Name Description Size
Category.cpp 2653
Category.h mozilla_glean_Category_h 1435
EventGIFFTMap.h 640
Glean.cpp 3856
Glean.h Test-only method. Set whether we should treat runtime-registered metrics as the comprehensive list of all metrics, or whether compile-time-registered metrics are allowed to count too. Allows us to test Artifact Build support flexibly. 1742
GleanMetric.cpp 4347
GleanMetric.h mozilla_glean_GleanMetric_h 1941
GleanPings.cpp 2934
GleanPings.h mozilla_glean_GleanPings 1320
HistogramGIFFTMap.h 664
MetricTypes.h 1183
ScalarGIFFTMap.h 830