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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* @typedef {object} Lazy
* @typedef {import("../content/Utils.sys.mjs").ProgressAndStatusCallbackParams} ProgressAndStatusCallbackParams
* @property {typeof console} console
* @property {typeof import("../content/Utils.sys.mjs").getRuntimeWasmFilename} getRuntimeWasmFilename
* @property {typeof import("../content/EngineProcess.sys.mjs").EngineProcess} EngineProcess
* @property {typeof import("../../../../services/settings/remote-settings.sys.mjs").RemoteSettings} RemoteSettings
* @property {typeof import("../../translations/actors/TranslationsParent.sys.mjs").TranslationsParent} TranslationsParent
/** @type {Lazy} */
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "console", () => {
return console.createInstance({
maxLogLevelPref: "",
prefix: "ML:EngineParent",
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
EngineProcess: "chrome://global/content/ml/EngineProcess.sys.mjs",
TranslationsParent: "resource://gre/actors/TranslationsParent.sys.mjs",
setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs",
clearTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs",
ModelHub: "chrome://global/content/ml/ModelHub.sys.mjs",
getInferenceProcessInfo: "chrome://global/content/ml/Utils.sys.mjs",
Progress: "chrome://global/content/ml/Utils.sys.mjs",
const RS_RUNTIME_COLLECTION = "ml-onnx-runtime";
const RS_INFERENCE_OPTIONS_COLLECTION = "ml-inference-options";
const RS_ALLOW_DENY_COLLECTION = "ml-model-allow-deny-list";
* The ML engine is in its own content process. This actor handles the
* marshalling of the data such as the engine payload.
export class MLEngineParent extends JSWindowActorParent {
* The RemoteSettingsClient that downloads the wasm binaries.
* @type {Record<string, RemoteSettingsClient>}
static #remoteClients = {};
/** @type {Promise<WasmRecord> | null} */
static #wasmRecord = null;
* Locks to prevent race conditions when creating engines.
* @type {Map<string, Promise>}
static engineLocks = new Map();
* The following constant controls the major and minor version for onnx wasm downloaded from
* Remote Settings.
* In our case, we want to use two distinct ort versions:
* - Transformers 2.x needs onnxruntime-web <= 1.19
* - Transformers 3.x needs onnxruntime-web > 1.19
* We are using "1.x" for the first one, and "2.x" for the second one.
* So when updating the versions in remote setting, make sure you use 2.0+ for 1.20+
* When a breaking change is introduced, Nightly will have these
* numbers incremented by one, but Beta and Release will still be on the previous
* version. Remote Settings will ship both versions of the records, and the latest
* asset released in that version will be used. For instance, with a major version
* of "1", assets can be downloaded for "1.0", "1.2", "1.3beta", but assets marked
* as "2.0", "2.1", etc will not be downloaded.
* This wasm file supports CPU, WebGPU and WebNN.
* Since SIMD is supported by all major JavaScript engines, non-SIMD build is no longer provided.
* We also serve the threaded build since we can simply set numThreads to 1 to disable multi-threading.
static WASM_FILENAME = "ort-wasm-simd-threaded.jsep.wasm";
* The modelhub used to retrieve files.
* @type {ModelHub}
modelHub = null;
* Tracks the most recent revision for each task and model pair that are marked for deletion.
* Keys are task names and model names. Values contain their respective revisions.
* @type {Map<string, object>}
#modelFilesInUse = new Map();
* The callback to call for updating about notifications such as dowload progress status.
* @type {?function(ProgressAndStatusCallbackParams):void}
notificationsCallback = null;
* Remote settings isn't available in tests, so provide mocked responses.
* @param {RemoteSettingsClient} remoteClients
static mockRemoteSettings(remoteClients) {
lazy.console.log("Mocking remote settings in MLEngineParent.");
MLEngineParent.#remoteClients = remoteClients;
MLEngineParent.#wasmRecord = null;
* Remove anything that could have been mocked.
static removeMocks() {
lazy.console.log("Removing mocked remote client in MLEngineParent.");
MLEngineParent.#remoteClients = {};
MLEngineParent.#wasmRecord = null;
* Creates a new MLEngine.
* If there's an existing engine with the same pipelineOptions, it will be reused.
* @param {PipelineOptions} pipelineOptions
* @param {?function(ProgressAndStatusCallbackParams):void} notificationsCallback A function to call to indicate progress status.
