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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
import os
import pickle
import sys
from pathlib import Path
import cpp
import jinja2
import jog
import rust
from buildconfig import topsrcdir
from glean_parser import lint, metrics, parser, translate, util
from metrics_header_names import convert_yaml_path_to_header_name
from mozbuild.util import FileAvoidWrite, memoize
from util import generate_metric_ids
import js
def get_deps():
# Any imported python module is added as a dep automatically,
# so we only need the index and the templates.
return {
*[str(p) for p in (Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / "templates").iterdir()],
class ParserError(Exception):
"""Thrown from parse if something goes wrong"""
"Event": ["event"],
"Histogram": [
"Scalar": [
def get_parser_options(moz_app_version, is_local_build):
app_version_major = moz_app_version.split(".", 1)[0]
return {
"allow_reserved": False,
"expire_by_version": int(app_version_major),
"is_local_build": is_local_build,
def parse(args, interesting_yamls=None):
Parse and lint the input files,
then return the parsed objects for further processing.
:param interesting_yamls: If set, the "opt-in" list of metrics to actually
collect. Other metrics not listed in files in this list will be marked
disabled and thus not collected (only built).
fast_rebuild = args[-1] == "--fast-rebuild"
if fast_rebuild:
args = args[:-1]
yaml_array = args[:-1]
if all(arg.endswith(".cached") for arg in yaml_array):
objects = dict()
options = None
for cache_file in yaml_array:
with open(cache_file, "rb") as cache:
cached_objects, cached_options = pickle.load(cache)
assert (
options is None or cached_options == options
), "consistent options"
options = options or cached_options
return objects, options
# Unfortunately, GeneratedFile appends `flags` directly after `inputs`
# instead of listifying either, so we need to pull stuff from a *args.
moz_app_version = args[-1]
input_files = [Path(x) for x in yaml_array]
options = get_parser_options(moz_app_version, fast_rebuild)
if interesting_yamls:
# We need to make these paths absolute here. They are used from at least
# two different contexts.
interesting = [Path(os.path.join(topsrcdir, x)) for x in interesting_yamls]
options.update({"interesting": interesting})
return parse_with_options(input_files, options)
def parse_with_options(input_files, options):
# Derived heavily from glean_parser.translate.translate.
# Adapted to how mozbuild sends us a fd, and to expire on versions not dates.
all_objs = parser.parse_objects(input_files, options)
if util.report_validation_errors(all_objs):
raise ParserError("found validation errors during parse")
nits = lint.lint_metrics(all_objs.value, options)
if nits is not None and any(nit.check_name != "EXPIRED" for nit in nits):
# Treat Warnings as Errors in FOG.
# But don't fail the whole build on expired metrics (it blocks testing).
raise ParserError("glinter nits found during parse")
objects = all_objs.value
return objects, options
def main(cpp_fd, *args):
def open_output(filename):
return FileAvoidWrite(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, filename))
all_objs, options = parse(args)
all_metric_header_files = {}
for category_name in all_objs.keys():
if category_name in ["pings", "tags"]:
for name, metric in all_objs[category_name].items():
filepath = metric.defined_in["filepath"].replace("\\", "/")
if not (filepath.startswith(topsrcdir) and filepath.endswith(".yaml")):
raise ParserError("Unexpected path" + filepath)
filename = convert_yaml_path_to_header_name(filepath[len(topsrcdir) + 1 :])
if not filename in all_metric_header_files:
all_metric_header_files[filename] = {}
if not category_name in all_metric_header_files[filename]:
all_metric_header_files[filename][category_name] = {}
all_metric_header_files[filename][category_name][name] = metric
get_metric_id = generate_metric_ids(all_objs, options)
for header_name, objs in all_metric_header_files.items():
if header_name == "GleanMetrics"
else open_output(header_name + ".h")
{"header_name": header_name, "get_metric_id": get_metric_id},
return get_deps()
def js_metrics(js_cpp_fd, *args):
def open_output(filename):
return FileAvoidWrite(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, filename))
js_h_path = args[-1]
args = args[:-1]
all_objs, options = parse(args)
with open_output(js_h_path) as js_fd:
js.output_js(all_objs, js_fd, js_cpp_fd, options)
return get_deps()
