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import todolist
let todo = TodoList()
do {
let _ = try todo.getLast()
fatalError("Should have thrown an EmptyTodoList error!")
} catch TodoError.EmptyTodoList{
//It's okay! There are not todos!
try! todo.addItem(todo: "Write swift bindings")
assert( try! todo.getLast() == "Write swift bindings")
try! todo.addItem(todo: "Write tests for bindings")
assert(try! todo.getLast() == "Write tests for bindings")
let entry = TodoEntry(text: "Write bindings for strings as record members")
try! todo.addEntry(entry: entry)
assert(try! todo.getLast() == "Write bindings for strings as record members")
try! todo.addItem(todo: "Test Ünicode hàndling without an entry can't believe I didn't test this at first 🤣")
assert(try! todo.getLast() == "Test Ünicode hàndling without an entry can't believe I didn't test this at first 🤣")
do {
let _ = try createEntryWith(todo: "")
fatalError("Should have thrown an EmptyString error!")
} catch TodoError.EmptyString {
// It's okay! It was an empty string
let entry2 = TodoEntry(text: "Test Ünicode hàndling in an entry can't believe I didn't test this at first 🤣")
try! todo.addEntry(entry: entry2)
assert(try! todo.getLastEntry() == entry2)
assert(todo.getEntries().count == 5)
todo.addEntries(entries: [TodoEntry(text: "foo"), TodoEntry(text: "bar")])
assert(todo.getEntries().count == 7)
assert(todo.getItems().count == 7)
assert(try! todo.getLast() == "bar")
todo.addItems(items: ["bobo", "fofo"])
assert(todo.getItems().count == 9)
assert(todo.getItems()[7] == "bobo")
// Ensure deinit doesn't crash.
for _ in 0..<10 {
let list = TodoList()
try! list.addItem(todo: "todo")
let todo2 = TodoList()
assert(getDefaultList() == nil)
setDefaultList(list: todo)
assert(todo.getItems() == getDefaultList()!.getItems())
assert(todo2.getItems() != getDefaultList()!.getItems())
assert(todo.getItems() != getDefaultList()!.getItems())
assert(todo2.getItems() == getDefaultList()!.getItems())
try! todo.addItem(todo: "Test liveness after being demoted from default")
assert(try! todo.getLast() == "Test liveness after being demoted from default")
try! todo2.addItem(todo: "Test shared state through local vs default reference")
assert(try! getDefaultList()!.getLast() == "Test shared state through local vs default reference")