* @returns {Promise<MLEngine>}
async getEngine(pipelineOptions, notificationsCallback = null) {
const engineId = pipelineOptions.engineId;
// Allow notifications callback changes even when reusing engine.
this.notificationsCallback = notificationsCallback;
if (MLEngineParent.engineLocks.has(engineId)) {
// Wait for the existing lock to resolve
await MLEngineParent.engineLocks.get(engineId);
let resolveLock;
const lockPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
resolveLock = resolve;
MLEngineParent.engineLocks.set(engineId, lockPromise);
try {
const currentEngine = MLEngine.getInstance(engineId);
if (currentEngine) {
if (currentEngine.pipelineOptions.equals(pipelineOptions)) {
lazy.console.debug("Returning existing engine", engineId);
return currentEngine;
await MLEngine.removeInstance(
/* shutdown */ false,
/* replacement*/ true
lazy.console.debug("Creating a new engine");
const engine = await MLEngine.initialize({
mlEngineParent: this,
// TODO - What happens if the engine is already killed here?
return engine;
} finally {
* Validates a taskName
* Throws an exception if the task name is invalid.
* @param {string} taskName
checkTaskName(taskName) {
// Define a regular expression to verify taskName pattern (alphanumeric and underscores/dashes)
const validTaskNamePattern = /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/;
// Check if taskName matches the pattern
if (!validTaskNamePattern.test(taskName)) {
// Handle invalid taskName, e.g., throw an error or return null
throw new Error(
"Invalid task name. Task name should contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores/dashes."
// eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return
async receiveMessage(message) {
switch ( {
case "MLEngine:Ready":
if (lazy.EngineProcess.resolveMLEngineParent) {
} else {
"Expected #resolveMLEngineParent to exist when then ML Engine is ready."
case "MLEngine:GetWasmArrayBuffer":
return MLEngineParent.getWasmArrayBuffer();
case "MLEngine:GetModelFile":
return this.getModelFile(;
case "MLEngine:GetInferenceProcessInfo":
return lazy.getInferenceProcessInfo();
case "MLEngine:DestroyEngineProcess":
lazy.EngineProcess.destroyMLEngine().catch(error =>
case "MLEngine:GetInferenceOptions":
return MLEngineParent.getInferenceOptions(
case "MLEngine:Removed":
if (!message.json.replacement) {
// when receiving this message from the child, we know it's not a replacement.
await MLEngine.removeInstance(
/* replacement */ false
* Deletes all previous revisions for the current task and model used by the engine.
* @returns {Promise<void>}
async deletePreviousModelRevisions() {
if (!this.modelHub) {
"Ignored attempt to delete previous models when the engine is not fully initialized."
const deletePromises = [];
for (const [
{ taskName, model, revision },
] of this.#modelFilesInUse.entries()) {
lazy.console.debug("Deleting previous version for ", {
targetRevision: revision,
.then(() => this.#modelFilesInUse.delete(key))
await Promise.all(deletePromises);
* Retrieves a model file as an ArrayBuffer from the specified URL.
* This function normalizes the URL, extracts the organization, model name, and file path,
* then fetches the model file using the ModelHub API. The `modelHub` instance is created
* only once and reused for subsequent calls to optimize performance.
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} config.engineId - The engine id.
* @param {string} config.taskName - name of the inference task.
* @param {string} config.url - The URL of the model file to fetch. Can be a path relative to
* the model hub root or an absolute URL.
* @param {string} config.rootUrl - The URL of the model file to fetch. Can be a path relative to
* the model hub root or an absolute URL.
* @param {string} config.urlTemplate - The URL of the model file to fetch. Can be a path relative to
* the model hub root or an absolute URL.
* @returns {Promise<[ArrayBuffer, object]>} The file content and headers
async getModelFile({ engineId, taskName, url, rootUrl, urlTemplate }) {
// Create the model hub instance if needed
if (!this.modelHub) {
lazy.console.debug("Creating model hub instance");
this.modelHub = new lazy.ModelHub({
allowDenyList: await MLEngineParent.getAllowDenyList(),
if (url.startsWith(rootUrl)) {
url = url.slice(rootUrl.length);
// Make sure we get a front slash
if (!url.startsWith("/")) {
url = `/${url}`;
// Parsing url to get model name, and file path.
