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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
const { KeyValueService } = ChromeUtils.importESModule(
function run_test() {
async function makeDatabaseDir(name, { mockCorrupted = false } = {}) {
const databaseDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, name);
await IOUtils.makeDirectory(databaseDir);
if (mockCorrupted) {
// Mock a corrupted db.
await IOUtils.write(
PathUtils.join(databaseDir, ""),
new Uint8Array([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
return databaseDir;
const gKeyValueService = Cc[";1"].getService(
add_task(async function getService() {
add_task(async function getOrCreate_defaultRecoveryStrategyError() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("getOrCreate_Error", {
mockCorrupted: true,
await Assert.rejects(
KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db"),
add_task(async function getOrCreateWithOptions_RecoveryStrategyError() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("getOrCreateWithOptions_Error", {
mockCorrupted: true,
await Assert.rejects(
KeyValueService.getOrCreateWithOptions(databaseDir, "db", {
strategy: KeyValueService.RecoveryStrategy.ERROR,
add_task(async function getOrCreateWithOptions_RecoveryStrategyRename() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("getOrCreateWithOptions_Rename", {
mockCorrupted: true,
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreateWithOptions(
strategy: KeyValueService.RecoveryStrategy.RENAME,
await IOUtils.exists(PathUtils.join(databaseDir, "")),
"Expect corrupt file to be found"
add_task(async function getOrCreateWithOptions_RecoveryStrategyDiscard() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("getOrCreateWithOptions_Discard", {
mockCorrupted: true,
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreateWithOptions(
strategy: KeyValueService.RecoveryStrategy.DISCARD,
await IOUtils.exists(PathUtils.join(databaseDir, "")),
"Expect corrupt file to not exist"
add_task(async function getOrCreate() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("getOrCreate");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
// Test creating a database with a nonexistent path.
const nonexistentDir = PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "nonexistent");
await Assert.rejects(
KeyValueService.getOrCreate(nonexistentDir, "db"),
// Test creating a database with a non-normalized but fully-qualified path.
let nonNormalizedDir = await makeDatabaseDir("non-normalized");
nonNormalizedDir = [nonNormalizedDir, "..", ".", "non-normalized"].join(
Services.appinfo.OS === "WINNT" ? "\\" : "/"
Assert.ok(await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(nonNormalizedDir, "db"));
add_task(async function putGetHasDelete() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("putGetHasDelete");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
// Getting key/value pairs that don't exist (yet) returns default values
// or null, depending on whether you specify a default value.
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key", 1), 1);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key", 1.1), 1.1);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key", ""), "");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key", false), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key"), null);
// The put method succeeds without returning a value.
Assert.strictEqual(await database.put("int-key", 1234), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.put("double-key", 56.78), undefined);
await database.put("string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"),
Assert.strictEqual(await database.put("bool-key", true), undefined);
// Getting key/value pairs that exist returns the expected values.
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key", 1), 1234);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key", 1.1), 56.78);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key", ""), "Héllo, wőrld!");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key", false), true);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key"), 1234);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key"), 56.78);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key"), "Héllo, wőrld!");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key"), true);
// The has() method works as expected for both existing and non-existent keys.
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("int-key"), true);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("double-key"), true);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("string-key"), true);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("bool-key"), true);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("nonexistent-key"), false);
// The delete() method succeeds without returning a value.
Assert.strictEqual(await database.delete("int-key"), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.delete("double-key"), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.delete("string-key"), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.delete("bool-key"), undefined);
// The has() method works as expected for a deleted key.
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("int-key"), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("double-key"), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("string-key"), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("bool-key"), false);
// Getting key/value pairs that were deleted returns default values.
