Name Description Size
Boolean.cpp 2191
Boolean.h Set to the specified boolean value. @param aValue the value to set. 2212
Common.cpp from private window 1289
Common.h Dumps a log message to the Browser Console using the provided level. @param aLogLevel The level to use when displaying the message in the browser console (e.g. nsIScriptError::warningFlag, ...). @param aMsg The text message to print to the console. 817
Counter.cpp virtual 2348
Counter.h Increases the counter by `amount`. @param aAmount The amount to increase by. Should be positive. 2271
CustomDistribution.cpp virtual 5603
CustomDistribution.h Accumulates the provided samples in the metric. @param aSamples The vector holding the samples to be recorded by the metric. 3519
Datetime.cpp virtual 4162
Datetime.h Set the datetime to the provided value, or the local now. @param amount The date value to set. 2401
Denominator.cpp virtual 1961
Denominator.h Increases the counter by `amount`. @param aAmount The amount to increase by. Should be positive. 2315
DistributionData.h Create distribution data from the buckets, counts and sum, as returned by `fog_*_distribution_test_get_value`. 1657
Event.cpp virtual 3415
Event.h Represents the recorded data for a single event 6201
Labeled.cpp 2176
Labeled.h Gets a specific metric for a given label. If a set of acceptable labels were specified in the `metrics.yaml` file, and the given label is not in the set, it will be recorded under the special `OTHER_LABEL` label. If a set of acceptable labels was not specified in the `metrics.yaml` file, only the first 16 unique labels will be used. After that, any additional labels will be recorded under the special `OTHER_LABEL` label. @param aLabel - a snake_case string under 30 characters in length, otherwise the metric will be recorded under the special `OTHER_LABEL` label and an error will be recorded. 14666
MemoryDistribution.cpp virtual 3334
MemoryDistribution.h Accumulates the provided sample in the metric. @param aSample The sample to be recorded by the metric. The sample is assumed to be in the confgured memory unit of the metric. Notes: Values bigger than 1 Terabyte (2^40 bytes) are truncated and an InvalidValue error is recorded. 2767
Numerator.cpp virtual 2306
Numerator.h Increases the numerator by `amount`. @param aAmount The amount to increase by. Should be positive. 2552
Object.cpp virtual 2479
Object.h TODO(bug 1881023): Turn this into the public C++ API 2748
Ping.cpp 2625
Ping.h Collect and submit the ping for eventual upload. This will collect all stored data to be included in the ping. Data with lifetime `ping` will then be reset. If the ping is configured with `send_if_empty = false` and the ping currently contains no content, it will not be queued for upload. If the ping is configured with `send_if_empty = true` it will be queued for upload even if empty. Pings always contain the `ping_info` and `client_info` sections. See [ping sections]( for details. @param aReason - Optional. The reason the ping is being submitted. Must match one of the configured `reason_codes`. 2437
Quantity.cpp virtual 2134
Quantity.h Set to the specified value. @param aValue the value to set. 2164
Rate.cpp virtual 2615
Rate.h Increases the numerator by `amount`. @param aAmount The amount to increase by. Should be positive. 2617
String.cpp virtual 2139
String.h Set to the specified value. Truncates the value if it is longer than 100 bytes and logs an error. See @param aValue The string to set the metric to. 2397
StringList.cpp virtual 2642
StringList.h Adds a new string to the list. Truncates the value if it is longer than 50 bytes and logs an error. @param aValue The string to add. 2823
Text.cpp virtual 1843
Text.h 1442
Timespan.cpp 6196
Timespan.h Start tracking time for the provided metric. This records an error if it’s already tracking time (i.e. start was already called with no corresponding [stop]): in that case the original start time will be preserved. 3188
TimingDistribution.cpp 15244
TimingDistribution.h Starts tracking time for the provided metric. @returns A unique TimerId for the new timer 4280
Url.cpp virtual 1969
Url.h Set to the specified value. @param aValue The stringified Url to set the metric to. 2214
Uuid.cpp virtual 2290
Uuid.h Sets to the specified value. @param aValue The UUID to set the metric to. 2352