// if this errors out, it will be caught in the worker
const parsedUrl = this.modelHub.parseUrl(url, { rootUrl, urlTemplate });
const [data, headers] = await this.modelHub.getModelFileAsArrayBuffer({
modelHubRootUrl: rootUrl,
modelHubUrlTemplate: urlTemplate,
progressCallback: this.notificationsCallback?.bind(this),
// Keep the latest revision for each task, model
this.#modelFilesInUse.set(`${taskName}-${parsedUrl.model}`, {
`Model ${parsedUrl.model} was fetched from ${url}, size ${Math.round(
data.byteLength / (1024 * 1024)
return [data, headers];
/** Gets the wasm file from remote settings.
* @param {RemoteSettingsClient} client
static async #getWasmArrayRecord(client) {
/** @type {WasmRecord[]} */
const wasmRecords =
await lazy.TranslationsParent.getMaxSupportedVersionRecords(client, {
filters: { name: MLEngineParent.WASM_FILENAME },
minSupportedMajorVersion: MLEngineParent.WASM_MAJOR_VERSION,
maxSupportedMajorVersion: MLEngineParent.WASM_MAJOR_VERSION,
if (wasmRecords.length === 0) {
// The remote settings client provides an empty list of records when there is
// an error.
throw new Error("Unable to get the ML engine from Remote Settings.");
if (wasmRecords.length > 1) {
new Error("Expected the ml engine to only have 1 record."),
const [record] = wasmRecords;
`Using runtime ${}@${record.version}`,
return record;
* Gets the allow/deny list from remote settings
static async getAllowDenyList() {
return MLEngineParent.#getRemoteClient(RS_ALLOW_DENY_COLLECTION).get();
* Gets the inference options from remote settings given a feature id or task name.
* Each feature can store default options in Remote Settings.
* We fallback to taskName if there is no featureId provided.
* @param {string} featureId - id of the feature
* @param {string} taskName - name of the inference task
* @returns {Promise<ModelRevisionRecord>}
static async getInferenceOptions(featureId, taskName) {
const client = MLEngineParent.#getRemoteClient(
let records = featureId ? await client.get({ filters: { featureId } }) : [];
// if the featureId is not in our settings, we fallback to the task name
if (records.length === 0) {
records = await client.get({
filters: {
// if we get more than one entry we error out
if (records.length > 1) {
throw new Error(
`Found more than one inference options record for ${featureId} and ${taskName}`
// if the task name is not in our settings, we just set the onnx runtime filename.
if (records.length === 0) {
return {
runtimeFilename: MLEngineParent.WASM_FILENAME,
const options = records[0];
return {
modelRevision: options.modelRevision,
modelId: options.modelId,
tokenizerRevision: options.tokenizerRevision,
tokenizerId: options.tokenizerId,
processorRevision: options.processorRevision,
processorId: options.processorId,
dtype: options.dtype,
numThreads: options.numThreads,
runtimeFilename: MLEngineParent.WASM_FILENAME,
* Download the wasm for the ML inference engine.
* @returns {Promise<ArrayBuffer>}
static async getWasmArrayBuffer() {
const client = MLEngineParent.#getRemoteClient(RS_RUNTIME_COLLECTION);
if (!MLEngineParent.#wasmRecord) {
// Place the records into a promise to prevent any races.
MLEngineParent.#wasmRecord = MLEngineParent.#getWasmArrayRecord(client);
let wasmRecord;
try {
wasmRecord = await MLEngineParent.#wasmRecord;
if (!wasmRecord) {
return Promise.reject(
"Error: Unable to get the ML engine from Remote Settings."
} catch (error) {
MLEngineParent.#wasmRecord = null;
throw error;
/** @type {{buffer: ArrayBuffer}} */
const { buffer } = await;
return buffer;
* Lazily initializes the RemoteSettingsClient for the downloaded wasm binary data.
* @param {string} collectionName - The name of the collection to use.
