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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import os
import pickle
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import cpp
import jinja2
import jog
import rust
from buildconfig import topsrcdir
from glean_parser import lint, metrics, parser, translate, util
from metrics_header_names import convert_yaml_path_to_header_name
from mozbuild.util import FileAvoidWrite, memoize
from util import generate_metric_ids
import js
def get_deps():
# Any imported python module is added as a dep automatically,
# so we only need the index and the templates.
return {
*[str(p) for p in (Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / "templates").iterdir()],
class ParserError(Exception):
"""Thrown from parse if something goes wrong"""
"Event": ["event"],
"Histogram": [
"Scalar": [
def get_parser_options(moz_app_version, is_local_build):
app_version_major = moz_app_version.split(".", 1)[0]
return {
"allow_reserved": False,
"expire_by_version": int(app_version_major),
"is_local_build": is_local_build,
def parse(args, interesting_yamls=None):
Parse and lint the input files,
then return the parsed objects for further processing.
:param interesting_yamls: If set, the "opt-in" list of metrics to actually
collect. Other metrics not listed in files in this list will be marked
disabled and thus not collected (only built).
fast_rebuild = args[-1] == "--fast-rebuild"
if fast_rebuild:
args = args[:-1]
yaml_array = args[:-1]
if all(arg.endswith(".cached") for arg in yaml_array):
objects = dict()
options = None
for cache_file in yaml_array:
with open(cache_file, "rb") as cache:
cached_objects, cached_options = pickle.load(cache)
assert (
options is None or cached_options == options
), "consistent options"
options = options or cached_options
return objects, options
# Unfortunately, GeneratedFile appends `flags` directly after `inputs`
# instead of listifying either, so we need to pull stuff from a *args.
moz_app_version = args[-1]
input_files = [Path(x) for x in yaml_array]
options = get_parser_options(moz_app_version, fast_rebuild)
if interesting_yamls:
# We need to make these paths absolute here. They are used from at least
# two different contexts.
interesting = [Path(os.path.join(topsrcdir, x)) for x in interesting_yamls]
options.update({"interesting": interesting})
return parse_with_options(input_files, options)
def parse_with_options(input_files, options):
# Derived heavily from glean_parser.translate.translate.
# Adapted to how mozbuild sends us a fd, and to expire on versions not dates.
all_objs = parser.parse_objects(input_files, options)
if util.report_validation_errors(all_objs):
raise ParserError("found validation errors during parse")
nits = lint.lint_metrics(all_objs.value, options)
if nits is not None and any(nit.check_name != "EXPIRED" for nit in nits):
# Treat Warnings as Errors in FOG.
# But don't fail the whole build on expired metrics (it blocks testing).
raise ParserError("glinter nits found during parse")
objects = all_objs.value
return objects, options
def main(cpp_fd, *args):
def open_output(filename):
return FileAvoidWrite(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, filename))
all_objs, options = parse(args)
all_metric_header_files = {}
for category_name in all_objs.keys():
if category_name in ["pings", "tags"]:
for name, metric in all_objs[category_name].items():
filepath = metric.defined_in["filepath"].replace("\\", "/")
if not (filepath.startswith(topsrcdir) and filepath.endswith(".yaml")):
raise ParserError("Unexpected path" + filepath)
filename = convert_yaml_path_to_header_name(filepath[len(topsrcdir) + 1 :])
if not filename in all_metric_header_files:
all_metric_header_files[filename] = {}
if not category_name in all_metric_header_files[filename]:
all_metric_header_files[filename][category_name] = {}
all_metric_header_files[filename][category_name][name] = metric
get_metric_id = generate_metric_ids(all_objs, options)
for header_name, objs in all_metric_header_files.items():
if header_name == "GleanMetrics"
else open_output(header_name + ".h")
{"header_name": header_name, "get_metric_id": get_metric_id},
return get_deps()
def js_metrics(js_cpp_fd, *args):
def open_output(filename):
return FileAvoidWrite(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, filename))
js_h_path = args[-1]
args = args[:-1]
all_objs, options = parse(args)
with open_output(js_h_path) as js_fd:
js.output_js(all_objs, js_fd, js_cpp_fd, options)
return get_deps()