def rust_metrics(rust_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
# We only need this info if we're dealing with pings.
ping_names_by_app_id = {}
rust.output_rust(all_objs, rust_fd, ping_names_by_app_id, options)
return get_deps()
def pings(cpp_fd, *args):
def open_output(filename):
return FileAvoidWrite(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(, filename))
[js_h_path, js_cpp_path, rust_path] = args[-3:]
args = args[:-3]
all_objs, options = parse(args)
cpp.output_cpp(all_objs, cpp_fd, options)
with open_output(js_h_path) as js_fd:
with open_output(js_cpp_path) as js_cpp_fd:
js.output_js(all_objs, js_fd, js_cpp_fd, options)
ping_names_by_app_id = {}
from os import path
sys.path.append(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), path.pardir, path.pardir))
from metrics_index import pings_by_app_id
for app_id, ping_yamls in pings_by_app_id.items():
input_files = [Path(path.join(topsrcdir, x)) for x in ping_yamls]
ping_objs, _ = parse_with_options(input_files, options)
ping_names_by_app_id[app_id] = sorted(ping_objs["pings"].keys())
with open_output(rust_path) as rust_fd:
rust.output_rust(all_objs, rust_fd, ping_names_by_app_id, options)
return get_deps()
def gifft_map(output_fd, *args):
probe_type = args[-1]
args = args[:-1]
all_objs, options = parse(args)
# Events also need to output maps from event extra enum to strings.
# Sadly we need to generate code for all possible events, not just mirrored.
# Otherwise we won't compile.
if probe_type == "Event":
output_path = Path(os.path.dirname(
with FileAvoidWrite(output_path / "EventExtraGIFFTMaps.cpp") as cpp_fd:
output_gifft_map(output_fd, probe_type, all_objs, cpp_fd, options)
output_gifft_map(output_fd, probe_type, all_objs, None, options)
return get_deps()
def output_gifft_map(output_fd, probe_type, all_objs, cpp_fd, options):
get_metric_id = generate_metric_ids(all_objs, options)
ids_to_probes = {}
for category_name, objs in all_objs.items():
for metric in objs.values():
if (
hasattr(metric, "telemetry_mirror")
and metric.telemetry_mirror is not None
if metric.type in ["counter", "labeled_counter"]:
# These types map to Scalars... unless prefixed with `h#`,
# then they map to Histograms.
if (
probe_type == "Histogram"
and not metric.telemetry_mirror.startswith("h#")
or probe_type != "Histogram"
and metric.telemetry_mirror.startswith("h#")
info = (
if metric.type in GIFFT_TYPES[probe_type]:
if any(
metric.telemetry_mirror == value[0]
for value in ids_to_probes.values()
f"Telemetry mirror {metric.telemetry_mirror} already registered",
ids_to_probes[get_metric_id(metric)] = info
# If we don't support a mirror for this metric type: build error.
elif not any(
metric.type in types_for_probe
for types_for_probe in GIFFT_TYPES.values()
f"Glean metric {category_name}.{} is of type {metric.type}"
" which can't be mirrored (we don't know how).",
# We only support mirrors for lifetime: ping
# If you understand and are okay with how Legacy Telemetry has no
# mechanism to which to mirror non-ping lifetimes,
# you may use `no_lint: [GIFFT_NON_PING_LIFETIME]`
elif (
metric.lifetime !=
and "GIFFT_NON_PING_LIFETIME" not in metric.no_lint
f"Glean lifetime semantics are not mirrored. {category_name}.{}'s lifetime of {metric.lifetime} is not supported.",
env = jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.PackageLoader("run_glean_parser", "templates"),
env.filters["snake_case"] = lambda value: value.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")
env.filters["Camelize"] = util.Camelize
template = env.get_template("gifft.jinja2")
def jog_factory(output_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
jog.output_factory(all_objs, output_fd, options)
return get_deps()
def jog_file(output_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
jog.output_file(all_objs, output_fd, options)
return get_deps()
def ohttp_pings(output_fd, *args):
all_objs, options = parse(args)
ohttp_pings = []
for ping in all_objs["pings"].values():
if ping.metadata.get("use_ohttp", False):
if ping.include_info_sections:
raise ParserError(
"Cannot send pings with OHTTP that contain {client|ping}_info sections. Specify `metadata: include_info_sections: false`"
env = jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.PackageLoader("run_glean_parser", "templates"),
env.filters["quote_and_join"] = lambda l: "\n| ".join(f'"{x}"' for x in l)
template = env.get_template("ohttp.jinja2")
return get_deps()
if __name__ == "__main__":
main(sys.stdout, *sys.argv[1:])