* @returns {RemoteSettingsClient}
static #getRemoteClient(collectionName) {
if (MLEngineParent.#remoteClients[collectionName]) {
return MLEngineParent.#remoteClients[collectionName];
/** @type {RemoteSettingsClient} */
const client = lazy.RemoteSettings(collectionName, {
bucketName: "main",
MLEngineParent.#remoteClients[collectionName] = client;
client.on("sync", async ({ data: { created, updated, deleted } }) => {
lazy.console.debug(`"sync" event for ${collectionName}`, {
// Remove all the deleted records.
for (const record of deleted) {
await client.attachments.deleteDownloaded(record);
// Remove any updated records, and download the new ones.
for (const { old: oldRecord } of updated) {
await client.attachments.deleteDownloaded(oldRecord);
// Do nothing for the created records.
return client;
* Gets a status
getStatus() {
return this.sendQuery("MLEngine:GetStatus");
* Send a message to gracefully shutdown all of the ML engines in the engine process.
* This mostly exists for testing the shutdown paths of the code.
forceShutdown() {
return this.sendQuery("MLEngine:ForceShutdown");
* A utility class that manages a main promise for the full response
* and a sequence of chunk promises for incremental parts of the response.
class ResponseOrChunkResolvers {
* Resolver for the main promise (full response).
* @type {object}
* The main promise for the full response.
* @type {Promise}
* Index tracking the next chunk resolver to be returned.
* @type {number}
nextchunkResolverIdx = 0;
* Array of resolvers for incremental chunk promises.
* @type {Array<object>}
chunkResolvers = [];
* Initializes the class with a main promise resolver
* and the first chunk resolver for incremental data.
constructor() {
lazy.console.debug("Initializing ResponseOrChunkResolvers ...");
this.mainResolvers = Promise.withResolvers();
this.promise = this.mainResolvers.promise;
// Initialize the first chunk resolver
* Resolves the main promise with the provided value, indicating the full response is ready.
* @param {*} value - The value to resolve the main promise with (e.g., the complete response data).
resolve(value) {
* Rejects the main promise with the provided reason, indicating that the full response failed.
* @param {*} reason - The reason for rejecting the main promise (e.g., an error).
reject(reason) {
* Returns the promise for the next chunk of the response and advances the internal index.
* Each call retrieves the promise for the next incremental part of the response.
* @returns {Promise} The promise for the next chunk of data.
getAndAdvanceChunkPromise() {
this.nextchunkResolverIdx += 1;
return this.chunkResolvers[this.nextchunkResolverIdx - 1].promise;
* Resolves the current chunk promise with the provided value
* and prepares a new chunk resolver for the next incremental part of the response.
* @param {*} value - The value to resolve the current chunk promise with (e.g., a part of the response data).
resolveChunk(value) {
// Create a new chunk resolver for future chunks
// Resolve the current chunk
this.chunkResolvers[this.chunkResolvers.length - 2].resolve(value);
* Rejects the current chunk promise with the provided reason
* and prepares a new chunk resolver for the next incremental part of the response.
* @param {*} reason - The reason for rejecting the current chunk promise (e.g., an error with this chunk).
rejectChunk(reason) {
// Create a new chunk resolver for future chunks
// Reject the current chunk
this.chunkResolvers[this.chunkResolvers.length - 2].reject(reason);
* The interface to communicate to an MLEngine in the parent process. The engine manages
* its own lifetime, and is kept alive with a timeout. A reference to this engine can
* be retained, but once idle, the engine will be destroyed. If a new request to run
* is sent, the engine will be recreated on demand. This balances the cost of retaining
* potentially large amounts of memory to run models, with the speed and ease of running
* the engine.
* @typedef {object} Request
* @property {?string} id - The identifier for tracking this request. If not provided, an id will be auto-generated. Each inference callback will reference this id.
* @property {any[]} args - The arguments to pass to the pipeline. The required arguments depend on your model. See [Hugging Face Transformers documentation]( for more details.
* @property {?object} options - The generation options to pass to the model. Refer to the [GenerationConfigType documentation]( for available options.
* @property {?Uint8Array} data - For the imagetoText model, this is the array containing the image data.
* @template Response
class MLEngine {
* The cached engines.
* @type {Map<string, MLEngine>}
static #instances = new Map();
* @type {MessagePort | null}
#port = null;
#nextRequestId = 0;
* Tie together a message id to a resolved response.
* @type {Map<number, PromiseWithResolvers<Request>>}
#requests = new Map();
* @type {"uninitialized" | "ready" | "error" | "closed"}
engineStatus = "uninitialized";
* Unique identifier for the engine.
* @type {string}
* Callback to call when receiving an initializing progress status.