def rust_metrics(rust_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
# We only need this info if we're dealing with pings.
ping_names_by_app_id = {}
rust.output_rust(all_objs, rust_fd, ping_names_by_app_id, options)
return get_deps()
def pings(cpp_fd, *args):
def open_output(filename):
return FileAvoidWrite(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, filename))
[js_h_path, js_cpp_path, rust_path] = args[-3:]
args = args[:-3]
all_objs, options = parse(args)
cpp.output_cpp(all_objs, cpp_fd, options)
with open_output(js_h_path) as js_fd:
with open_output(js_cpp_path) as js_cpp_fd:
js.output_js(all_objs, js_fd, js_cpp_fd, options)
ping_names_by_app_id = {}
from os import path
sys.path.append(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir, path.pardir))
from metrics_index import pings_by_app_id
for app_id, ping_yamls in pings_by_app_id.items():
input_files = [Path(path.join(topsrcdir, x)) for x in ping_yamls]
ping_objs, _ = parse_with_options(input_files, options)
ping_names_by_app_id[app_id] = sorted(ping_objs["pings"].keys())
with open_output(rust_path) as rust_fd:
rust.output_rust(all_objs, rust_fd, ping_names_by_app_id, options)
return get_deps()
def gifft_map(output_fd, *args):
probe_type = args[-1]
args = args[:-1]
all_objs, options = parse(args)
# Events also need to output maps from event extra enum to strings.
# Sadly we need to generate code for all possible events, not just mirrored.
# Otherwise we won't compile.
if probe_type == "Event":
output_path = Path(os.path.dirname(
with FileAvoidWrite(output_path / "EventExtraGIFFTMaps.cpp") as cpp_fd:
output_gifft_map(output_fd, probe_type, all_objs, cpp_fd, options)
output_gifft_map(output_fd, probe_type, all_objs, None, options)
return get_deps()
def output_gifft_map(output_fd, probe_type, all_objs, cpp_fd, options):
get_metric_id = generate_metric_ids(all_objs, options)
ids_to_probes = {}
for category_name, objs in all_objs.items():
for metric in objs.values():
if (
hasattr(metric, "telemetry_mirror")
and metric.telemetry_mirror is not None
if metric.type in ["counter", "labeled_counter"]:
# These types map to Scalars... unless prefixed with `h#`,
# then they map to Histograms.
if (
probe_type == "Histogram"
and not metric.telemetry_mirror.startswith("h#")
or probe_type != "Histogram"
and metric.telemetry_mirror.startswith("h#")
info = (
if metric.type in GIFFT_TYPES[probe_type]:
if any(
metric.telemetry_mirror == value[0]
for value in ids_to_probes.values()
f"Telemetry mirror {metric.telemetry_mirror} already registered",
ids_to_probes[get_metric_id(metric)] = info
# If we don't support a mirror for this metric type: build error.
elif not any(
metric.type in types_for_probe
for types_for_probe in GIFFT_TYPES.values()
f"Glean metric {category_name}.{} is of type {metric.type}"
" which can't be mirrored (we don't know how).",
# We only support mirrors for lifetime: ping
# If you understand and are okay with how Legacy Telemetry has no
# mechanism to which to mirror non-ping lifetimes,
# you may use `no_lint: [GIFFT_NON_PING_LIFETIME]`
elif (
metric.lifetime !=
and "GIFFT_NON_PING_LIFETIME" not in metric.no_lint
f"Glean lifetime semantics are not mirrored. {category_name}.{}'s lifetime of {metric.lifetime} is not supported.",
env = jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.PackageLoader("run_glean_parser", "templates"),
env.filters["snake_case"] = lambda value: value.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
env.filters["Camelize"] = util.Camelize
template = env.get_template("gifft.jinja2")
def jog_factory(output_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
jog.output_factory(all_objs, output_fd, options)
return get_deps()
def jog_file(output_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
jog.output_file(all_objs, output_fd, options)
return get_deps()
def ohttp_pings(output_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
ohttp_pings = []
for ping in all_objs["pings"].values():
if ping.metadata.get("use_ohttp", False):
if ping.include_info_sections:
raise ParserError(
"Cannot send pings with OHTTP that contain {client|ping}_info sections. Specify `metadata: include_info_sections: false`"
env = jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.PackageLoader("run_glean_parser", "templates"),
env.filters["quote_and_join"] = lambda l: "\n| ".join(f'"{x}"' for x in l)
template = env.get_template("ohttp.jinja2")
return get_deps()
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(sys.stdout, *sys.argv[1:])