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key", 1), 1);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key", 1.1), 1.1);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key", ""), "");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key", false), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key"), null);
add_task(async function putWithResizing() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("putWithResizing");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
// The default store size is 1MB, putting key/value pairs bigger than that
// would trigger auto resizing.
const base = "A humongous string in 32 bytes!!";
const val1M = base.repeat(32768);
const val2M = val1M.repeat(2);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.put("A-1M-value", val1M), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.put("A-2M-value", val2M), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.put("A-32B-value", base), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("A-1M-value"), val1M);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("A-2M-value"), val2M);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("A-32B-value"), base);
add_task(async function largeNumbers() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("largeNumbers");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
const MAX_INT_VARIANT = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1;
const MIN_DOUBLE_VARIANT = Math.pow(2, 31);
await database.put("max-int-variant", MAX_INT_VARIANT);
await database.put("min-double-variant", MIN_DOUBLE_VARIANT);
await database.put("max-safe-integer", Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER);
await database.put("min-safe-integer", Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER);
await database.put("max-value", Number.MAX_VALUE);
await database.put("min-value", Number.MIN_VALUE);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("max-int-variant"), MAX_INT_VARIANT);
await database.get("min-double-variant"),
await database.get("max-safe-integer"),
await database.get("min-safe-integer"),
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("max-value"), Number.MAX_VALUE);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("min-value"), Number.MIN_VALUE);
add_task(async function extendedCharacterKey() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("extendedCharacterKey");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
// Ensure that we can use extended character (i.e. non-ASCII) strings as keys.
await database.put("Héllo, wőrld!", 1);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("Héllo, wőrld!"), true);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("Héllo, wőrld!"), 1);
const enumerator = await database.enumerate();
const { key } = enumerator.getNext();
Assert.strictEqual(key, "Héllo, wőrld!");
await database.delete("Héllo, wőrld!");
add_task(async function clear() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("clear");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
await database.put("int-key", 1234);
await database.put("double-key", 56.78);
await database.put("string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!");
await database.put("bool-key", true);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.clear(), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("int-key"), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("double-key"), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("string-key"), false);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.has("bool-key"), false);
add_task(async function writeManyFailureCases() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("writeManyFailureCases");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
Assert.throws(() => database.writeMany(), /unexpected argument/);
Assert.throws(() => database.writeMany("foo"), /unexpected argument/);
Assert.throws(() => database.writeMany(["foo"]), /unexpected argument/);
add_task(async function writeManyPutOnly() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("writeMany");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
async function test_helper(pairs) {
Assert.strictEqual(await database.writeMany(pairs), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key"), 1234);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key"), 56.78);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key"), "Héllo, wőrld!");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key"), true);
await database.clear();
// writeMany with an empty object is OK
Assert.strictEqual(await database.writeMany({}), undefined);
// writeMany with an object
const pairs = {
"int-key": 1234,
"double-key": 56.78,
"string-key": "Héllo, wőrld!",
"bool-key": true,
await test_helper(pairs);
// writeMany with an array of pairs
const arrayPairs = [
["int-key", 1234],
["double-key", 56.78],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
["bool-key", true],
await test_helper(arrayPairs);
// writeMany with a key/value generator
function* pairMaker() {
yield ["int-key", 1234];
yield ["double-key", 56.78];
yield ["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"];
yield ["bool-key", true];
await test_helper(pairMaker());
// writeMany with a map
const mapPairs = new Map(arrayPairs);
await test_helper(mapPairs);
add_task(async function writeManyLargePairsWithResizing() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("writeManyWithResizing");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
// The default store size is 1MB, putting key/value pairs bigger than that
// would trigger auto resizing.
const base = "A humongous string in 32 bytes!!";
const val1M = base.repeat(32768);
const val2M = val1M.repeat(2);
// writeMany with an object
const pairs = {
"A-1M-value": val1M,
"A-32B-value": base,
"A-2M-value": val2M,
Assert.strictEqual(await database.writeMany(pairs), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("A-1M-value"), val1M);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("A-2M-value"), val2M);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("A-32B-value"), base);
add_task(async function writeManySmallPairsWithResizing() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("writeManyWithResizing");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
// The default store size is 1MB, putting key/value pairs bigger than that
// would trigger auto resizing.
