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// -*- mode: C++ -*-
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef mozilla_glean_Pings_h
#define mozilla_glean_Pings_h
#include "mozilla/glean/bindings/Ping.h"
namespace mozilla::glean_pings {
* Generated from not-baseline.
* This ping is intended to provide metrics that are managed by the library itself, and not explicitly set by the application or included in the application's `metrics.yaml` file. The `baseline` ping is automatically sent when the application is moved to the background.
constexpr glean::impl::Ping NotBaseline(1);
* Generated from not-deletion-request.
* This ping is submitted when a user opts out of sending technical and interaction data to Mozilla. This ping is intended to communicate to the Data Pipeline that the user wishes to have their reported Telemetry data deleted. As such it attempts to send itself at the moment the user opts out of data collection.
constexpr glean::impl::Ping NotDeletionRequest(2);
* Generated from not-events.
* The events ping's purpose is to transport all of the event metric information. The `events` ping is automatically sent when the application is moved to the background.
constexpr glean::impl::Ping NotEvents(3);
* Generated from not-metrics.
* The `metrics` ping is intended for all of the metrics that are explicitly set by the application or are included in the application's `metrics.yaml` file (except events). The reported data is tied to the ping's *measurement window*, which is the time between the collection of two `metrics` ping. Ideally, this window is expected to be about 24 hours, given that the collection is scheduled daily at 4AM. Data in the `ping_info` section of the ping can be used to infer the length of this window.
constexpr glean::impl::Ping NotMetrics(4);
* Generated from not-ohttp.
* A fake OHTTP-using ping
constexpr glean::impl::Ping NotOhttp(5);
* Generated from ridealong-test.
* A fake ping to test ride-along
constexpr glean::impl::Ping RidealongTest(6);
} // namespace mozilla::glean_pings
#endif // mozilla_glean_Pings_h