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Outputter to generate C++ code for metrics.
import jinja2
from glean_parser import metrics, util
from mozbuild.util import memoize
from util import generate_metric_ids, generate_ping_ids, get_metrics
def type_name(obj):
Returns the C++ type to use for a given metric object.
if getattr(obj, "labeled", False):
class_name = util.Camelize(obj.type[8:]) # strips "labeled_" off the front.
label_enum = "DynamicLabel"
if obj.labels and len(obj.labels):
label_enum = f"{util.Camelize(}Label"
return f"Labeled<impl::{class_name}Metric, {label_enum}>"
generate_enums = getattr(obj, "_generate_enums", []) # Extra Keys? Reasons?
if len(generate_enums):
for name, _ in generate_enums:
if not len(getattr(obj, name)) and isinstance(obj, metrics.Event):
return util.Camelize(obj.type) + "Metric<NoExtraKeys>"
# we always use the `extra` suffix,
# because we only expose the new event API
suffix = "Extra"
return "{}Metric<{}>".format(
util.Camelize(obj.type), util.Camelize( + suffix
return util.Camelize(obj.type) + "Metric"
def extra_type_name(typ: str) -> str:
Returns the corresponding Rust type for event's extra key types.
if typ == "boolean":
return "bool"
elif typ == "string":
return "nsCString"
elif typ == "quantity":
return "uint32_t"
def get_metrics_template(get_metric_id):
return util.get_jinja2_template(
("snake_case", lambda value: value.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")),
("type_name", type_name),
("extra_type_name", extra_type_name),
("metric_id", get_metric_id),
def output_cpp(objs, output_fd, options={}):
Given a tree of objects, output C++ code to the file-like object `output_fd`.
:param objs: A tree of objects (metrics and pings) as returned from
:param output_fd: Writeable file to write the output to.
:param options: options dictionary.
# Monkeypatch util.get_jinja2_template to find templates nearby
def get_local_template(template_name, filters=()):
env = jinja2.Environment(
loader=jinja2.PackageLoader("cpp", "templates"),
env.filters["camelize"] = util.camelize
env.filters["Camelize"] = util.Camelize
for filter_name, filter_func in filters:
env.filters[filter_name] = filter_func
return env.get_template(template_name)
util.get_jinja2_template = get_local_template
if "pings" in objs:
template = util.get_jinja2_template(
filters=(("ping_id", generate_ping_ids(objs)),),
if objs.get("tags"):
del objs["tags"]
template = get_metrics_template(
if "get_metric_id" in options
else generate_metric_ids(objs, options)
objs = get_metrics(objs)
output_fd.write(template.render(all_objs=objs, options=options))