const base = "A humongous string in 32 bytes!!";
const val1K = base.repeat(32);
// writeMany with a key/value generator
function* pairMaker() {
for (let i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
yield [`key-${i}`, val1K];
Assert.strictEqual(await database.writeMany(pairMaker()), undefined);
for (let i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
Assert.ok(await database.has(`key-${i}`));
add_task(async function writeManyDeleteOnly() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("writeManyDeletesOnly");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
// writeMany with an object
const pairs = {
"int-key": 1234,
"double-key": 56.78,
"string-key": "Héllo, wőrld!",
"bool-key": true,
async function test_helper(deletes) {
Assert.strictEqual(await database.writeMany(pairs), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.writeMany(deletes), undefined);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("int-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("double-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("string-key"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("bool-key"), null);
// writeMany with an empty object is OK
Assert.strictEqual(await database.writeMany({}), undefined);
// writeMany with an object
await test_helper({
"int-key": null,
"double-key": null,
"string-key": null,
"bool-key": null,
// writeMany with an array of pairs
const arrayPairs = [
["int-key", null],
["double-key", null],
["string-key", null],
["bool-key", null],
await test_helper(arrayPairs);
// writeMany with a key/value generator
function* pairMaker() {
yield ["int-key", null];
yield ["double-key", null];
yield ["string-key", null];
yield ["bool-key", null];
await test_helper(pairMaker());
// writeMany with a map
const mapPairs = new Map(arrayPairs);
await test_helper(mapPairs);
add_task(async function writeManyPutDelete() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("writeManyPutDelete");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
await database.writeMany([
["key1", "val1"],
["key3", "val3"],
["key4", "val4"],
["key5", "val5"],
await database.writeMany([
["key2", "val2"],
["key4", null],
["key5", null],
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("key1"), "val1");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("key2"), "val2");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("key3"), "val3");
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("key4"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("key5"), null);
await database.clear();
await database.writeMany([
["key1", "val1"],
["key1", null],
["key1", "val11"],
["key1", null],
["key2", null],
["key2", "val2"],
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("key1"), null);
Assert.strictEqual(await database.get("key2"), "val2");
add_task(async function getOrCreateNamedDatabases() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("getOrCreateNamedDatabases");
let fooDB = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "foo");
Assert.ok(fooDB, "retrieval of first named database works");
let barDB = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "bar");
Assert.ok(barDB, "retrieval of second named database works");
let bazDB = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "baz");
Assert.ok(bazDB, "retrieval of third named database works");
// Key/value pairs that are put into a database don't exist in others.
await bazDB.put("key", 1);
Assert.ok(!(await fooDB.has("key")), "the foo DB still doesn't have the key");
await fooDB.put("key", 2);
Assert.ok(!(await barDB.has("key")), "the bar DB still doesn't have the key");
await barDB.put("key", 3);
await bazDB.get("key", 0),
"the baz DB has its KV pair"
await fooDB.get("key", 0),
"the foo DB has its KV pair"
await barDB.get("key", 0),
"the bar DB has its KV pair"
// Key/value pairs that are deleted from a database still exist in other DBs.
await bazDB.delete("key");
await fooDB.get("key", 0),
"the foo DB still has its KV pair"
await fooDB.delete("key");
await barDB.get("key", 0),
"the bar DB still has its KV pair"
await barDB.delete("key");
add_task(async function enumeration() {
const databaseDir = await makeDatabaseDir("enumeration");
const database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(databaseDir, "db");
await database.put("int-key", 1234);
await database.put("double-key", 56.78);
await database.put("string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!");
await database.put("bool-key", true);
async function test(fromKey, toKey, pairs) {
const enumerator = await database.enumerate(fromKey, toKey);
for (const pair of pairs) {
Assert.strictEqual(enumerator.hasMoreElements(), true);
const element = enumerator.getNext();
Assert.strictEqual(element.key, pair[0]);
Assert.strictEqual(element.value, pair[1]);
Assert.strictEqual(enumerator.hasMoreElements(), false);
Assert.throws(() => enumerator.getNext(), /NS_ERROR_FAILURE/);
// Test enumeration without specifying "from" and "to" keys, which should
// enumerate all of the pairs in the database. This test does so explicitly
// by passing "null", "undefined" or "" (empty string) arguments
// for those parameters. The iterator test below also tests this implicitly
// by not specifying arguments for those parameters.
