Mac") > -1;
function canOverlapOSChrome()
return navigator.platform.startsWith("Win");
window.arguments[0].SimpleTest.waitForFocus(runTests, window);
<button id="label" label="OK" context="popup"/>
<menupopup id="popup" onpopupshown="popupShown();" onpopuphidden="popupHidden();"
onoverflow="gOverflowed = true" onunderflow="gUnderflowed = true;">
<menuitem id="firstitem" label="1"/>
<menuitem label="2"/>
<menuitem label="3"/>
<menuitem label="4"/>
<menuitem label="5"/>
<menuitem label="6"/>
<menuitem label="7"/>
<menuitem label="8"/>
<menuitem label="9"/>
<menuitem label="10"/>
<menuitem label="11"/>
<menuitem label="12"/>
<menuitem label="13"/>
<menuitem label="14"/>
<menuitem label="15"/>
<panel id="panel" onpopupshown="testPopupMovement();" onpopuphidden="popupHidden();" style="margin: 0; -moz-window-input-region-margin: 0;">
<button label="OK"/>