Name Description Size 1023
nsAutoWindowStateHelper.cpp nsAutoWindowStateHelper ********************* ************************************************************** 2118
nsAutoWindowStateHelper.h Helper class for dealing with notifications around opening modal windows. 898
nsDialogParamBlock.cpp 2170
nsDialogParamBlock.h 1313
nsIDialogParamBlock.idl An interface to pass strings, integers and nsISupports to a dialog 1286
nsIOpenWindowInfo.idl nsIBrowsingContextReadyCallback.browsingContextReady() is called within nsFrameLoader to indicate that the browsing context for a newly opened window/tab is ready. 3292
nsIPromptCollection.idl This interface contains various specialized prompts that the app can implement. 1549
nsIPromptFactory.idl This interface allows creating various prompts that have a specific parent. 701
nsIPromptService.idl This is the interface to the embeddable prompt service; the service that implements nsIPrompt. Its interface is designed to be just nsIPrompt, each method modified to take a parent window parameter. Accesskeys can be attached to buttons and checkboxes by inserting an & before the accesskey character in the checkbox message or button title. For a real &, use && instead. (A "button title" generally refers to the text label of a button.) One note: in all cases, the parent window parameter can be null. However, these windows are all intended to have parents. So when no parent is specified, the implementation should try hard to find a suitable foster parent. Implementations are free to choose how they present the various button types. For example, while prompts that give the user a choice between OK and Cancel are required to return a boolean value indicating whether or not the user accepted the prompt (pressed OK) or rejected the prompt (pressed Cancel), the implementation of this interface could very well speak the prompt to the user instead of rendering any visual user-interface. The standard button types are merely idioms used to convey the nature of the choice the user is to make. Because implementations of this interface may loosely interpret the various button types, it is advised that text messages passed to these prompts do not refer to the button types by name. For example, it is inadvisable to tell the user to "Press OK to proceed." Instead, such a prompt might be rewritten to ask the user: "Would you like to proceed?" 26055
nsIWindowWatcher.idl nsIWindowWatcher is the keeper of Gecko/DOM Windows. It maintains a list of open top-level windows, and allows some operations on them. Usage notes: This component has an |activeWindow| property. Clients may expect this property to be always current, so to properly integrate this component the application will need to keep it current by setting the property as the active window changes. This component should not keep a (XPCOM) reference to any windows; the implementation will claim no ownership. Windows must notify this component when they are created or destroyed, so only a weak reference is kept. Note that there is no interface for such notifications (not a public one, anyway). This is taken care of both in Mozilla and by common embedding code. Embedding clients need do nothing special about that requirement. This component must be initialized at application startup by calling setWindowCreator. 6886
nsOpenWindowInfo.cpp 3415
nsOpenWindowInfo.h 1684
nsPIWindowWatcher.idl Private "control" methods on the Window Watcher. These are annoying bookkeeping methods, not part of the public (embedding) interface. 6810
nsPromptUtils.h @file This file defines some helper functions that simplify interaction with authentication prompts. 4352
nsWindowWatcher.cpp nsWatcherWindowEntry ********************** ************************************************************** 94147
nsWindowWatcher.h Creates a load state from the given uri and the parent window. If `aParent` is present, his function will set - the triggering window id - if the triggering window has storage access - the source `BrowsingContext`` - the triggering browsing context's sandbox flags - the user gesture activation flag based on the parent document - the text directive user activation flag; this will consume the parent document's flag and OR's it with the user gesture activation flag. Currently, the returned load state is intended to be passed into `OpenWindowInternal()`. Note that the triggering principal and referrer info are not set by this function. 5305