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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import re
from pathlib import Path
from mach.decorators import Command, CommandArgument, SubCommand
LICENSE_HEADER = """# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
### This file was AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED by `./mach update-glean-tags`
### DO NOT edit it by hand.
Beginning 2024-05-07[1], data reviews for projects in mozilla-central are now
conducted on Phabricator. Simply duplicate your bug URL from the `bugs` list to
the `data_reviews` list in your metrics and pings definitions, and push for code
review in the normal way[2].
More details about this process can be found in the in-tree docs[3] and wiki[4].
If you'd like to generate a Data Review Request template anyway (if, for
instance, you can't use Phabricator for your data review or you need a Data
Review Request to aid in a Sensitive Data Review process. Or you're just
curious), you can invoke glean_parser directly:
./mach python -m glean_parser data-review
description="Describe how Data Review works in mozilla-central",
def data_review(command_context):
# Data Review happens in Phabricator now
# so explain how to do it.
"Creates a list of valid glean tags based on in-tree bugzilla component definitions"
def update_glean_tags(command_context):
import yaml
from mozbuild.backend.configenvironment import ConfigEnvironment
from mozbuild.frontend.reader import BuildReader
config = ConfigEnvironment(
reader = BuildReader(config)
bug_components = set()
for p in reader.read_topsrcdir():
if p.get("BUG_COMPONENT"):
tags_filename = (Path(__file__).parent / "../tags.yaml").resolve()
for bug_component in bug_components:
product = bug_component.product.strip()
component = bug_component.component.strip()
tags["{} :: {}".format(product, component)] = {
"description": "The Bugzilla component which applies to this object."
open(tags_filename, "w").write(
+ yaml.dump(tags, width=78, explicit_start=True)
def replace_in_file(path, pattern, replace):
Replace `pattern` with `replace` in the file `path`.
The file is modified on disk.
Returns `True` if exactly one replacement happened.
`False` otherwise.
import re
with open(path, "r+") as file:
data =
data, subs_made = re.subn(pattern, replace, data, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if subs_made != 1:
return False
return True
def replace_in_file_or_die(path, pattern, replace):
Replace `pattern` with `replace` in the file `path`.
The file is modified on disk.
If not exactly one occurrence of `pattern` was replaced it will exit with exit code 1.
import sys
success = replace_in_file(path, pattern, replace)
if not success:
print(f"ERROR: Failed to replace one occurrence in {path}")
print(f" Pattern: {pattern}")
print(f" Replace: {replace}")
print("File was modified. Check the diff.")
description="Update Glean to the given version",
@CommandArgument("version", help="Glean version to upgrade to")
def update_glean(command_context, version):
import textwrap
topsrcdir = Path(command_context.topsrcdir)
/ "mobile"
/ "android"
/ "android-components"
/ "plugins"
/ "dependencies"
/ "src"
/ "main"
/ "java"
/ "DependenciesPlugin.kt",
r'mozilla_glean = "[0-9.]+"',
f'mozilla_glean = "{version}"',
topsrcdir / "Cargo.toml",
r'^glean = "=[0-9.]+"',
f'glean = "={version}"',
topsrcdir / "gfx" / "wr" / "Cargo.toml",
r'^glean = "=[0-9.]+"',
f'glean = "={version}"',
topsrcdir / "python" / "sites" / "mach.txt",
instructions = f"""
We've edited the necessary files to require Glean SDK {version}.
To ensure Glean and Firefox's other Rust dependencies are appropriately vendored,
please run the following commands:
cargo update -p glean
./mach vendor rust --ignore-modified
`./mach vendor rust` may identify version mismatches.
Please consult the Updating the Glean SDK docs for assistance:
The Glean SDK is already vetted and no additional vetting for it is necessary.
To prune the configuration file after vendoring run:
./mach cargo vet prune
Then, to update webrender which independently relies on the Glean SDK, run:
cd gfx/wr
cargo update -p glean
Then, to ensure all is well, build Firefox and run the FOG tests.