* @type {?function(ProgressAndStatusCallbackParams):void}
notificationsCallback = null;
* Removes an instance of the MLEngine with the given engineId.
* @param {string} engineId - The ID of the engine instance to be removed.
* @param {boolean} shutdown - Flag indicating whether to shutdown the engine.
* @param {boolean} replacement - Flag indicating whether the engine is being replaced.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves once the engine is removed.
static async removeInstance(engineId, shutdown, replacement) {
for (const [id, engine] of MLEngine.#instances.entries()) {
if (engine.engineId == engineId) {
await engine.terminate(shutdown, replacement);
* Retrieves an instance of the MLEngine with the given engineId.
* @param {string} engineId - The ID of the engine instance to retrieve.
* @returns {MLEngine|null} The engine instance with the given ID, or null if not found.
static getInstance(engineId) {
return MLEngine.#instances.get(engineId) || null;
* Private constructor for an ML Engine.
* @param {object} config - The configuration object for the instance.
* @param {object} config.mlEngineParent - The parent machine learning engine associated with this instance.
* @param {object} config.pipelineOptions - The options for configuring the pipeline associated with this instance.
* @param {?function(ProgressAndStatusCallbackParams):void} config.notificationsCallback - The initialization progress callback function to call.
constructor({ mlEngineParent, pipelineOptions, notificationsCallback }) {
const engineId = pipelineOptions.engineId; = {};
this.engineId = engineId;
MLEngine.#instances.set(engineId, this);
this.mlEngineParent = mlEngineParent;
this.pipelineOptions = pipelineOptions;
this.notificationsCallback = notificationsCallback;
* Initialize the MLEngine.
* @param {object} config - The configuration object for the instance.
* @param {object} config.mlEngineParent - The parent machine learning engine associated with this instance.
* @param {object} config.pipelineOptions - The options for configuring the pipeline associated with this instance.
* @param {?function(ProgressAndStatusCallbackParams):void} config.notificationsCallback - The initialization progress callback function to call.
static async initialize({
}) {
const mlEngine = new MLEngine({
await mlEngine.setupPortCommunication();
// Delete previous model revisions.
await mlEngine.mlEngineParent.deletePreviousModelRevisions();
return mlEngine;
* Registers an event listener for the specified event.
* @param {string} event - The name of the event.
* @param {Function} listener - The callback function to execute when the event is triggered.
on(event, listener) {
if (![event]) {[event] = [];
* Removes an event listener for the specified event.
* @param {string} event - The name of the event.
* @param {Function} listenerToRemove - The callback function to remove.
off(event, listenerToRemove) {
if (![event]) {
}[event] =[event].filter(
listener => listener !== listenerToRemove
* Emits the specified event, invoking all registered listeners with the provided data.
* @param {string} event - The name of the event.
* @param {*} data - The data to pass to the event listeners.
emit(event, data) {
if (![event]) {
}[event].forEach(listener => listener(data));
* Sets the engine status and emits a statusChanged event.
* @param {"uninitialized" | "ready" | "error" | "closed"} status - The new status of the engine.
setEngineStatus(status) {
this.engineStatus = status;
this.emit("statusChanged", status);
* Create a MessageChannel to communicate with the engine directly.
* And ensure the engine is fully initialized with all required files for the current model version downloaded.
async setupPortCommunication() {
const { port1: childPort, port2: parentPort } = new MessageChannel();
const transferables = [childPort];
this.#port = parentPort;
const newPortResolvers = Promise.withResolvers();
this.#port.onmessage = message =>
this.handlePortMessage(message, newPortResolvers);
port: childPort,
pipelineOptions: this.pipelineOptions.getOptions(),
await newPortResolvers.promise;
* Handles messages received from the port.
* @param {object} event - The message event.
* @param {object} - The data of the message event.
* @param {object} newPortResolvers - An object containing a promise for mlEngine new port setup, along with two functions to resolve or reject it.
handlePortMessage = ({ data }, newPortResolvers) => {
switch (data.type) {
case "EnginePort:EngineReady": {
if (data.error) {
} else {
case "EnginePort:ModelRequest": {
if (this.#port) {
model => {
type: "EnginePort:ModelResponse",
error: null,
error => {
type: "EnginePort:ModelResponse",
model: null,
if (
// Ignore intentional errors in tests.