await test(null, null, [
["bool-key", true],
["double-key", 56.78],
["int-key", 1234],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
await test(undefined, undefined, [
["bool-key", true],
["double-key", 56.78],
["int-key", 1234],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
// The implementation doesn't distinguish between a null/undefined value
// and an empty string, so enumerating pairs from "" to "" has the same effect
// as enumerating pairs without specifying from/to keys: it enumerates
// all of the pairs in the database.
await test("", "", [
["bool-key", true],
["double-key", 56.78],
["int-key", 1234],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
// Test enumeration from a key that doesn't exist and is lexicographically
// less than the least key in the database, which should enumerate
// all of the pairs in the database.
await test("aaaaa", null, [
["bool-key", true],
["double-key", 56.78],
["int-key", 1234],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
// Test enumeration from a key that doesn't exist and is lexicographically
// greater than the first key in the database, which should enumerate pairs
// whose key is greater than or equal to the specified key.
await test("ccccc", null, [
["double-key", 56.78],
["int-key", 1234],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
// Test enumeration from a key that does exist, which should enumerate pairs
// whose key is greater than or equal to that key.
await test("int-key", null, [
["int-key", 1234],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
// Test enumeration from a key that doesn't exist and is lexicographically
// greater than the greatest test key in the database, which should enumerate
// none of the pairs in the database.
await test("zzzzz", null, []);
// Test enumeration to a key that doesn't exist and is lexicographically
// greater than the greatest test key in the database, which should enumerate
// all of the pairs in the database.
await test(null, "zzzzz", [
["bool-key", true],
["double-key", 56.78],
["int-key", 1234],
["string-key", "Héllo, wőrld!"],
// Test enumeration to a key that doesn't exist and is lexicographically
// less than the greatest test key in the database, which should enumerate
// pairs whose key is less than the specified key.
await test(null, "ppppp", [
["bool-key", true],
["double-key", 56.78],
["int-key", 1234],
// Test enumeration to a key that does exist, which should enumerate pairs
// whose key is less than that key.
await test(null, "int-key", [
["bool-key", true],
["double-key", 56.78],
// Test enumeration to a key that doesn't exist and is lexicographically
// less than the least key in the database, which should enumerate
// none of the pairs in the database.
await test(null, "aaaaa", []);
// Test enumeration between intermediate keys that don't exist, which should
// enumerate the pairs whose keys lie in between them.
await test("ggggg", "ppppp", [["int-key", 1234]]);
// Test enumeration from a key that exists to the same key, which shouldn't
// enumerate any pairs, because the "to" key is exclusive.
await test("int-key", "int-key", []);
// Test enumeration from a greater key to a lesser one, which should
// enumerate none of the pairs in the database, even if the reverse ordering
// would enumerate some pairs. Consumers are responsible for ordering
// the "from" and "to" keys such that "from" is less than or equal to "to".
await test("ppppp", "ccccc", []);
await test("int-key", "ccccc", []);
await test("ppppp", "int-key", []);
const actual = {};
for (const { key, value } of await database.enumerate()) {
actual[key] = value;
Assert.deepEqual(actual, {
"bool-key": true,
"double-key": 56.78,
"int-key": 1234,
"string-key": "Héllo, wőrld!",
await database.delete("int-key");
await database.delete("double-key");
await database.delete("string-key");
await database.delete("bool-key");