Name Description Size
browser.toml 2248
browser_bug1124271_readerModePinnedTab.js 1718
browser_bug1453818_samesite_cookie.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3510
browser_bug1780350_readerModeSaveScroll.js eslint-disable @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url 2501
browser_drag_url_readerMode.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 2156
browser_localfile_readerMode.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1514
browser_readerMode.js Test that the reader mode button appears and works properly on reader-able content. 11491
browser_readerMode_bc_reuse.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1267
browser_readerMode_cached.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1245
browser_readerMode_colorSchemePref.js Test that opening reader mode maintains the correct color scheme preference until the user manually sets a different color scheme. 5750
browser_readerMode_customColorScheme.js Test that the custom color scheme selection updates the document colors correctly. 2077
browser_readerMode_hidden_nodes.js Test that the reader mode button appears and works properly on reader-able content. 1732
browser_readerMode_menu.js Test that the reader mode menus open and close correctly on click and on keyboard input. 5367
browser_readerMode_pocket.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3735
browser_readerMode_readingTime.js Test that the reader mode correctly calculates and displays the estimated reading time for a normal length article 3804
browser_readerMode_refresh.js 1494
browser_readerMode_remoteType.js Test that switching an article into readermode doesn't change its' remoteType. Test that the reader mode correctly calculates and displays the estimated reading time for a short article 2637
browser_readerMode_samesite_cookie_redirect.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1569
browser_readerMode_tabnavigation.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1967
browser_readerMode_textLayoutPref.js Test that the layout and advanced layout pref selection updates the document layout correctly. 6940
browser_readerMode_with_anchor.js 2976
getCookies.sjs 369
head.js exported promiseTabLoadEvent, is_element_visible, is_element_hidden 2049
linkToGetCookies.html 1290
readerModeArticle.html Article title 10125
readerModeArticleContainsLink.html Article title 5293
readerModeArticleHiddenNodes.html Article title 5177
readerModeArticleMedium.html Article title 2868
readerModeArticleShort.html Article title 1126
readerModeArticleTextPlain.txt 3891
readerModeNonArticle.html Non article title 169
readerModeRandom.sjs 1481
setSameSiteCookie.html 193
setSameSiteCookie.html^headers^ 48