Instructions can be found here:
description="Create a Legacy Telemetry compatible event definition from an existing Glean Event metric.",
help="Append to toolkit/components/telemetry/Events.yaml (note: verify and make any necessary modifications before landing).",
@CommandArgument("event", default=None, nargs="?", type=str, help="Event name.")
def event_into_legacy(command_context, event=None, append=False):
# Get the metrics_index's list of metrics indices
# by loading the index as a module.
import sys
from os import path
sys.path.append(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir))
from metrics_index import metrics_yamls
from translate_events import translate_event
legacy_yaml_path = path.join(
return translate_event(
[Path(command_context.topsrcdir) / x for x in metrics_yamls],
def is_glean_path(glean_path):
Check if the given path could be a Glean repository
by checking for the existence of the right manifest files.
main_cargo = Path(glean_path) / "Cargo.toml"
core_cargo = Path(glean_path) / "glean-core" / "Cargo.toml"
rlb_cargo = Path(glean_path) / "glean-core" / "rlb" / "Cargo.toml"
return main_cargo.is_file() and core_cargo.is_file() and rlb_cargo.is_file()
glean-core = {{ path = "{core_path}" }}
glean = {{ path = "{rlb_path}" }}
glean-core = {{ git = "{repo}", branch = "{branch}" }}
glean = {{ git = "{repo}", branch = "{branch}" }}
TOML_GLEAN_PATCH_RE = re.compile(r"^glean(-core)? = {.+}\n?", re.MULTILINE)
def patch_section(glean_path, branch):
Return the right patch section for a `Cargo.toml` based on the given Glean path.
A `https` URI will be used as a git location and the given branch inserted.
Otherwise it will be treated as a path dependency.
import urllib.parse
uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(glean_path)
if uri.scheme == "https":
section = GLEAN_PATCH_GIT.format(repo=glean_path, branch=branch)
return section
elif uri.scheme == "":
if not is_glean_path(uri.path):
raise Exception(
f"given path '{uri.path}' does not point to a Glean checkout"
core_path = Path(glean_path) / "glean-core"
rlb_path = Path(glean_path) / "glean-core" / "rlb"
section = GLEAN_PATCH_PATH.format(core_path=core_path, rlb_path=rlb_path)
return section
raise Exception("unsupported format. Use a path or a https: URL")
description="Glean utilities",
def glean(command_context):
print(" mach glean dev <path> Use the given URL or path as the Glean source")
print(" mach glean prod Switch back to the normal production use of Glean.")
print(" Removes any patch overrides.")
description="Use the given URL or path as the Glean source",
help="Path or URL to a Glean repository. A patch can be absolute or relative to the mozilla-central root.",
"branch", default="main", nargs="?", help="branch to use for Glean repository"
def glean_dev(command_context, glean_path, branch):
cargo_toml = Path(command_context.topsrcdir) / "Cargo.toml"
content = open(cargo_toml).read()
if, content):
content = re.sub(TOML_GLEAN_PATCH_RE, "", content)
patch = patch_section(glean_path, branch)
glean_source(command_context, cargo_toml, content, patch)
description="Switch back to the normal production use of Glean. Removes any patch overrides.",
def glean_prod(command_context):
cargo_toml = Path(command_context.topsrcdir) / "Cargo.toml"
content = open(cargo_toml).read()
if, content):
content = re.sub(TOML_GLEAN_PATCH_RE, "", content)
glean_source(command_context, cargo_toml, content)
def glean_source(command_context, cargo_toml, content, patch=None):
if patch:
print(f"Adding Cargo patch for Glean in {cargo_toml}")
print(f"Removing Cargo patch for Glean in {cargo_toml}")
with open(cargo_toml, "w") as fp:
if patch:
print("Adding these lines:")
print(patch, file=fp)
print("Vendoring it for you:\n")
print(" mach vendor rust --force --ignore-modified")
print("\nYou can commit the local changes afterwards:\n")
print(" git add Cargo.toml Cargo.lock third_party/rust")
print(" git commit -m 'Local Glean development'")
command_context, "vendor", subcommand="rust", force=True, ignore_modified=True
def run_mach(command_context, cmd, **kwargs):
return command_context._mach_context.commands.dispatch(
cmd, command_context._mach_context, **kwargs