Name Description Size
browser.toml 1093
browser_canvas_fingerprinter_telemetry.js clear 3170
browser_canvas_randomization.js Bug 1816189 - Testing canvas randomization on canvas data extraction. In the test, we create canvas elements and offscreen canvas and test if the extracted canvas data is altered because of the canvas randomization. 17146
browser_canvas_randomization_permission.js Bug 1896175 - Testing canvas randomization with read canvas permission granted. Bug 1918690 - Extend canvas randomization permission test 4569
browser_canvas_randomization_worker.js Bug 1816189 - Testing canvas randomization on canvas data extraction in workers. In the test, we create offscreen canvas in workers and test if the extracted canvas data is altered because of the canvas randomization. 8897
browser_fingerprinting_randomization_key.js A helper function to get the random key in a hex string format and test if the random key works properly. @param {Browser} browser The browser element of the testing tab. @param {string} firstPartyDomain The first-party domain loaded on the tab @param {string} thirdPartyDomain The third-party domain to test @returns {string} The random key hex string 14540
browser_fingerprintingRemoteOverrides.js 13301
browser_fingerprintingWebCompat.js 14607
browser_font_fingerprinter_telemetry.js clear 2889
browser_fpiServiceWorkers_fingerprinting.js import-globals-from testHelpers.js 2670
browser_rfp_canvasplaceholder_pdfjs.js 1375
browser_service_worker_granular_overrides.js global getJSTestingFunctions 6343
browser_service_worker_overrides.js global getJSTestingFunctions 1843
browser_service_worker_randomization_key_originattrs.js Bug 1889762 - Testing the timezone offset override in the service worker to ensure that the override is applied correctly. Same as browser_fpiServiceWorkers_fingerprinting.js but uses serviceWorkerTester.js instead of serviceWorker.js 2207
browser_serviceWorker_fingerprinting_webcompat.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 5202
browser_usercharacteristics.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1180
browser_usercharacteristics_gamepads.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2256
browser_worker_granular_overrides.js global getJSTestingFunctions 6328
browser_worker_overrides.js global getJSTestingFunctions 1710
canvas-fingerprinter.html A page containing a canvas fingerprinter 523
empty.html An empty page for testing 104
file_pdf.pdf 291
font-fingerprinter.html A page containing a font fingerprinter 10505
head.js Compares two Uint8Arrays and returns the number of bits that are different. @param {Uint8ClampedArray} arr1 - The first Uint8ClampedArray to compare. @param {Uint8ClampedArray} arr2 - The second Uint8ClampedArray to compare. @returns {number} - The number of bits that are different between the two arrays. 8648
scriptExecPage.html A content page for executing script! 825
serviceWorker.js 284
serviceWorkerTester.js 380
testHelpers.js 730
testPage.html A page with a javascript URL iframe 174
worker.js 228