) {
lazy.console.error("Failed to get the model", error);
} else {
"Expected a port to exist during the EnginePort:GetModel event"
case "EnginePort:RunResponse": {
const { response, error, requestId } = data;
const request = this.#requests.get(requestId);
if (request) {
if (response) {
} else {
} else {
"Could not resolve response in the MLEngineParent",
case "EnginePort:EngineTerminated": {
// The engine was terminated, and if a new run is needed a new port
// will need to be requested.
case "EnginePort:InitProgress": {
if (data.statusResponse.type === lazy.Progress.ProgressType.INFERENCE) {
const requestId = data.statusResponse.metadata.requestId;
const request = this.#requests.get(requestId);
if (request) {
if (data.statusResponse.ok) {
} else {
} else {
"Could not resolve response in the MLEngineParent",
// TODO(aristide) Don't send the chunk data back to the callback
lazy.console.error("Unknown port message from engine", data);
* Discards the current port and closes the connection.
discardPort() {
if (this.#port) {
this.#port.postMessage({ type: "EnginePort:Discard" });
this.#port = null;
* Terminates the engine.
* @param {boolean} shutdown - Flag indicating whether to shutdown the engine.
* @param {boolean} replacement - Flag indicating whether the engine is being replaced.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves once the engine is terminated.
async terminate(shutdown, replacement) {
if (this.#port) {
type: "EnginePort:Terminate",
await this.#waitForStatus("closed");
* Waits for the engine to reach the desired status.
* @param {string} desiredStatus - The desired engine status.
* @returns {Promise<string>} - A promise that resolves when the engine reaches the desired status.
#waitForStatus(desiredStatus) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// Initial check in case the status is already the desired one
if (this.engineStatus === desiredStatus) {
resolve(`Engine status is now ${desiredStatus} `);
let onStatusChanged;
// Set a timeout to reject the promise if the status doesn't change in time
const timeoutId = lazy.setTimeout(() => {"statusChanged", onStatusChanged);
`Timeout after ${TERMINATE_TIMEOUT} ms: Engine status did not reach ${desiredStatus} `
onStatusChanged = status => {
if (status === desiredStatus) {"statusChanged", onStatusChanged);
resolve(`Engine status is now ${desiredStatus} `);
this.on("statusChanged", onStatusChanged);
* Run the inference request
* @param {Request} request
* @returns {Promise<Response>}
run(request) {
const resolvers = Promise.withResolvers();
const requestId = this.#nextRequestId++;
this.#requests.set(requestId, resolvers);
let transferables = [];
if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
type: "EnginePort:Run",
engineRunOptions: { enableInferenceProgress: false },
return resolvers.promise;
* Run the inference request using an async generator function.
* @param {Request} request - The inference request containing the input data.
* @returns {AsyncGenerator<Response, Response, unknown>} An async generator yielding chunks of generated responses.
runWithGenerator = async function* (request) {
// Create a promise to track when the engine has fully completed all runs
const responseChunkResolvers = new ResponseOrChunkResolvers();
const requestId = this.#nextRequestId++;
this.#requests.set(requestId, responseChunkResolvers);
let completed = false;
// Track when the engine is fully completed
const completionPromise = responseChunkResolvers.promise.finally(
results => {
completed = true;
return results;
// Handle transferables for performance optimization
const transferables = [];
if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
// Send the request to the engine via postMessage with optional transferables
type: "EnginePort:Run",
engineRunOptions: { enableInferenceProgress: true },
const timeoutPromise = delay =>
new Promise(resolve =>
lazy.setTimeout(() => resolve({ timeout: true, ok: true }), delay)
let chunkPromise = responseChunkResolvers.getAndAdvanceChunkPromise();
// Loop to yield chunks as they arrive
while (true) {
// Wait for the chunk with a timeout
const chunk = await Promise.race([chunkPromise, timeoutPromise(10)]);
// If there was no timeout we can yield the chunk and move to the next
if (!chunk.timeout) {
yield { text: chunk.metadata.text };
chunkPromise = responseChunkResolvers.getAndAdvanceChunkPromise();
// Warn if the engine completed before receiving all chunks
if (completed) {
"Warning: The run completed before the last chunk was received. The full output may not have been received."
// Check if this is the last chunk or if an error occurred
if (
chunk.statusText === lazy.Progress.ProgressStatusText.DONE ||
) {
// Wait for the engine to fully complete before exiting
return completionPromise;