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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! Test wrapping sync Rust calls and making them async.
//! This is intended to mimic what we do in application-services: create a synchrounous API, then
//! wrap it so that most methods are async and run in a worker queue.
//! This provides the essentially same functionality as the automatic async wrapping that is
//! available by editing `config.toml` so why do it?
//! - Implementing the async wrapping in Rust leads to better docs. The auto-generated API
//! reference will show which functions are sync and which are async. Telling users that
//! sync functions are actually actually async because of UniFFI magic would lead to confusion.
//! - It opens the door to future performance improvements. Some methods could be async without
//! this wrapper and without sending anything to a background thread. Fxa API calls using an
//! async HTTP client would be one example. Some methods could be split into a "real" async part
//! and a wrapped async part.
//! - Async Rust code allows for new patterns. Maybe the FxA state machine would be better
//! modelled as an async actor rather than a bunch of sync methods protected by a Mutex.
use std::{sync::{Arc, Mutex, OnceLock}, thread::sleep, time::Duration};
use crate::oneshot;
/// Worker queue scheduler trait
/// This is a trait that the foreign code implements to schedule Rust tasks in a worker queue. On
/// Swift/Kotlin, we can implement this trait using a DispatchQueue/CoroutineContext.
/// On JS we can't implement it directly, since JS is single-threaded and we don't want to start up
/// a web worker. Instead, we implement the trait in Rust using `moz_task`.
pub trait WorkerQueue: Send + Sync {
fn add_task(&self, task: Arc<dyn RustTask>);
pub trait RustTask: Send + Sync {
fn run(&self);
/// Initialize the global worker queue. The Rust code will use this schedule sync tasks in the
/// background in order to present an async interface.
pub fn initialize_global_worker_queue(worker_queue: Arc<dyn WorkerQueue>) {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("init_global_worker_queue called twice"));
static GLOBAL_WORKER_QUEUE: OnceLock<Arc<dyn WorkerQueue>> = OnceLock::new();
/// Schedule a closure to run in the global worker queue. Returns the result of the closure
/// asynchronously
pub async fn run_in_background<T: Send + Sync + 'static>(task: impl FnOnce() -> T + Send + Sync + 'static) -> T {
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("init_global_worker_queue never called"))
.add_task(RustTaskContainer::new_arc(move || {
/// Implements RustTask for any closure
/// The one tricky part is that the task can only be run once, but the foreign language gets a
/// shared reference to it. This implementation uses a Mutex, in the real world, `UnsafeCell` +
/// `Once` might be a better option.
struct RustTaskContainer<T: FnOnce() + Send + Sync>(Mutex<Option<T>>);
impl<T: FnOnce() + Send + Sync> RustTaskContainer<T> {
fn new_arc(task: T) -> Arc<Self> {
impl<T: FnOnce() + Send + Sync> RustTask for RustTaskContainer<T> {
fn run(&self) {
if let Some(f) = self.0.lock().unwrap().take() {
/// Initialize the global worker for JS.
/// All code above here is generalized task code that works for JS, Kotlin, and Swift.
/// This function and the GeckoWorkerQueue struct are Gecko-specific.
pub fn initialize_gecko_global_worker_queue() {
struct GeckoWorkerQueue;
impl WorkerQueue for GeckoWorkerQueue {
// This version is what runs when we're linked into libgecko
#[cfg(feature = "moz_task")]
fn add_task(&self, task: Arc<dyn RustTask>) {
if let Err(e) = moz_task::dispatch_background_task("UniFFI task", move || {
log::error!("Failed to dispatch background task: {e}");
// This is as stub that allows us to build a library for uniffi-bindgen to use, but without
// depending on gecko. Gecko can only be built inside of `./mach build` and we want to build
// the library using plain `cargo build`.
#[cfg(not(feature = "moz_task"))]
fn add_task(&self, _task: Arc<dyn RustTask>) {
panic!("moz_task not enabled");
/// Function to test the global worker queue
/// This is how Rust components can wrap synchronous tasks to present an async interface.
pub async fn expensive_computation() -> u32 {
run_in_background(|| {