Cargo.toml |
889 |
components.conf |
846 |
kvstore.sys.mjs |
This module wraps the nsIKeyValue* interfaces in a Promise-based API.
To use it, import it, then call the KeyValueService.getOrCreate() method
with a database's path and (optionally) its name:
let { keyValueService } =
let database = await KeyValueService.getOrCreate(path, name);
See the documentation in nsIKeyValue.idl for more information about the API
for key/value storage.
8090 | |
656 |
nsIKeyValue.idl |
The nsIKeyValue* interfaces provide a simple, asynchronous API to a key/value
storage engine. Basic put/get/has/delete operations are supported, as is
enumeration of key/value pairs and the use of multiple named databases within
a single storage directory. Operations have ACID semantics.
This API does not (yet) support transactions, so it will not be appropriate
for all use cases. Extension of this API to support transactions is tracked
by bug 1499238.
The kvstore.sys.mjs module wraps this API in a more idiomatic, Promise-based
JS API that supports async/await. In most cases, you're better off using
that API from JS rather than using this one directly. Bug 1512319 tracks
native support for Promise in Rust-implemented XPCOM methods.
15628 |
nsKeyValueModule.h |
519 |
src |
test |