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// -*- mode: C++ -*-
/* This file is auto-generated by
It is only for internal use by types in
toolkit/components/glean/bindings/private */
{# The rendered source is autogenerated, but this
Jinja2 template is not. Please file bugs! #}
#include "mozilla/glean/bindings/{{ probe_type }}GIFFTMap.h"
#include "mozilla/glean/bindings/GleanJSMetricsLookup.h"
#include "mozilla/glean/bindings/jog/JOG.h"
#define DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT ({{runtime_metric_bit}})
#define GLEAN_METRIC_ID(id) ((id) & ((1ULL << {{id_bits}}) - 1))
namespace mozilla::glean {
using Telemetry::{{ probe_type }}ID;
Maybe<{{ probe_type }}ID> {{ probe_type }}IdForMetric(uint32_t aId) {
switch(aId) {
{% for id, (mirror, metric_name) in ids_to_probes.items() %}
case {{ id }}: { // {{ metric_name }}
return Some({{ probe_type }}ID::{{ mirror }});
{% endfor %}
default: {
// Dynamic (runtime-registered) metric. Use its static (compiletime-
// registered) metric's telemetry_mirror mapping.
// ...if applicable.
// Only JS can use dynamic (runtime-registered) metric ids.
auto metricName = JOG::GetMetricName(aId);
// All of these should have names, but the storage only lasts until
// XPCOMWillShutdown, so it might return `Nothing()`.
if (metricName.isSome()) {
auto maybeMetric = MetricByNameLookup(metricName.ref());
if (maybeMetric.isSome()) {
uint32_t staticId = GLEAN_METRIC_ID(maybeMetric.value());
// Let's ensure we don't infinite loop, huh.
MOZ_ASSERT(!(staticId & (1 << DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT)));
return {{ probe_type }}IdForMetric(staticId);
return Nothing();
} // namespace mozilla::glean